We make an international call to all sectors of the People in Colombia and the world, in order to show solidarity with Sergio Andrés Pastor Gonzalez (19) referent of the 1st. Línea in Colombia, given that it is going through a serious health situation.

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By Simon Gallagher - La Marx US
The reformist left collapses in Germany
By Jose Miguel Gándara Carretero (La Marx Spain) and Daniel Campos (La Marx International)
From José Miguel Gándara C. La Marx España
Friedrich Engels. The eternal comrade
By José Miguel Gándara C. La Marx Spain
By Simon Gallagher - La Marx US
In a dramatic twist, at around 8 a.m. on August 6, 2024, the Ukrainian army entered the territory of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation and in a few days took control of more than 70 villages, including where the Gazprom gas pipeline is located Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhhorod which transports around 14,650 million cubic meters of gas to Europe.
A great revolutionary triumph has been achieved by the workers and people of Bangladesh by ending the dictatorial regime of Sheikh Hasina Wazed and the Awami League in the eighth most populous country in the world. The departure of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina means a very important revolutionary triumph at a time when the world situation has its...
The Progressive International (PI) led by Bernie Sanders of the Democratic Party of the United States and Alexis Tsipras of Syriza of Greece has launched a global campaign that "the right and fascism are coming". This campaign, promoted by opinionologists, journalists, analysts, capitalist mass media, all kinds of charlatans and 99% of the world...