The Women's Revolution of the 21st Century


From Women of La Marx we prepared this document, illustrating the struggle that women have led in a permanent revolution, over the course of centuries. Throughout history, we have obtained conquests and demands, with mobilizations that gradually stopped being a vanguard to become a mass process, with the objective of destroying patriarchy and oppression, in a progressive awareness, in order to abolish the capitalist system, through the revolution of the most oppressed people and sectors, to open the way to the global socialist system.
Today we raise our fists together with all the women who have achieved conquests over the centuries. From the 18th century with Enlightenment Feminism in the French Revolution, which demanded the inclusion of women in intellectual and political spheres, then with Suffragette Feminism in the mid-19th century until the 20th century, which promoted women's rights. women to vote. Then advancing with the revolutions of the 1960s until the end of 1980, which questioned patriarchy and inserted the debate on female sexuality, violence against women, female health, abortion and the diversity of the sexes.
And today in the 21st century with the revolution that aims to abolish the capitalist and patriarchal system, in which we denounce violence against women and the most oppressed sectors, disappearances due to trafficking, which leads to sexual exploitation and femicides, like all capitalist governments with their bourgeois institutions, which act in collusion maintaining impunity.
This fight was not easy for us given that we have been victims of persecutions, massacres and genocides, such as in the "Holy Inquisition", one promoted by Pope Alexander IV in the 13th century, where more than 60,000 women were sentenced to death, accused of being human beings. evil and devil worshipers who had to be "purified" through fire. We take as a reference for this intervention, the Bolshevik and revolutionary comrades, Inessa Armand, Russian revolutionary, leader of the Women's Department and the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party 1917, who stated: "Under the bourgeois regime, the worker is deprived of the few political rights that are granted to the worker. In the factory, in the workshop, she is even more oppressed, more exploited than the worker, because the boss uses his power to oppress her not only in its capacity as a proletarian, but also to inflict all kinds of outrages and violence on it.... ¨nowhere or at any time has prostitution, the most repugnant, the most hateful phenomenon of the wage slavery of the proletariat, spread so scandalously as under the reign of capitalism..."
workers, the peasants, are slaves in the family not only because the
power of the husband weighs on them, but also because the factory, which
tears them away from their family home, does not at the same time free
them from the worries of motherhood and domestic economy, thereby
transforming that motherhood into a heavy, unbearable cross. As
long as bourgeois power exists, the worker, the peasant, will not be
able to escape from that triple servitude, which is the basis on which
the capitalist regime rests and without which it cannot exist" (in the
Magazine The Worker in the Soviet Revolution) .
Aleksandra Mikhailovna Kolontai, organizers of the First All-Russian Congress of Working Women. Called the Women's Department in 1917, "...the work of demolishing the social slavery of women as it was then called, was carried out through the great workers' revolution. Working and peasant women participated in the great struggle for liberation on equal terms with men: "The specializations aimed at the female sex diminished the structure based on its two pillars, private property and class government. The great fire of the insurrection of the world proletariat called on women to leave their cake molds and enter the arena of the barricade, in the fight for freedom.
These Bolshevik women led the Russian Revolution of 1917 and were at the forefront, raising a revolutionary and class program against exploitation and oppression, a program that we must vindicate and continue, until the seizure of proletarian power.
For bourgeois, reactionary and religious historians, the history of humanity is the history of the male sex. For them, everything was done by men and women fulfilled a secondary, "collaborative" role , without any important function in human progress. For the Bible, woman emerges from the "Rib of Adam" , man creates woman. And the Woman rewards him by giving him the apple in collaboration with the serpent, she incites him to sin.
All religions, in their sexist and patriarchal character, place women in history in the role of sinners, witches, lascivious, close to the devil, slaves and only good for procreating. The bourgeois liberals paint us a History of Humanity directed by Moses, Alexander the Great, Nero, Darius the Persian, Pope Gregory VII, Columbus, Caligula, Luther, Napoleon, Da Vinci, Washington, Shakespeare, etc., a story starring men and therefore, made by men. This history that is presented to us and taught in schools and churches is just a caricature of the true history of Humanity. It is a sexist story without any scientific basis. The History of women, and therefore of humanity, is very different from how it is painted by medieval kings and historians, the Heads of the Inquisition.

Marxism, the History of Humanity is based on science, on the findings
of the different branches of Social Sciences, Anthropology,
Paleontology, Political Economy, Geography, Linguistics, Social
Psychology, etc. The
findings and discoveries of these scientific disciplines in combination
with Historical Materialism, that is, with Marxism as a science of
History, based on Economy, social classes and class struggle; It
is how we arrive at a true history of Humanity, in which Women play a
completely different role than the one assigned to them by the scribes
of the Middle Ages and capitalism. The first element that "official historiography" denies is the existence of oppression.
But for Marxism, the oppression of women is a central element in the history of Humanity. We agree with the anthropological evidence, the historical perspective and the socioeconomic analysis formulated by Karl Marx and Federico Engels, in classic works such as "The Holy Family" of 1844, the "Communist Manifesto" of 1848 or, "The Origin of the Family, private property and the state", from 1884, among other works.
This is the scientific, logical, consistent and historically evident explanation of our past. Engels
does not attribute the battle between the sexes to any instinct of evil
in one gender, but to the development of productive forces and the
impact it had on social structure, culture, and family formation. For
Marxism, the different personal, family and sexual relationships are
diverse, historical, transitory and not biological, cultural or
psychological absolutes. The
form of the family is ultimately determined by economics, by property
relations, and thus changes through history as social systems replace
one another.
Matriarchy: Basis of the emergence of Human Society
Women's position in society comes directly from their role in social production, not biology. In primitive societies, women played the same role as men in social production, which is why they had the same conditions as men. All members of the tribe or clan had to work to ensure survival regardless of their gender or sex, therefore, the contribution of each person was considered valuable to the entire community.
For Marxism, this stage of Humanity is called primitive Communism, and it is a period that covers approximately 100 thousand years, according to the latest discoveries of Paleontology (3) During this entire period there was a sexual division of labor, but there was no private property of the means of production and exchange, that is, the value and existing goods were the property of all members of the tribe, or primitive community. Since there was no private ownership of the Means of Production and Exchange, social classes did not exist, men and women worked together and the women took care of the camp through the collective process of domestic work, while the men hunted, fished and cared for the cattle away from the camp.
work in the collective process of administration of the camp,
resources, distribution of goods, child care and domestic work, allowed
women to create and perpetuate the sciences of medicine, agriculture,
astronomy, meteorology, architecture, as well as development of
language, codes and the first laws of government. Women
taught men to predict climate changes, to practice the skills necessary
for agriculture, the numerous arts, including oratory, music, dance,
and artistic language. Women developed the fundamental basis on which all subsequent human cultural evolution was based. The
female weight in the social structure was such that lineage and
inheritance of personal possessions were established through the female

The development of Primitive Communism had as a political regime complete democracy and equal decision-making power among the members of the tribe. The tribes were organized through the maternal line; That is, relationships were established by the degree of closeness to mothers and sisters. This hegemony of female community kinship groups, their predominance in the development of productive forces, in addition to the social and political role in the evolution of these first social structures in the History of Humanity, is what is called Matriarchy.
The existence of the Matriarchy is verifiable by the vast body of scientific evidence provided by Paleontology and Anthropology that includes goods, fossils, artifacts, art, ancient literature, the evolution of mythology and, in some tribes, the existence until today of vestiges of a system of blood relations based on maternal right. Matriarchy was the first support of human civilization, it made the development of our species possible for millions of years, and it did so based on a model of egalitarian human relations; with women as respected leaders, children raised collectively, sexual freedom, including homosexuality, and an economic, social and cultural development that constitutes the entire basis of the human race.
The Origin of Women's Oppression: Patriarchy Arises
The Matriarchy allowed societies to overcome the stage of life based on hunting and fishing, and to establish a more solid and less precarious agricultural regime, which implied an important change in the development of productive forces, and the economy of the first societies. Economic and social development allowed social work to leave a surplus of production and goods as a product. As societies achieved stable production, the domestication of livestock was achieved, as well as the collection of grains and materials that allowed agricultural and livestock development.
This period of humanity known as barbarism was the final stage of Primitive Communism, and lasted for thousands of years as a fundamentally peasant society. In the social division of labor, general administration continued in the hands of women, but the care of the surplus began. to be a cause of dispute. The herds were cared for by men and the work of administration and distribution of livestock assets gradually passed from female hands to male hands.
As the size of the herds increased, there was eventually a surplus in animal production that surpassed the tribe's basic needs. The
beginning of the administration of animals, and the activity of barter
between the tribes in the exchange of products gave rise to the first
commercial exchanges, and also gave rise to reasons for dispute over the
admiration and exchange of animals and agricultural surpluses. At
first in a precarious way, herds of animals being mobile and
interchangeable as well as agricultural surpluses, they acted as the
first money-commodities.
As a result of the accumulation of said money, men became owners of more and more goods, which were the product of the work of the entire tribe. With the appropriation of the goods produced by the entire tribe by a small male sector, new social differences and disputes began to emerge. Quarrels and discrepancies in exchanges and possessions soon led to conflicts and wars. The tribes began to dispute control of surpluses and exchanges, with which a caste of predominantly male warriors began to emerge that took control of exchanges and goods. In this way, a growing social differentiation advanced within the tribe, which allowed men to become more powerful than women, and gradually take control of the communal society.
To the extent that the army of warriors developed, the control and possession of surplus goods by this caste of warriors, and along with this, the development of war and combat techniques to defend and take possession of their own goods and outsiders, the entire social system began to be oriented towards the appropriation of goods and their defense. In this way, a new social institution began to emerge: Private ownership of the means of production and exchange.
Natural disasters caused by climate changes were typical of primitive societies since the emergence of the first groups of men. These severely affected the material development of societies, causing great deaths and losses. But these disasters caused by nature were now added to the emergence of emerging social contradictions from the development of private ownership of the means of production and exchange, such as wars and disputes, which also caused enormous destruction.
The desperation and anguish caused by the combination of disasters caused by nature and social contradictions made possible the development of a social caste dedicated to trying to counteract these disasters by appealing to all kinds of spells and ritual ceremonies that could guarantee the success of the harvest. , triumph in battles and mastery of rain, fire, wind, or natural disasters. In this way, the male bureaucracy of witches, priests and religious development had a strong development. Men became the owners of the administration of goods, their defense, and the development of private property of the means of production and exchange. At the same time, the evolution of the army and wars at the service of the defense of private property,
The emergence of private property, and the state, allowed men to begin to dominate societies, and impose a new economic, social, political and ideological formation at the end of barbarism, which meant the transition from Primitive Communism to the society of classes. While societies without social classes, based on Matriarchy, had lasted for more than 50 thousand years, the first class societies emerged just 6,000 years ago. For class societies and differences between exploiting and exploited classes to be established, a transcendental change had to take place within human societies.
The end of Matriarchy, and the rise of Patriarchy. The inheritance system was that of maternal family law, passed to their sisters and their sisters' children, but to transfer their properties to their own children, men were forced to reverse the traditional order of inheritance on the other hand. female. This change did not occur in an evolutionary or peaceful manner, but rather it was developed in a convulsive, sudden and violent manner. The domination of men with warriors, and the practice of war led to the destruction of entire communities, the dispossession, looting, the killing of women, families, the captivity and abduction of women, boys and girls that led to the violent subjugation of one sex by the other.
In this way, to guarantee the control of goods and armies, paternal descent was imposed, which had to be ensured so that the inheritance remained in the hands of men from father to son. Through a prolonged and convulsive, violent and destructive struggle, described by Frederick Engels as "the world-historical defeat of the female sex" , men effected a fundamental social transformation, and came to dominate society, dethroning the female sex.
Primitive communism was replaced by Class Society, which meant the abolition of collective ownership of the Means of Production and Exchange in favor of Private Property of the Means of Production and Exchange. In turn, this change implied the overthrow of maternal right, and its replacement by paternal right, thus establishing the Patriarchy.
The impact of the social conditions that meant the abolition of Collective Property and the Matriarchy produced the development of a new social unit that emerged at the service of the Patriarchy: The monogamous family. In the monogamous family, all kinds of cruel mechanisms arise created for the perpetuation of private property through forced sexual fidelity to the wife. A brutal system of control was imposed on women, based on sexual and psychological repression with the objective of reducing their social participation to the mere role of domestic slave, for which the permanent intervention of the state, the armies, and the Church, persecuting, torturing and murdering women throughout the centuries. Only in this way was it possible to impose the Patriarchy.
The construction of a Program towards the Women's issue
Women were degraded and turned into property, just like domestic animals, slaves and children, whose owner became the man. As the state developed, protecting the interests of the exploiting classes, women's monogamy became law, and was penalized with violent punishments that included the death penalty. In turn, monogamy produced the elements of the degradation of class society, such as prostitution and adultery. Women became assets and, as such, were bought, sold and exchanged commercially in the market. With the victory of private property, the production of goods was divided into work for the market, and work for the patriarchal family, the latter carried out free of charge by women.
The dichotomy between public and private work is the real economic basis of the immense conflict between men and women, which was dramatically intensified by capitalism. The oppression of female monogamy and the "happiness" of being a housewife was imposed by the state, in all its legal forms. Women were forced to grow up ignored, distorted or disturbed, to perform a schizophrenic and insipid function. This vision of history developed by Marxism and science removes the veil of falsification that medieval scribes, and capitalists as spokespersons for the exploiters, have tried to make us believe about the role of women in history.
To begin to build a correct program regarding Women, the first thing is to become aware of historical development to exterminate the false concepts transmitted by those who falsified history in the service of exploiters, the conservation of class society and the Patriarchy. This scientific vision of society allows us to banish the idea that racial and sexual differences are "natural". It is exactly the opposite, the categories of superior or inferior "race" or "sex", "feminine", "inferiority", or certain races, are social categories. They are not biological or natural differences, but imposed by the exploiters, to consolidate class societies, and the Patriarchy which constitutes the social basis of Machismo. All of these categories are totally unscientific since there are no biologically distinct races of humans, and the supposed female "inferiority or weakness" is disproved by all the data of science.
In the 21st century, women began a world revolution that does not stop and corners capitalist governments, with the irruption of millions of women into the streets against the capitalist system, patriarchy, femicides, in favor of safe and free legal abortion. and the separation of Church and State. This process of the emergence of women had been developing as a vanguard, but since 2015 it has progressively become a mass process that began to take shape from below. This global mobilization is called by the mass media, analysts, and sectors of feminism as the "Fourth Feminist Wave" . However, from Marxist Feminism we prefer to call this global process the 4th Women's Revolution.
This 4th global women's revolution began in 2015 when several movements broke out simultaneously. This process had as a precedent the emergence in Syria of the Women's Protection Units, a military organization that was established in 2012 as a brigade of Kurdish women that took de facto control over much of northern Syria, a predominantly Kurdish region called Rojava. . In this region, in the midst of the revolution in Syria against the dictatorship of Bashar Al Assad, women developed armed self-defense units in the form of urban guerrilla warfare that defended the city of Kobane, the capital of their territory against the fascist movement of ISIS.
The 4th world women's revolution began in 2015 when several movements broke out simultaneously, first the outbreak of the "Ni una Menos" Movement in Argentina after the femicide of Daiana García who appeared semi-naked, with a stocking in her mouth inside a garbage bag. This macabre event triggered an outbreak of indignation, the news began to spread through all the media, in every public place there was talk of Daiana, beginning to reflect the violence that we suffer daily, leaving the private sphere to begin to become public.
We can define feminicide, as the crime of women due to the condition of being a woman, which progressively triggers violent acts that range from emotional, psychological, physical abuse, through beatings, insults, torture, rape, prostitution, sexual harassment, abuse, domestic violence, human trafficking and any action that results in the death of women or sexual diversity. It is after Daiana's femicide that women, writers, journalists, activists, artists began to gather, calling to mobilize against femicides in the City of Buenos Aires. In a latent process of repudiation and indignation, another feminicide was revealed, that of Chiara who was 14 years old, and was pregnant, which had an impact and produced a new mobilization through social networks on 3J, with more than 300,000 women who took streets,"NOT ONE LESS".

The process continued with another massive mobilization under the slogan "we love each other alive",as a result of the fact that femicides had increased by 8% compared to the previous year. Added to this situation were the victims of TRAFFICKING for sexual exploitation when the disappearance of women and girls was perceived day after day.
This caused mothers and family members to begin to organize as abolitionists of the prostitution system, promoting measures against trafficking organizations and networks. During this entire process, the green scarf emerged in Argentina as a symbol of the fight for the right to abortion, created in 2003 and was inspired by the white scarves worn by the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo in the fight against the genocide of the last Argentine military dictatorship, and was adopted in 2005 as part of the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion.
The color green was chosen because it represents hope and because it was not associated with any social or political movement in Argentina and the legend "Sexual education to decide, contraceptives so as not to abort, legal abortion so as not to die" was incorporated into the green scarf. The green scarf was adopted to represent the movement throughout Latin America and later in the United States and the world. The mobilization of women and young people who took to the streets en masse gave rise to a new feminist activism that incorporates a new generation that is no longer silent, gets involved, organizes and mobilizes against the reactionary and patriarchal policies of capitalist governments, their institutions and church.
This activism provides the movement with a shocking dynamic, crossing the entire social structure, whose expansive wave was projected towards Latin America and the world. The emergence of activism that fights for the abolition of prostitution is a great step forward that confronts a multimillion-dollar business that involves a new form of slavery in the 21st century, in which brothels act as clandestine centers of recruitment and torture.
The Women's Revolution in Argentina imposes the Legal Abortion Law
The mobilizations under the slogan "Enough of femicides" became massive and forced the capitalist government of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to sanction the Legal Abortion Law in 2020. This Peronist government had strong ties of interests with the church and He tried by all means to stop the ongoing process. But the force of the mobilization cornered the government and forced it to change to a more "progressive" discourse and sanction the Safe and Free legal abortion law.
Law No. 27610 that the ILE (Legal Interruption of Pregnancy) establishes that the interruption of pregnancy can be carried out up to and including week 14, and once the pregnant person expresses their will, they have a period of 10 days for the health establishment to Perform interruption practice. If you are under 13 years of age you need authorization from one of the legal representatives, from 13 to 16 years of age no authorization from any legal representative is required and over 16 years of age you have full decision-making capacity. People with restricted abilities need to express their consent.
The ILE establishes that the health professional who must intervene directly in the termination of pregnancy has the right to exercise conscientious objection, that is, the possibility of refusing such practice, for moral or religious reasons. This limitation means that in practice the abortion process can be started, but if the professional excuses himself due to conscientious objection, the time may be delayed, reaching the limit of exceeding the 14 weeks provided by law and making it impossible to complete the procedure. In addition, the Thousand Days Law was also approved, where the capitalist state should provide pregnant women, postpartum women, and newborns with protection assistance, a situation that is very abstract in reality.

ILE was not the proposal that women and feminist organizations
promoted, and in practice its application has a whole series of
limitations and overpowering for women.women who decide to abort. Given
the agreements of the capitalist government of the PJ with the church
and the silence of the reformist leaderships, the Law of voluntary
interruption of pregnancy limits its application to the religious
morality of the intervening doctor, who can make conscientious
objections, to excuse himself from carrying out the practice of
However, the passing of the law was a great triumph in the struggle as the beginning of the achievement of our rights as a global struggle that has just begun. An advance in the fight to avoid deaths due to clandestine abortions, or aberrant cases such as that of a 12-year-old girl from Jujuy, who was raped and forced to undergo a cesarean section to preserve the life of the 24-week gestation fetus. From this situation, it was raised again how patriarchy imposes on us the obligation to give birth, even if the woman does not want to, excluding herself if she later lives, dies of hunger or because she gave birth in poor conditions. Another triumph of the women's revolution in Argentina was the achievement of the ESI.
Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI)
Although our programmatic education proposal is of course of a different character in its entirety with the current education, Comprehensive Sexual Education, ESI - National Law 26,150, sanctioned in October 2006, and the National Program of Comprehensive Sexual Education, is guarantee at the national, provincial, municipal level and in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires the right to receive Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) in both state-run and private, secular or denominational schools. It includes all educational levels: initial, primary, secondary and non-university tertiary and teacher training. ESI is the set of activities carried out at school so that boys and girls, according to their ages, learn to know their own body, assume responsible values and attitudes related to sexuality,
This law seeks, within the framework of bourgeois democracy, access to information for the care of Sexual and Reproductive Health is a Human Right. The State and educational institutions have the obligation to guarantee it, the advancement of women's rights and sexual dissidence finds us in this fight, which at its core raises sexual education, prioritizing new concepts that historically break with biologism, With archaic conceptions such as sexual binarism, the common sense of what is established breaks down.
The triumph of legal abortion in Ireland
While this enormous mobilization process was developing in Argentina, another triumph was obtained by the world women's movement in Ireland. The Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution penalized abortion with 14 years in prison, although since 2013 terminations of pregnancies were permitted only when the mother's life was at risk. However, pressure from feminist and democratic organizations led in 2017 to the Citizens' Assembly, a body created to advise the Irish government on constitutional changes, to vote in favor of replacing or amending the Eighth Amendment, to allow abortion laws to be established in the country. country.
After being approved on March 27, 2018 in both chambers, the amendment was submitted to a referendum on May 25, 2018. Anti-abortion organizations from around the world traveled to Ireland to campaign against legal abortion, seeking to campaign in favor of "NO" while thousands of women took to the streets to campaign for the "YES" , which produced an enormous process of mobilization and debate in a country where the Catholic Church has enormous weight and social presence.
Finally the "Yes" won with a resounding 66.40% of the votes against the 33.60% who voted against, and the amendment was thus approved. Seven months after the historic referendum during which the Irish spoke out against the constitutional ban on voluntary termination of pregnancy and the Parliament of that country approved the bill legalizing abortion.
The law was a historic triumph for Irish women, which strengthened the women's revolution on a global scale, and gave a strong boost to the fight for legal abortion that was developing at the time in other countries. The passing of the law strengthened the rights of the people by allowing women who wanted to have an abortion to do so in their country, when until now they were forced to travel to other countries in the United Kingdom, a fight that was the fruit of the struggle of activists who They fought for decades.

The "Me Too" Movement in the United States
In the heat of the development of the fourth world revolution of women around the world led by the Kurdish women of Rojava in the Middle East, the women of Argentina with the "Ni Una Menos" of 2015, the movements for legal abortion in Ireland, Due to abolitionism in Spain, an extraordinary movement emerged in the United States in October 2017 to denounce sexual assault and sexual harassment, following accusations of sexual abuse against the American film producer and executive Harvey Weinstein.
The movement aimed to support women's reporting of abuse and harassment, regardless of what year they occurred, popularizing the phrase #Me Too by actress Alyssa Milano, who encouraged women to make their experiences public. , after which the movement "exploded" throughout the world. Meanwhile in the United States, tens of thousands of people responded to Milano's tweet, including Patricia Arquette, Björk, Sheryl Crow, Rosario Dawson, Ellen DeGeneres, Lady Gaga, Monica Lewinsky, Emily Ratajkowski, Gabrielle Union, Reese Witherspoon, etc. The impact of the movement, in addition to Hollywood, was caused by the debate about sexual harassment and abuse that expanded to the music industry, sciences, academia, workplaces, politics, etc.
The movement spread to 85 countries, including India, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom. Once again, women leading the oppressed sectors appeared as an expression of a revolutionary process that impacted the world. When some states began to criminalize legal abortion, a huge process of mobilization resurfaced throughout the country in defense of legal abortion rights, a triumph that women in the United States imposed decades ago and spread to the entire world.
The Women's Revolution in Chile in 2018
The women's revolution in Chile in 2018 was an enormous process of mobilization of women that acted as a prelude to the social outbreak of 2019. The mobilization had been brewing as a product of the impact of the "Not one less" movements in Argentina, and "Me Too" from the United States about Chile and in response to the femicide of Nabila Riffo that generated mobilizations in Santiago de Chile in November 2016, March and October 2017 that demanded an end to violence against women.

In April 2018, massive complaints of harassment and sexual abuse against teachers and students in different universities in the country were known, which led to takeovers and strikes that by June 2018 already reached 32 universities, producing a massive feminist student mobilization throughout the year. country.
At the same time as these events, various television and theater actresses began in April 2018 to report cases of sexual harassment and abuse by the renowned television director Herval Abreu, which generated a phenomenon in Chile similar to the Weinstein Effect. in the United States, where various public figures came out with the flag of feminism to denounce these situations. According to renowned historians and sociologists, such as María José Cumplido, María Emilia Tijoux and Teresa Valdés. After the concentration, the takeovers and strikes, the women's revolution in Chile was placed in the main media in Chile as one of the most relevant news, and on May 16, 2018, the largest march of almost 200 thousand people. From this process emerged the performance called "A rapist in your path" created by a feminist collective from Valparaíso, Chile, called LAS TESIS. The performance carried out with the objective of demonstrating against the violations of the rights of women and dissidents was performed for the first time in front of the Second Police Station of the Carabineros of Chile, on November 20, 2019. From then on the performance went viral and its reach became global.
The Movement for the abolition of prostitution in Spain

The feminist and abolitionist movement in Spain carried out demonstrations in the center of Madrid against prostitution where thousands of people have marched under the slogan: " For the rights of all women, abolitionist law now!" The entire mobilization process resulted in the emergence of the Women's Platform for the Abolition of Prostitution (PAP), raising slogans such as "Women are not merchandise" and "Prostitution is not a job." In 2020, the abolitionist movement delivered a letter to the Government to present its proposals regarding the abolition of prostitution, denouncing that some 350,000 women are prostitutes in Spain in polygons, clubs and apartments, among which it is estimated that 80% practice prostitution. forced way, victims of sexual trafficking.
The movement denounces that the majority of prostituted women come from the niches of social exclusion that exist in Spain, but also from developing countries. The movement's proposals include establishing a "real and effective" exit door for women who want to leave prostitution, guaranteeing socio-labor reintegration, and in the event that a migrant woman wants to leave prostitution, giving them permits. of residence, since the lack of proper documentation is one of the main reasons why foreign women end up practicing this practice.
Revolutionary women of Rojava
The revolutionary process led by Middle Eastern women in 2011 was part of the "Arab Spring", a revolutionary process that caused the fall of regimes, civil wars, self-organization, created dual power, division of the armed forces, struggles armies, mass mobilization, emergence of new states and new armies. This whole process went through, impacted and lifted up the women's movement in the world once again, we took it, made it our own and rebelled once again against the oppressive patriarchy of the capitalist system.
In Syria, the process of fighting against the dictatorship of Bashar Al Assad gave rise to the emergence of the Women's Protection Units, a military organization that was established in 2012 as a brigade of Kurdish women that took de facto control over much of northern Syria. Syria, a predominantly Kurdish region called Rojava. These armed self-defense units took the form of urban guerrilla warfare that defended the city of Kobane, the capital of their territory against the fascist ISIS movement that attacked and attempted to destroy the state of Rojava. In the Middle East, as we have been pointing out previously, women are oppressed, subjected to the worst humiliations imaginable, however in Kurdistan the women of Rojava begin a revolutionary process, raising the slogan of Resistance, Self-determination and Revolution. Under these flags, the Kurdish people defend northern Syria from the violent onslaught perpetrated by the sexist Islamist and fundamentalist dictatorships that rule in Syria, Turkey, Russia, Iran, and Iraq.
Kurdistan is a region of Asia Minor divided between Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria, from which the Kurdish people were expelled by the imperialist armies, just as happened with the Palestinian people. They became "the ethnic group without a State" and the Syrian revolution allowed them to carry out the process of fighting for National Liberation for the recovery of their lands and nation. This process featured women who organized themselves into armed self-defense militias, who were called "Women's Protection Units" (YPJ), which is a form of female organization, which waged an arduous military confrontation in 2015, the result of which was It was the liberation of cities occupied by reactionary armies like ISIS. The militia women played a predominant and revolutionary role that showed worldwide the struggle and intervention of women in the armed conflict as a break against the supposed traditional role of women in the Middle East. The guerrilla women within the Kurdish movement organized themselves, through Women's Congresses, to discuss gender problems and outline equality policies.

The creation of the Union of Free Women of Kurdistan and the guerrilla units made up only of militiamen. The revolution of the Kurdish women's movement is to break with patriarchy and include other women and men in their struggle. They raise, above all, gender equality, fighting for a fairer economy in rejection of capitalism. With the victory in Rojava and the deepening of the women's revolution, they launched bodies and institutions managed by themselves, and established institutions against violence, study groups and political discussion circles, as happens within the Yazidi people or in cities. Arabs like Manbij, Syria, where the process deepens to the opening of training schools for women.
The Rojava women's revolution began to suffer the attack of the sinister Erdogan regime in Turkey where millions of Kurds are brutally oppressed. Erdogan negotiated oil with the fascist ISIS gangs and provided them with financing. The expansion of ISIS was released to act by the Pentagon, leaving a sea of massacres in Arab countries, until the pressure of public opinion became too intense and forced President Obama to give the order to bomb some ISIS positions.
But the bombings were purely symbolic actions, which did not stop their actions. The Pentagon needed ISIS to stop the "Arab Spring" , to prevent the revolutionary processes that were sweeping through the region from giving rise to new forces and states that would promote that revolutionary process. The blow to ISIS in 2015 that began the path of its disappearance was not inflicted by NATO, nor the Pentagon, nor Turkey, nor Iran, nor Saudi Arabia, nor Russia, but by the young Revolutionary women of Rojava, until it was finally crushed in Raqqa in 2017. The uprising of the Kurdish women marked a before and after in the struggle for the liberation of women in the Middle East and a revolutionary example for the world.

Kurdish women of Rojava remain at the forefront of the leadership of
the revolutionary process for the liberation of their people and for
their own emancipation. This October 22, hundreds of women gathered for
Grirké Legé in repudiation of femicides and patriarchal violence, the
massive mobilization called in Sheid Xebar Square, an entire process of
mobilization that, from its epicenter in the Middle East, expanded and
had repercussions throughout the world.
The women's revolution is part of the world revolution against capitalism
This fourth women's revolution is, in turn, part of the revolutionary wave that was unleashed from 2011 throughout the world and encompassed processes such as the " Arab Spring" , the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States, the 11 general strikes in Greece, the "Indignados" movement in Spain, the "June Days" in Brazil that led to the fall of the capitalist government of Dilma Roussef in 2016, and opened the crisis of the Workers' Party (PT). In November 2013 the Ukrainian Revolution broke out with the "Maidan Square Revolution"that overthrew the dictatorship of Victor Yanukovych, and opened the fight for the national liberation of Ukraine, and the republics oppressed by Russia against the capitalist oligarchy headed by Vladimir Putin with barricades in Independence Square in Kiev. Ukraine, and the republics oppressed by Russia against the capitalist oligarchy led by Vladimir Putin with barricades in Independence Square in kyiv.
In September 2014, the "Umbrella Revolution" or "Asian Spring" broke out in Hong Kong organized by "Occupy Central with Love and Peace" and the student movement "Scholarism". " took to the streets of central Hong Kong for more than 10 days with 100 barricades and a national student strike. On November 9, 2014, the independence proposal of Catalonia against the Spanish State and the monarchy triumphed, although the movement was brutally repressed by the government in Madrid.
On November 9, 2014, the independence proposal of Catalonia against the Spanish State and the monarchy triumphed, although the movement was brutally repressed by the government in Madrid. The revolutionary wave that began between 2010-2011 had an enormous impact on the world situation. Rarely could it be witnessed so many revolutions developing simultaneously, a complex of mass mobilizations that covered more than 20 countries on different continents, in addition to Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria, it also reached Mauritania, Algeria, Western Sahara, Arabia Saudi, Oman, Yemen, Lebanon, Kuwait, Sudan, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Morocco, Palestine, United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
Beyond differences and inequalities there were revolutionary explosions with the fall of regimes, civil wars, processes of self-organization, dual power, crisis and division in the armed forces, expropriations, council democracy, mass mobilization, general strikes, armed struggles, emergence of new states and new armies. This entire complex of revolutions produced changes in the countries that are developing to this day, unprecedented in the Arab world. In the US, after the development of the "Occupy" movement , there was the development in 2013 of the Black Lives Matters movement after the acquittal of George Zimmerman who shot and killed the young black man Trayvon. Martin, the Black Lives Matters movement was born in the US.
was within the framework of this revolutionary wave that the global
women's movement broke out, which had already been anticipated in the
revolutionary wave with the Arab Spring from the emergence of the
Kurdish guerrilla movement from Rojava. But
it spread like wildfire with the Ni Una Menos Movement in Argentina,
the struggles of women in Spain for abolitionism, in Chile, the
mobilizations in Mexico against femicides, in Ireland for legal
abortion, the Me Too Movement in USA, and all the processes that we have
analyzed in this chapter.
Indigenous women fight against oppression
Indigenous women are part of the most vulnerable and oppressed sectors by sexist and patriarchal violence, victims of racism, discrimination and dispossession of their lands, hunger and misery. Girls and women are victims of abuse and violence constantly from a very early age. In most cases they leave their families and communities to escape their economic condition, falling into networks for sexual or labor exploitation.
For women who suffer from these situations, it is very difficult to be heard and it arises mainly because they are in isolated regions, with limited access to justice, to be able to denounce their abusers, therefore, most of the cases go unpunished. On the other hand, there is also a cultural issue where women and girls are restricted from participating in public life. In the case of interfamily violence, custom means that no intervention can be made and if they want to abandon abusive partners, they cannot. It is well seen and in several cases they are expelled from the community. However, despite all the cultural prohibitions, indigenous women are showing notoriety, leaving their homes and gaining spaces for struggle.

Kurdish women of Rojava remain at the forefront of the leadership of
the revolutionary process for the liberation of their people and for
their own emancipation. This October 22, hundreds of women gathered for
Grirké Legé in repudiation of femicides and patriarchal violence, the
massive mobilization called in Sheid Xebar Square, an entire process of
mobilization that, from its epicenter in the Middle East, expanded and
had repercussions throughout the world.
The women's revolution is part of the world revolution against capitalism
This fourth women's revolution is, in turn, part of the revolutionary wave that was unleashed from 2011 throughout the world and encompassed processes such as the " Arab Spring" , the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States, the 11 general strikes in Greece, the "Indignados" movement in Spain, the "June Days" in Brazil that led to the fall of the capitalist government of Dilma Roussef in 2016, and opened the crisis of the Workers' Party (PT). In November 2013 the Ukrainian Revolution broke out with the "Maidan Square Revolution"that overthrew the dictatorship of Victor Yanukovych, and opened the fight for the national liberation of Ukraine, and the republics oppressed by Russia against the capitalist oligarchy headed by Vladimir Putin with barricades in Independence Square in Kiev. Ukraine, and the republics oppressed by Russia against the capitalist oligarchy led by Vladimir Putin with barricades in Independence Square in kyiv.
In September 2014, the "Umbrella Revolution" or "Asian Spring" broke out in Hong Kong organized by "Occupy Central with Love and Peace" and the student movement "Scholarism". " took to the streets of central Hong Kong for more than 10 days with 100 barricades and a national student strike. On November 9, 2014, the independence proposal of Catalonia against the Spanish State and the monarchy triumphed, although the movement was brutally repressed by the government in Madrid.
The mobilization of indigenous women highlights the situations of violence they experience, both within the communities and outside, whether by outsiders or police forces, unwanted pregnancies resulting from rape, obstetric violence, limited access to health, education and justice. Organizations and mobilizations that expand to America as in the case of countries with a large percentage of indigenous population, mobilizing in Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, adding complaints against racism, against the governments' policy of oppression capitalists and in defense of their lands.
Capitalist governments try to put a stop to this rise of the people, led by indigenous women, creating the "Plurinational State" taken from the model of the 2009 "Plurinational" Constitution of Bolivia, by the capitalist government of Evo Morales. A Constitution that defends capitalism. In its article 56, which states that: "Every person has the right to private property, Private property is guaranteed...and the right to hereditary succession is guaranteed" that is , it defends private ownership of the means of production and the capitalism.
In Article 52 the Constitution states: "The assets of business organizations, tangible and intangible, are inviolable and cannot be seized." That is to say, for the "plurinational" model it is prohibited to embargo the bourgeoisie, and the capitalists, while defending the right of inheritance which is the basis of Machismo. And then in Article 141 it states: "Bolivian nationality is acquired by birth or by naturalization. People born in Bolivian territory are Bolivians and Bolivians by birth . " That is, the "plurinational" modelit imposes Bolivian nationality on all indigenous peoples of Bolivia for example, on peoples such as the Aymará, Quechua, or Guaraní, it imposes Bolivian nationality on them by the mere fact of being born there. The "Plurinational" state ends up being a prison of peoples with "progressive" language.
And in article 270 it states that indigenous peoples can have: "regions with autonomy... in the terms established by this Constitution" , that is, they can have an area where they use typical costumes, foods, language, and customs as long as they accept the private ownership of the means of production, capitalism, and Bolivian nationality. But the entire policy of the "plurinational" slogan is a lie, and a farce, because the main danger for indigenous peoples is capitalism. Multinationals establish themselves all the time in their territories, plunder goods and natural resources, persecute and murder people who oppose their establishment. The territories are bought by large companies and landowners, but the model"plurinational" forces the indigenous people to accept the "unseizable" property of the megaminers, and megaworks that destroy their territories.
This issue of the plurinational state is unknown to 99% of feminist activists who raise the flag of the "Plurinational" Encounter , without knowing what that term really means. This occurs due to the confusion caused by the directions of bourgeois feminism, and fundamentally Kirchnerism and leftist groups, including the Trotskyists, who adopt the capitalist program of the plurinational state. You cannot defend the fight against patriarchy, and at the same time defend private ownership of the means of production, which is the basis of patriarchy, as well as the right of inheritance.
The entire "plurinational" policy is a farce when article 108 of the Constitution emphasizes that one of the fundamental duties of Bolivians is to "Defend the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bolivia, and respect its symbols and values" . But this farce is already being rejected by the people: The first to violate the "Plurinational Constitution" was its own promoter, Evo Morales, when he wanted to 'run for the 3rd time as a candidate for President, and was kicked out with a people's insurrection Bolivian. And now the Chilean people rejected the "Plurinational Constitution"that Boric, and the Communist Party promoted in Chile, showing that the people are not stupid, and do not allow themselves to be fooled by this "false progressive left" and their " plurinational" charlatans that defend policies that end up being functional to imperialism, and capitalism .
The "Plurinational State" for indigenous peoples is a capitalist state that grants autonomy to indigenous peoples within capitalism as long as they accept exploitation and control of the economy by the dominant classes and capitalist multinationals. This is the model that wants to be implemented, taken by bourgeois feminism to crush the indigenous peoples and their struggles against the system, to impose a prison of peoples with "progressive" language.
Marxist Feminism promotes "Self-determination" of indigenous peoples. Considers the plurinational state a "prison of the people", because the capitalist state is always oppressive and exploitative. The
indigenous peoples have to unite with the other oppressed, the working
and popular sectors to banish exploitation, and the dominant classes.
The fourth women's revolution is our global struggle that began with the revolutionary wave against capitalism in the 21st century. But the global women's struggle has three "waves" or revolutions as we prefer to define from Marxist Feminism that preceded the women's revolution of the 21st century. What we are going to analyze in this chapter are the three revolutions that preceded the current world women's revolution.
With the rise of patriarchy, the situation of degradation of women developed. According to Engels, women's servility "has been palliated and embellished and sometimes disguised in a more benign form, but it has by no means been abolished . " Patriarchy dominated through the development of different class societies, whether in the Bureaucratic Mode of Production (Egyptians, Mayans, Persians, Incas), the Slave Mode of Production (Greece, Rome), the Feudal Mode of Production (Kings , Duchies and Counties) until we reach the Capitalist Mode of Production in which we live today.
First Women's Revolution: Feminism in the Enlightenment

In the development of the capitalist system, women carry out different processes of struggle and revolutions for our rights. With
advances and setbacks we advanced in the fight for our conquests and
demands, a path in which we found the first revolution of Women, within
the framework of the process that was called the revolution of
The Enlightenment was a cultural and intellectual movement, primarily European, that was born in the mid-18th century and lasted until the first years of the 19th century. It was a process that had its epicenter in England, France and Germany and expressed the rise of the industrial bourgeoisie with an entire movement that inspired profound cultural and social changes, inspired by revolutions such as the English or the French.
The rise of the industrial bourgeoisie implied that its program was carried out, among which the rights to education and public, secular and free education appeared as one of the fundamental aspirations, which is why the 18th century is known as the "Century of the Lights". In this period, the push for science, political debate, the emergence of political parties and the sovereignty of reason as the primary source of learning developed.
Thousands of personalities emerged such as Rousseau, Montesquieu, Diderot, d'Alembert, Buffon, Quesnay, Du Plessis who led the fight for freedom, equality, progress, tolerance, fraternity and the separation of church and state. Let us remember that at this time, women were permanently devalued, considered incapable of thinking for themselves, of contributing to the great theoretical-political developments of the time, or of being useful for anything other than procreating and raising children.

that moment, the evolution of the concept of human rights was reflected
in normative texts such as the Virginia Declaration of Rights, in the
context of the Independence of the United States (1776), and the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, in the French
Revolution (1789), but women were not considered in any of these
This changed when, during the Enlightenment period, women were the main protagonists of this entire process of change. Scientists, revolutionaries, philosophers and writers emerged, such as Olympia de Gouges, who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Citizen in 1791. which constitutes in itself an argument in favor of women's demands in which its author denounced that the revolution forgot women in its project of equality and freedom. She defended that"woman is born free and must remain equal to man in rights."
It demanded equal treatment of women in all areas of life, both public and private: the right to vote and own private property, to be able to participate in education and the army, and to hold public office, even asking for equal power in the family and in the Church. The feminist approach was not shared by the men who led the revolution, not even the most radical ones
Mary Wollstonecraft was an English feminist who in her work "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"of 1792 argued that women are not by nature inferior to men, but appear to be because they do not receive the same education, and that men and women should be treated as rational beings. With this work, she established the foundations of liberal feminism and made her one of the most popular women in Europe at the time.
Many great female personalities made their way and fought for our rights in the midst of a sexist, hostile world that completely devalued women. Émilie du Châtelet was a French mathematician, physicist and philosopher, translator of Newton into French and disseminator of his theories. Although many of these women were bourgeois, or part of the nobility and the ruling classes, they fought for the interests of millions of oppressed people such as slaves and women, trying to make their way in a world dominated by men. In translations and salons, the "gatherings" were crucial for the circulation of the principles of the Enlightenment, and in all these events women played a fundamental role as they themselves were the hosts, leading the process of propagation of ideas. promoting reading and literacy, with numerous libraries in which women played a very important role. They were also very present in the theater, as actresses, in music as authors and performers who used the stage to spread the ideals of the Enlightenment.
Even very popular literary genres of the time such as travel literature functioned as a speaker for that desire to know in a much broader way with well-known examples of women who participated as patrons and promoters of pictorial, musical, literary, and scientific works. Far beyond the revolutionary texts of Wollstonecraft or De Gouges, the role of women and the battle for education were key themes in Enlightenment debates. That is to say, the entire fight for women's rights is a debate that goes back centuries and that intensifies in this 18th century, and we mention some of these pioneers, feminist leaders, who were representatives of thousands of women activists who began in this stage of the development of capitalism to fight for our rights.
The Second Women's Revolution: The Suffragette Movement
By the middle of the 19th century, a second revolutionary women's movement occurred that went down in history under the name of the "Suffragette Movement." By the mid-19th century, women did not have the right to vote, only men could vote, and an international movement arose to demand the right of women to vote. This movement began to fight for the right to vote and be elected to public office held by women in a historic battle for the recognition of women's political rights.

movement was born in the United States at the end of the 1840s, and
with a strong establishment in the United Kingdom, since 1865 the
movement spread to a large part of European countries. Women
were denied the vote since they were considered intellectually inferior
and incapable of thinking for themselves, so they should not expect to
have the same civil rights as men.
The suffragettes organized themselves into different associations with the same objective, but using different tactics; For example, the British suffragettes were characterized by a more combative type of defense led by Emily Davison, Emmeline Pankhurst, Carmen Karr, or the Germans Carrie Chapman Catt, Millicent Fawcett, in Spain with Clara Campoamor, in Argentina with Alicia Moreau de Justo or in Mexico with Elvia Carrillo Puerto.
The broad collective mobilization allowed the suffrage movement to increase its objectives, including the improvement of education, professional training, the opening of new job horizons, the equality of sexes in the family as a means of avoiding the subordination of women and double sexual morality. The triumphs achieved by this second revolutionary process allowed women to dispose of their property, vote and participate in political decisions. It allowed women to dispose of their property, vote and participate in political decisions. The struggle of the "Suffrage Movement" was the first global women's revolution, which laid the foundations so that we could continue fighting throughout the world for our rights, which occurred in the revolutions that followed. Numerous activists led this movement, of which we will highlight those who symbolize that fight. Emily Davison, born in England, was of humble origins and with effort prepared herself to work as a school teacher in Edgbaston and Worthing.
She later joined the "Social and Political Union of Women" (USPM) in 1906, becoming more committed and involved in defending women's rights. As a result of her actions against oppression and the violation of women's rights, she was arrested and imprisoned. Emmeline Pankhurst Goulden was a British activist and leader of the suffrage movement, which helped women win the right to vote in Britain. In 1903 she founded with her husband Richard the Women's Social and Political Union related to the independent Labor Party.
Emmeline defended the use of tactics such as sabotage, painting large buildings in the city, the burning of businesses and public establishments or attacks on the private homes of prominent members of the Government and Parliament. Sometimes they were sexually harassed when they were in battles with the law, and when this was published in the newspapers, it increased support for the suffrage movement. The entire struggle of the movement allowed women to dispose of their property, vote and participate in political decisions. The struggle of the "Suffrage Movement"It was the first global women's revolution, which laid the foundations so that we could continue fighting throughout the world for our rights, which occurred in the revolutions that followed.
The Third Women's Revolution: Russian Revolution and the Civil Rights Movement
With the development of the general crisis of the capitalist system that led to the First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939 and 1945), the Third Women's Revolution developed. This entire movement that involved the "Third Revolution" had as its background the events that occurred from the second half of the 19th century through the process of massive incorporation of women into the workplace, which led women to begin to fight against labor exploitation to which they were subjected.
They began to organize and then to mobilize, even facing the legislation that at that time prohibited strikes, and union organization. One of the most important processes in the United States had already occurred, driven by working women, who were in very poor work situations, such as the textile workers who were a vanguard, invading the streets of New York in protest both for their economic situation and for their quality. of life, raising the slogan "bread and roses" . These mobilizations were brutally repressed and two years later, these women founded the first textile women's union.
On March 8, 1908, the women of the Cotton textile factory, located in New York, declared a strike, in protest of the unbearable working conditions, with long days of more than 12 hours, low wages, without breaks to rest, eat or breastfeed, and after giving birth they had to continue with their work days. The owners of the factory, Max Blanck and Isaac Haris, did not accept the claim and the workers occupied the factory, consequently the employers closed the doors and set fire to the place, where 129 workers died.

The broad collective mobilization allowed the suffrage movement to increase its objectives, including the improvement of education, professional training, the opening of new job horizons, the equality of sexes in the family as a means of avoiding the subordination of women and double sexual morality. The
triumphs achieved by this second revolutionary process allowed women to
dispose of their property, vote and participate in political decisions.
It allowed women to dispose of their property, vote and participate in
political decisions.
The struggle of the "Suffrage Movement" was the first global women's revolution, which laid the foundations so that we could continue fighting throughout the world for our rights, which occurred in the revolutions that followed. Numerous activists led this movement, of which we will highlight those who symbolize that fight. Emily Davison, born in England, was of humble origins and with effort prepared herself to work as a school teacher in Edgbaston and Worthing.
She later joined the "Social and Political Union of Women" (USPM) in 1906, becoming more committed and involved in defending women's rights. As a result of her actions against oppression and the violation of women's rights, she was arrested and imprisoned. Emmeline Pankhurst Goulden was a British activist and leader of the suffrage movement, which helped women win the right to vote in Britain. In 1903 she founded with her husband Richard the Women's Social and Political Union related to the independent Labor Party.
Emmeline defended the use of tactics such as sabotage, painting large buildings in the city, the burning of businesses and public establishments or attacks on the private homes of prominent members of the Government and Parliament. Sometimes they were sexually harassed when they were in battles with the law, and when this was published in the newspapers, it increased support for the suffrage movement. The entire struggle of the movement allowed women to dispose of their property, vote and participate in political decisions. The struggle of the "Suffrage Movement"It was the first global women's revolution, which laid the foundations so that we could continue fighting throughout the world for our rights, which occurred in the revolutions that followed.
The Third Women's Revolution: Russian Revolution and the Civil Rights Movement
The struggle of these women and the impact of the massacre promoted the mobilization of other working women who were in the same conditions of exploitation. Thus, the Women's Trade Union League and the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union began massive protests, among which the silent funeral parade stood out, which brought together a crowd of about 100,000 people, which for the time was an unparalleled mobilization. The struggle promoted by the exploited and massacred women and girls spread the revolutionary wave to Europe, and at the Second International Conference of Socialist Women, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1910, it led to the proclamation of the International Day of Working Women at the proposal of Clara Zetkin on March 8, which was approved unanimously.
With the presence of 100 women from 17 countries, this event promoted the proclamation of labor rights, political emancipation of women, the right to vote, the right to vocational training as part of a women's emancipation program. With the development of the general crisis of the capitalist system that led to the First World War (1914-1918), there was the massive recruitment of millions of men as soldiers in the armies in the two world wars, added to the dizzying development of the arms industry. , required the incorporation of millions of women in the industry.
To the extent that women entered the workplace, and became economic and social breadwinners of families with paid employment, playing different roles in the industry, they changed their jobs as housewives and domestic servants for jobs. that were previously carried out by men, in laboratories, workshops and factories. Women were hired for jobs that were previously considered beyond their "ability" and were handled without a problem. A total of 1,345,000 women replaced men during the war in occupations such as chimney sweeps, agricultural truck drivers and, above all, industrial factory workers.
In France, for the first time 684,000 women worked in arms factories; in Britain, the figure was 920,000. In Germany, 38% of workers at the Krupp arms factory were made up of women in 1918, which generated double exploitation for working women. The insertion of women into the industry changed their social location, a process that had no turning back and allowed women to demand equal conditions with men in all aspects. With the arrival of the men of war, in the context of a deep social and economic political crisis of capitalism worldwide, the ruling classes sought to return to placing women in their role as domestic slaves.

A campaign began in all these countries stating that a woman's place is in the home, that it is her responsibility to take care of her children, that working women are responsible for men's unemployment, for taking away men's source of work.
This campaign sought to carry out the capitalist governments' policy of causing great female unemployment, causing a setback in their social situation, and giving up being part of production to consolidate discrimination against women. This attempt deepened the development of activism in women to fight for their rights and demonstrate that they were not willing to abandon their conquest, to return to the house, and to the placement of domestic slaves.

The emergence of this activism shook a backward and culturally sexist society, rebelling against the more traditionalist morals and ethics of the time.
This activism raised fundamental demands such as sexual freedom, the right to abortion, the protection of women's labor rights, rights during pregnancy, and maternity leave. In the midst of this process, new works appeared that raise the concept of patriarchy, and described how genders are imposed by capitalist social culture, giving birth to modern feminism and demands and rights that continue to this day. In the middle of the First World War, an event shocked the world: The Russian Revolution. In Russia in 1917 the first two years of the war had caused commodity prices to rise by 131% in Moscow.
In December 1915, women in Petrograd stood in lines for hours in sub-zero temperatures to buy sugar and flour. There were numerous riots led by women, where the main complaint was the price of food. Women in the textile industry led the demand for food under the slogan Bread! There were 20 million women in the wage labor force in Russia of which 4 million 7.5 million were industrial workers.
The spontaneous nature of the protest led to the organization of rallies focused on the demands that converged on March 8, 1917. The demonstrations and rallies called by women in Petrograd in the midst of widespread discontent triggered a revolution against the Tsar. Although they happened in March, the events went down in history as the February Revolution, because the Julian calendar then in force in Russia was "backward" by 13 days.
The workers of the textile factories of Petrograd, in the Vyborg district, went on strike and toured neighboring factories in groups. They went especially towards the metal companies, calling on the workers to join them, they threw sticks, stones and snowballs against the windows calling the workers to the streets. Two days later, a general strike is already underway in Petrograd. "Down with war!", "Bread for the workers!" . Finally, the rallies for International Women's Day had become a strike that called for an uprising against the tsarist regime with more than 100,000 people, mostly women, clashing with the police in the different riots that began throughout the city.
Within a week, tsarism collapsed, the ministers fled and the Duma deputies formed a provisional government, with Prince Lvov at the head. From below, another power became strong, that of the councils of working class delegates, to which committees of peasants and soldiers were added. These organizations had emerged for the first time in the Revolution of 1905 as a new form of democratic self-organization from the bases, the soviets.
But the women's struggle did not stop with the fall of the Tsar. With the assumption of the Provisional Government, she continued to defend rights when on March 18, a meeting of workers from four large factories decided to call on their sisters to join in the fight for their rights, alongside the workers. In early April, 40,000 women mobilized in Petrograd, refusing to leave the streets until the right to vote was approved. Finally, on July 20, 1917, they extracted from Kerensky's provisional government the commitment to allow voting for all women over 20 years of age in the future Constituent Assembly.
over the provisional government's broken promises grew steadily as
widows and soldiers' wives marched to demand an increase in pensions. In
May, 40,000 washerwomen staged the first major strike against the
provisional government, demanding increased wages, 8 hours of work and
better working conditions. Eugenia
Bosh, Inessa Armand and Aleksandra Kollontai were some of the Bolshevik
leaders who in those months gave speeches to workers and soldiers,
wrote articles, organized meetings and collaborated with the
organization of the revolution.
August, in the face of General Kornilov's attempts to carry out a coup
d'état capable of crushing the revolution, women joined the defense of
Petrograd by participating in the barricades. The insurrection was not going to stop. The
Menshevik provisional government had betrayed the uprising, the
protests had only brought more repression and Kornilov's attempted coup
d'état. The women of the
Bolshevik party participated in the October events by providing medical
assistance, ensuring communication between different cities,
coordinating the uprising between different areas of Petrograd and being
part of the Red Guard, which took control of the bridges, the central
bank and the headquarters of the postal and telephone service. The workers and the people overthrew the Provisional Government and installed a socialist government.

Along with leaders such as Alexandra Kollontai, Nadezhda Krupskaya, and Inessa Armand, Vera Slutskaya and Konkordiia Samilova also stood out as defenders of rights in the Bolshevik newspaper Rabotnitsa (whose translation would be The Working Woman), published for the first time in 1914 and relaunched in May of 1917, had done important work in this regard, defending equality between the sexes. These events allowed many of the new government's first measures to be related to the situation of women. Six weeks after the revolution, religious marriage was replaced by civil registration and divorce was legalized at the request of either member of the couple.
These measures were included a year later in the Family Code, which made women equal before the law. In
it, religious control of marriage was abolished, divorce was
instituted, and it was ensured that control of women's money and
property fell upon themselves. Furthermore,
the concept of child illegitimacy was eradicated: if a woman did not
know who her father was, all of her previous sexual partners had
collective responsibility for the care of the child. Three years later, in 1920, Russia became the first country to legalize voluntary abortion.
All the triumphs obtained by women in the Russian revolution promoted the fight for rights worldwide at the end of World War II. After the Second War, a revolutionary wave shook the world as a result of the great revolutionary triumph that meant the defeat of Nazism. Dozens of colonies were liberated, oppressed countries, continents that had suffered repression and colonialism. The post-war revolutionary wave shook the world with revolutions such as China, Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, and was led by the most oppressed groups in the world, the young people, peasant workers, and as part of this, women played a fundamental role in all those revolutions.
A fundamental movement that marked the "third revolution" of women was the revolution that occurred in the United States against the regime of Racial Segregation, called "Jim Crow" In the 1950s, just 5 years after the end of World War II A group of women and men began the Civil Rights Movement by organizing boycotts, sit-ins, demonstrations, and peaceful protests. Women like Ella Baker, Josephine Baker, Ruby Bridges, Johnnie Carr, Angela Davis, Thelma Glass, McCree Harris, Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, Shirley Sherrod, Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons, etc. were part of this entire movement.
The feminist movement in the United States has always been in solidarity with the fight for the liberation of black people. The movement led by Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and the Black Panthers had the support of feminism, and at the same time, it supported and strengthened feminism. In turn, both the black and feminist movements joined the youth struggle against the Vietnam War. The Women's Struggle Movement developed alongside the fight against war and as part of the Civil Rights movement, it is a historical movement that began long before and has its roots in the oppression suffered by half of the world population for centuries.
The Women's struggle movement is of enormous depth because with its mobilization it questions the pillars of capitalist society such as patriarchy, and private ownership of the means of production. In 1963, American author Betty Friedan wrote a book from the field of social psychology called "The Feminine Mystique" and she, along with Kate Millet and other important figures of feminism, founded the National Organization of Women (NOW). Millet promoted radical feminism that criticizes patriarchy, the family, and relationships. When in 1960 the Food and Drug Administration approved contraceptive pills, a true "Sexual Revolution" was triggered, from sexual activity no longer being linked to a merely reproductive act.
In 1965 Casey Hayden and Mary King circulated a text on sexism in the Civil Rights Movement, and NOW spread throughout the country. In 1968 Robin Morgan led several members of the New York Radical Women to the No More Miss America protest because they considered the pageant sexist and racist. In 1970 there was an immense mobilization of women in Washington and on January 22, 1973. This entire enormous process of struggle and mobilization of women, which developed together with the struggle of African Americans, gays and lesbians, and the youth against war, obtained a transcendental victory when the Supreme Court of Justice in a historic ruling established the right to abortion, in relation to the case called Roe vs. Wade.
With the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Jane Roe, the fight for women's rights achieved a triumph with national and international repercussions. Due to its hierarchy, the Supreme Court ruling annulled the laws that criminalized abortion in the different states and prevented legislation against it. It established that denying the right to abortion could be considered a violation of the constitutional right to privacy protected by the due process clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, and forced the modification of all federal and state laws that prohibited or that restricted abortion, and were opposed to the new decision. Another powerful movement that developed and was a fundamental pillar of the Civil Rights Movement was the sexual liberation movement.
The struggle of the gay movement had a historical milestone from the events known worldwide as the "Stonewall riots" , an uprising that was a true insurrection of gays, lesbians, transvestites and transsexuals that took place in the early morning of June 28, 1969 against a police raid on the pub known as the Stonewall Inn located in the New York neighborhood of Greenwich Village, a process that gave rise to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) movement that has significantly marked the second half of the century. XX and the beginning of the XXI century.
Through a great diversity of social and political struggles they have managed to make their rights and demands visible. The Stonewall uprising was a true insurrection of gays, lesbians, transvestites and transsexuals when plainclothes police stormed Stonewall together with the Public Morals Squad and brutally repressed them that night. The police tried to take them all to prison, but they refused to be imprisoned or hand over their documents.They joined together to avoid the raid, they overturned the buses in which the police were trying to transport them to the police stations, they took over the pub, the surrounding streets, they picketed rejecting the police repression, which they suffered regularly and constantly. The events of that early morning of June 28, 1969 were not the first confrontation; there had been riots at Compton's coffee shop in 1966 and at the Black Cat Tavern in Los Angeles in 1967.

However, several circumstances made the Stonewall riots memorable: One of them was the location of the place that favored protesters over the police through the narrow streets, and the other is that it took place in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York. which had become the place of residence of a considerable part of the gay population after the First World War, despite the fact that the city of New York had passed laws against homosexuality, in public and private businesses.
social repression of the 1950s sparked a cultural revolution in
Greenwich Village, and a group of poets and artists known as the "Beat
Generation" emerged who wrote about anarchy, drugs, and homosexuality
and open sexuality. The
fight for oppressed sexualities had been going on for several decades,
from pioneers such as Henry Gerber, a German immigrant who in 1924 had
founded the Society for Human Rights in Chicago, which was the first
homosexual association in the country, to Harry Hay, who in 1950,
together a group of followers founded the Mattachine Society or the
women of San Francisco who came together to form the Daugthers of
Bilitis (DOB) group for lesbians.
But without a doubt Stonewall was a before and after. The Gay Movement had achieved a triumph. Thousands of gays began to show themselves and publicly defend their condition, which was unthinkable just a few years ago. Stonewall could have been possible because it occurred within the framework of a revolutionary process that questioned the Nixon government, the Armed Forces, the decisions of the Democratic and Republican Parties and mobilized millions of people, including young people, workers, African Americans, the most humble strata. , and oppressed of the population. The victory of Stonewall allowed gays to raise their voices, take to the streets and develop a powerful liberation movement.
The struggle for women's liberation can only triumph if women carry it out in alliance with all those oppressed by capitalism such as workers, indigenous peoples, races, sexualities, nationalities, regardless of their gender status. To succeed, women must win a sector of male human beings for this fight, without the alliance with a sector of male human beings it is impossible to abolish Machismo and Patriarchy.

From Marxism we promulgate that Machism and Patriarchy can only be abolished through revolutionary means. He denounces that the theory of female "empowerment" is false. Women must fight for equal conditions with men, but to violently defeat the capitalist state and the ruling classes. It is these classes that have the "power". As long as capitalism and the ruling classes exist, machismo and patriarchy will continue. Denouncing the officials of capitalist governments and states, whether presidents, ministers, as well as the creation of women's secretariats and ministries, as a farce to hide the growing femicides and disappearances. The more ministries are created, the more the oppression of women grows, aggravated day by day by the crisis of capitalist states.

Meanwhile, we reject the "gender perspective" policy of state institutions and capitalist officials. Proposing that the capitalist state have a "gender perspective" is something unrealistic, fanciful, it is like asking a cow to fly, it is something that is not going to happen.
The " gender" ministries and secretariats are denounced by Marxists as a farce to hide the sexist and patriarchal character of the capitalist State. Its strategy is internationalist, fighting for unity in the global struggle of women, rejecting the interference of the UN and disputing the direction of that struggle with bourgeois feminism.
It seeks to organize the most oppressed sectors, victims and families of sexist violence, in daily and permanent action. It rejects the "marketing" of bourgeois feminism, and against any attempt at institutionalization, it mobilizes against the sexist and patriarchal capitalist State. In the revolutions that Women have been carrying forward, and in the revolutions of the 21st century, we relentlessly confront two currents: Bourgeois Feminism and Marxist Feminism.

(1) b.e "before our era"
The Roman Catholic Apostolic Church arises from the hand of the earthly, not the divine. Its foundation is due to the decision of the Roman Emperor, Flavius Valerius Constantine, who ruled the Roman Empire, in the year 306, giving birth to the slave oligarchy that moved the capital of the Empire to Constantinople to give rise to Byzantium, also known as the Roman Empire. Eastern. Byzantium was the most economically, culturally, and socially advanced part of the Empire, with a great development of trade, and a growing Christian population, which increased from 0.07% to 10.5% only in the year 300. This situation forced certain measures to be taken to save the empire from a crisis, thus in the 1st to 3rd century the edict of Milan was promoted first,
In the 3rd century, Roman society was plunged into a deep crisis, high levels of corruption, the invasion of foreign forces from the North, low crop production, weakness in power, this situation that lasted about 50 years. , was a threat to the empire, due to the entry of new beliefs into society and the emergence of new doctrines, there had to be a way out of the crisis, and Constantine understood that "justice and morality" had to be unified.under the same doctrine. These situations are what prompted Constantine to centralize political and religious power to protect his empire, promoting an agreement through the creation of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, to do so he suppressed the old oligarchy of priests who dictated the polytheistic religion. of Rome, and unified under his command the Christian bishoprics that were dispersed, and with different Christian dogmas.
Constantine dictated different measures in 321, including making Sundays days of rest, where judges could not issue sentences and work in the cities. He brought together the bishops, strengthened, and financed the clergy as an institution to expand in the territory and to be a guarantee of growth for Constantine and his Roman Empire. This is how the first council (meeting or congress) was formed, to shape agreements as a mechanism of political control, promoting the construction of Catholic Churches, calling those lands " Holy Land" to capture the influence of followers, through the Christian faith. , and gave coherence to all Catholic doctrine that was written entirely by the Roman scribes of the Empire.

The Council of Nicaea in the year 325 founded the Catholic Church with some agreements that persist to this day, such as the approval of episcopal elections, excommunication, and the prohibition by clerics to leave or move to other churches. The concepts that gave basis to the Patriarchy were created, such as the idea of the "Holy Trinity" (father – son – holy spirit) that strips women of all rights of descent and inheritance. The Council of Nicaea created the Patriarchate as a social institution and divided Byzantium into Patriarchates dominated by the Patriarchs of the Church and the Bishops, all positions that could only be held by men.
With the rest of the councils, the consolidation and policy imparted by the Church deepens, such as that established in the Third Ecumenical Council in 431 by Saint Celestine, when Mary was defined as the mother of Jesus Christ. In this way, the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church is not based on the "holy scriptures" but rather on proposals developed by Emperors and the slave oligarchy of the Roman Empire, which deepened over decades and centuries, as resistance resurfaced. and the questioning of the Church leadership who saw it necessary to implement a more offensive policy of persecuting and punishing opponents of the doctrine.
In Europe, in the Middle Ages and Modern Age, the so-called "Holy Inquisition" arose through a bull "ad aboledam" in 1184, promoted by Pope Lucius III, consisting of a judicial
procedure, dependent on the Catholic Church, which consisted of
persecuting , arrest and condemn those they considered heretics, (those
who disbelieve the doctrine of the Church, or question it). First
they persecuted and carried out a genocide with the people of the
Cathars and the Waldenses who questioned the authority of the Catholic
Church in the South of France. In
1231 Pope Gregory IX promoted the "Bull Ex communicamus" creating the
ecclesiastical courts and appointed the Inquisition authorities,
responding in a vertical line to the Pope, the Friars, Dominicans and
Later the Inquisition began to expand to other areas of France, Italy and Germany. In the 12th century, the Pontifical Inquisition was established, where the inquisitor acted as a delegate of the Pope, they only acted with presumptions, without any element, accusations or derivatives of extracted names, others detained for torture, the sentences were public and their property was confiscated. , to cover the costs of the trial. The Inquisition in Spain arose in the 13th century, promoted by the Kingdom of Aragon, implemented by the kingdom of Castile, in 1478 through the Bull Exigit sincerae devotionis affectus, by Pope Sixtus IV, the Church and the Monarchy of Spain, which determined the inquisitors to persecute and torture those considered by the Crown as heretics, who in principle those who professed Judaism, even if they had converted to Christianity. General Tomas Torquemada was then appointed Supreme Inquisitor, expanding the persecution of Muslims, forced to convert to Christianity.
Consequence of the invasion by the crown of America, they brought with them the implementation of the Inquisition in the territory, during the 16th century, where the friars, Franciscans and Dominicans carried it out in the name of the kings, establishing their courts in the cities of Mexico, Lima and Cartagena de Indias in Brazil dependent on Lisbon, the indigenous communities were executed for polygamy, bigamy, witchcraft or superstition, tortured and cremated like their populations.
In Rome, the inquisition began in 1542, to persecute the promoters of the Protestant Reformation. These execution processes, in the hands of the Church through the Spanish monarchy or the Roman Empire. This is how the disastrous "Witch Hunt" arises, promoted by a bull of Pope Innocent VIII, was a great persecution, mainly of women and men, who considered "witches" were said to attack religion due to their proximity to the devil, who were massacred for disobedience to the Church, for linking to other cults and homosexuality. Thousands of women were persecuted, murdered, and tortured to consolidate machismo, and the Patriarchy, especially those who were activists or refused to occupy the role of domestic slaves. The trials, as we had, did not have reliable elements, they were subject to assumptions, gossip, or names extracted from people under torture.
The ways for the inquisitor to obtain "confessions" were through cruel torture, of which we only mentioned a few, which were the most frequent, such as the Potro Machine, where the person was placed, tying their limbs, which generated dismemberment. . The thumb crusher was a metal instrument into which the fingers and toes were inserted. Then, using a screw, it was turned several times until the appendages were completely destroyed. Water torture, where their feet were tied to hanging, blocking their nostrils, and submerging them in water, the saw, for women " pregnant by satan"While hanging, the belly was opened with a saw to extract the fetus, or the metal pear was used in the mouth, vaginal or anal, among other atrocious tortures, public bonfires where women were mainly burned.
The political and social situation that gave impetus to the Inquisition was fundamentally due to the economic crisis, which collapsed in Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries, the Black Death caused a resounding population decline, accompanied by poverty and famine of the people, who At that time, the Jews had a better economic position, owners of leases and finances, for that reason they were persecuted, in addition to generating social control, and perpetuating the power of the church, through fear and repression of the people. Over the centuries, the crisis was sustained by the political power of the church, until the emergence of a new crisis, which once again questions the parameters of the Catholic church. The moral questioning, with the sale of indulgences, which consisted, in a style of paid bonuses, to spend less time in purgatory to forgive sins, used to finance the construction of St. Peter's Basilica, in Rome, or the institutionalization of prostitutes' income, which consisted of a sum of money that the priests paid to the bishop, increasingly violated the law of celibacy.
Some historians assert that at the Council of Constance in 1414, more than 700 women attended to sexually serve the bishops and guests. The only questioning in the councils and meetings focused on the fact that these actions distracted the oratory interventions, which is why Pope Alexander began renting rooms for the members of the church to attend brothels and not distract these meetings. Thus the Church began to monopolize and control a lucrative market by prohibiting independent and street prostitutes who do not work for them, but for the Church. This situation of corruption is used as a trigger, in the 16th century by Protestant reformers in Germany through Martin Luther, denouncing the lustful business of the Church, the questioning of the figure of the Pope, which unleashes a new crisis that concluded with that in the Reform 1517.
The Council of Trent unfolds in 3 stages, which does not allow its conclusion due to the internal crisis, in 1545 to 1549 with Paul III, in 1551 to 1552 with Pope Julius III and the third between 1562 to 1563, with Pius IV. , where the territories were divided, and reforms were carried out in the church, to maintain its political position by establishing an agreement with the Protestants agreeing on a series of principles. It was affirmed that freedom is nourished by grace through the seven sacraments, it was established that the sacred scriptures are the basis of faith, but they can only be interpreted by authorities of the Church, the presence of Christ in the Eucharist was confirmed, It was determined that the Roman Catholic Church is inspired by the Holy Spirit and does not make mistakes in matters of faith, mechanisms were established for the training of priests.
Likewise, the counter-reformation was consolidated to strengthen the Catholic Church, and confront the Protestant Reformation, these incorporations were in force until the Second Vatican Council was held, which established the foundations for 4 centuries, where the power of the papacy was strengthened, which He managed to concentrate all control mechanisms of the Catholic faithful. However, this situation and coronation of Ferdinand II as Catholic Emperor led to resistance from the Lutherans, leading to the 30 Years' War, a political-religious war that took place in Central Europe in the middle of the 17th century (1618-1648). ) between Catholics and Protestants, resulting in France becoming a power, the kings admitted power to the princes, generating the decline of the Germanic Emperor, the end of the Spanish Supreme Court until the arrival of the French Bourbons to the Spanish crown, reducing the power of the Catholic Pope. Which leads to the development of crises and power disputes to maintain the leadership of the church leadership, over the centuries.
As we have been seeing, the Church, as a defender of the exploitation and oppression of people, to maintain its power and strengthen its privileges within the capitalist system, constantly needs agreements and pacts with capitalist governments, and clearly it did not exclude agreements with fascist governments. In Italy, Mussolini's fascism had deep support from the Catholic Church and a fundamental role, with absolute control over the masses, against freedom, stopping the rise of socialism as a threat, which kept the Popes of Rome from sleeping. For this reason, Cardinal Ratti, who would later become Pope Pius XI, formed a movement characterized by its authoritarianism and patriotic exaltation.

The fascist Mussolini government acted diligently saving the Bank of Rome from bankruptcy, where the Holy See had funds. This cost the Italians around 1,500,000,000 pounds. In 1929, the Lateran Treaty was signed between the fascist dictatorship and the Catholic Church.
this treaty, the Vatican achieved statehood, received an enormous sum
of money for its supposed rights over the Papal States, and fascism
gained respectability for the Catholic world, which was made up of a
good part of the European nations that dominated the world. Mussolini had long realized the power of religion, and especially the Catholic Church, to mobilize the masses.
The coming to power of fascism and the formation of a dictatorship was a key event in the development of the political and economic events of the 20th century. Shortly after, something similar happened in Germany, here also with the support of the Catholic Church, which made Hitler's rise to power possible. The strengthening of these two fascist dictatorships would act as a driver in the creation of others, such as the Spanish one in 1939, and especially in the campaigns of invasions and wars that would ultimately lead to World War II. In Argentina it was the same complicity, the religious factor was important within the strategy that the Armed Forces developed to legitimize the coup d'état of March 24, 1976.
the 1930s, the Catholic Church and the Armed Forces shared the same way
of conceiving national identity: they privileged certain "traditional" social and cultural patterns , among which Catholicism occupied a central place. In
this sense, when, in 1976, the military presented itself as the
defenders of the nationalist sense, which was being threatened by "subversion", which sought to disrupt the essential values of the family, imposed by the Church and good Christian customs. For this reason, the first military documents referred to the need to "reestablish the values of Christian morality, national tradition and the dignity of being Argentine."
According to the capitalist National Constitution of 1853 and the international treaties incorporated into it, in Argentina there is no official religion and the State guarantees freedom of religion and conscience. That is why the country is formally considered to have a "secular State". During the fascist dictatorships in Argentina, they had a joint plan, that is why we say that in 1976, it was a civic, ecclesiastical and military coup, granting the leadership of the Catholic Church benefits through Decrees and laws, with multimillion-dollar sums of resources that They come from taxes on workers and the people.
Despite the fact that article 2 of the Constitution also establishes that "the federal government supports the Roman Catholic apostolic cult", thus giving it privileged, exclusive treatment. The capitalist states and the Catholic Church act together to try to stop the rise of women, young people and the most oppressed sectors, which is illustrated by the fact that none of these decrees and laws of the dictatorship were repealed, on the contrary. were expanded, such as tax exemptions, financing of renovations, subsidies for private Catholic schools, transfer of land or public buildings, which swell their coffers.
As in the law of voluntary interruption of pregnancy, conscientious objection was admitted, warning that in 2014, the government of Cristina Kirchner promoted a modification in the Argentine Civil Code, considering the Church as a Legal Person, granting it a status of privilege, compared to other cults. For this reason, the funds of the church arise from the taxes that we all pay, moreover, incorporated into the funds approved each year by the national parliament, through the budget law of the national administration, this economic support guarantees the Church a power of decision and interference in the lives of millions. The task before us is to continue with the demand for separation of the capitalist State and the Church, through secular education, independent of all religious worship.
The patriarchal system demands female bodies at the disposal of men and capitalism demands the conversion of these bodies into merchandise, whether due to limited economic resources, deception or kidnapping, women are incorporated into mafia circuits and taken to the sex industry, to that a large percentage of the male population can have sexual access, as commodities, victims of humiliation and violence, and that, to a large extent, culminates in the feminicide of women, as the last act of patriarchal sexist violence. In the 20th century, prostitution has direct contact with human trafficking and sanctions begin to be applied to prostitution consumers. For example, in Sweden, since January 1999, men who purchase sexual services have been penalized with prison sentences of up to 6 months or a fine,"paid violence" . With trafficking for sexual exploitation, a form of modern slavery, women are introduced to prostitution or pornography or as sexual tourism.
It is false to consider prostitution as an expression of sexual freedom over our bodies, since within the capitalist system we are not free, it is a fallacy, which uses regulationism, which tries to justify the laundering of the millions of money obtained as profit by the sexual exploitation of our bodies, where corporations, pimped businessmen in agreement with capitalist governments, try to regularize them through laws, and pseudo unions, romanticizing the atrocious crime of violence, kidnappings, mistreatment, humiliation, torture and death of women and girls, in this obsolete sexist and patriarchal culture.

coming to power of fascism and the formation of a dictatorship was a
key event in the development of the political and economic events of the
20th century. Shortly
after, something similar happened in Germany, here also with the support
of the Catholic Church, which made Hitler's rise to power possible.
The strengthening of these two fascist dictatorships would act as a driver in the creation of others, such as the Spanish one in 1939, and especially in the campaigns of invasions and wars that would ultimately lead to World War II. In Argentina it was the same complicity, the religious factor was important within the strategy that the Armed Forces developed to legitimize the coup d'état of March 24, 1976.
the 1930s, the Catholic Church and the Armed Forces shared the same way
of conceiving national identity: they privileged certain "traditional" social and cultural patterns, among which Catholicism occupied a central place. In
this sense, when, in 1976, the military presented itself as the
defenders of the nationalist sense, which was being threatened by "subversion", which sought to disrupt the essential values of the family, imposed by the Church and good Christian customs. For this reason, the first military documents referred to the need to "reestablish the values of Christian morality, national tradition and the dignity of being Argentine."
According to the capitalist National Constitution of 1853 and the international treaties incorporated into it, in Argentina there is no official religion and the State guarantees freedom of religion and conscience. That is why the country is formally considered to have a "secular State". During the fascist dictatorships in Argentina, they had a joint plan, that is why we say that in 1976, it was a civic, ecclesiastical and military coup, granting the leadership of the Catholic Church benefits through Decrees and laws, with multimillion-dollar sums of resources that They come from taxes on workers and the people.
Despite the fact that article 2 of the Constitution also establishes that "the federal government supports the Roman Catholic apostolic cult", thus giving it privileged, exclusive treatment. The capitalist states and the Catholic Church act together to try to stop the rise of women, young people and the most oppressed sectors, which is illustrated by the fact that none of these decrees and laws of the dictatorship were repealed, on the contrary. were expanded, such as tax exemptions, financing of renovations, subsidies for private Catholic schools, transfer of land or public buildings, which swell their coffers.
As in the law of voluntary interruption of pregnancy, conscientious objection was admitted, warning that in 2014, the government of Cristina Kirchner promoted a modification in the Argentine Civil Code, considering the Church as a Legal Person, granting it a status of privilege, compared to other cults. For this reason, the funds of the church arise from the taxes that we all pay, moreover, incorporated into the funds approved each year by the national parliament, through the budget law of the national administration, this economic support guarantees the Church a power of decision and interference in the lives of millions. The task before us is to continue with the demand for separation of the capitalist State and the Church, through secular education, independent of all religious worship.
Despite this, it is a business that has grown rapidly and finds an ally in the media who, by publishing contact ads, become accomplices in this situation. The analysis of prostitution is very recent in our country, starting in the 21st century, when the incorporation into the feminist agenda of the debate on the sexual exploitation of women related to trafficking is observed. Thus, trafficking in women is inseparable from prostitution and addressing it separately would be to proceed incorrectly, since 90% of it is for purposes of sexual exploitation and in 98% of cases it is occupied by women and girls.
According to the International Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons and the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, approved by the UN in 1949 and ratified by Spain in 1962, it considers that prostitution and the evil that accompanies it, human trafficking, as well as such as the Palermo Protocol for the prevention, suppression and punishment of human trafficking. But all these legislative changes have not meant an increase in the closure of establishments where sexual services are offered or police actions, nor has it affected the media, which obtain great profits by publishing contact ads.
Currently, prostitution has become a very lucrative business. For example, in Spain, profits of around 18,000 million euros per year have been recorded, affecting around 300,000 women. Women, victims of networks, are recruited in their countries of origin taking advantage of their personal situation, often characterized by lack of economic resources, unemployment, difficulties in emigrating or kidnappings.
carry this out, different deceptive procedures are used, such as the
insertion, in the local media, of advertisements with false job offers
that offer positions in the hospitality or domestic sector, or through
travel, marriage or modeling agencies that They work for the
organization. In other
cases they are forcibly kidnapped or the recruitment is carried out
directly by other women who have already practiced prostitution and who
receive commissions from the organization. But
it also happens that women, although they may know the activity they
are going to carry out and come voluntarily, are unaware of the
conditions of slavery.
Generally, once they have been introduced into the prostitution market, they are governed by the plaza system, which consists of "the exchange of women between different places in which they spend stays of approximately 21 days, which correspond to menstruation periods" , for the transfer and also prevent them from making friends with each other or with a client. Regarding age, 61.71% are women from 18 to 30 years old, 27.91% from 30 to 45 years old, 9.46 % from 46 to 60 years old. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), almost 21 million people are victims of forced labor in the world. This crime generates a profit of approximately 150 million dollars annually, two thirds of these figures They are the product of sexual exploitation.
Argentina has become a country of origin, transit and destination for victims of trafficking, women and girls of Dominican, Paraguayan and Peruvian origin enter the country to be exploited. In order to develop the trafficking business, the connivance of the political, judicial and police power and the Church is needed, which form the pillars of oppressive patriarchal machismo. As part of the defense of business, multinational corporations finance numerous feminist organizations that promote regulationism, with which these capitalist conglomerates ensure that their projects are approved in Parliament, and even that feminist organizations or left-wing Foundations" and "NGOs " give a "progressive" veneer to their pimping proposals.

carry out this business where the woman's body is "merchandise",
transportation and exploitation routes are enabled such as Brazil,
Argentina, Paraguay, Venezuela and Panama, on the borders of Paraguay,
where, on the Libertad bridge, which is a triple border between Brazil,
Argentina and Paraguay people pass easily and with little control.
In Bolivia, one of the main transportation routes is in the Desaguadero sector. The routes followed by women trafficking mafias usually start from Eastern Europe, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine, mostly. Many women also arrive in Spain from Algeria, Nigeria, Mauritania and Senegal.
New forms of recruiting ONLY FANS: During 2020, virtual platforms such as OnlyFans became relevant on the internet in the Covid 19 quarantine. This online content platform became a source of economic income for many people, especially women who saw the possibility of capitalizing on the sale of erotic photos and videos.
The Only Fans Platform was created in 2015 by Tim Stokely, a British businessman, known for being the founder and CEO of OnlyFans, aimed at content creators such as YouTubers or influencers, to offer their content, which other platforms had been doing years before. such as Patreon, then becoming widespread on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or Twitter. The Only Fans Platform manages the economic circuit where each content creator subscriber can see his or her publications in exchange for a monthly fee. OnlyFans pays the creator 80% of the fees collected, and retains the remaining 20%.
This Platform, which has access to minors on these platforms, is exposed to abuse such as sexual cyberbullying, "grooming" or "phishing" , which can allow an adult to obtain erotic material from them, as well as personal data, to extort them, manipulate them and exploit us, creating a spiral from which it is very difficult to get out. It is estimated that every 24 hours between 6,000 and 7,000 new creators and 200,000 new users join and that in the last four years their transactions have reached at least 1 billion dollars.
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, with the emergence of the Soviet Union, a series of measures were applied that favored women when the first workers' government of Lenin and Trotsky took over. That government applies a broad program of measures in favor of the oppressed, exploited, and minorities, from which we extract the reference to women. Only three years after the start of the 1917 Revolution, on November 18, 1920, the People's Commissariat for Health and Justice published a decree on the artificial termination of pregnancy. And Soviet Russia became the first country to authorize voluntary and free abortion.
The law - which did not specify a limit of weeks for abortion- authorized the practice only in hospitals, performed by a doctor, and without profit. The legislation of all countries combats this evil by punishing women who decide to abort and the doctors who carry out the operation.
Without having obtained favorable results, this method of combating abortion drove these operations underground and turned women into victims of mercenaries, often ignorant, who make secret operations their profession, argued the preamble of the decree. These revolutionary measures of historical significance, which set a precedent as the conquests and demands that could be applied in practice in a concrete way and opens the way for us to advance in the development of a program of global demands, based on the historical background of our struggle.
Women won the right to be elected. The Zhenotdel or Women's Department was created to promote debates, activities and measures in favor of women's interests.
- The Bolsheviks not only established the eight-hour day immediately upon coming to power, but also prohibited night work and work in mines for women and adolescents. They immediately approved subsidies and paid maternity leaves of eight weeks before and after childbirth for working women. In September 1918, a text regulated equal pay between men and women. The Land Code approved in 1922, granted for the first time in history to peasant women, equal access to land, the right to leave the family if they wanted, and to participate in communal decisions, although this was difficult. to implement in practice due to the cultural backwardness that existed.
- In 1918, alimony payments were approved in the event of parental separation or divorce.
- Homosexuality was decriminalized and became a private matter.
- Free abortion was approved in State hospitals in 1920.
Prostitution, which was widespread in Tsarist Russia, was considered the most extreme expression of the exploitation and degradation of women. But those who practiced it were not criminalized, but rather measures were taken to resolve the causes that forced women into prostitution. They were treated for free in hospitals and an attempt was made to improve their cultural level and employment opportunities.
· The Bolshevik vision of the family was based on free union, on the emancipation of women through salaried work, on the socialization of domestic work and on the collective upbringing of girls and boys under the responsibility of the State, because they understood that without ending the domestic slavery of women, one could not speak of socialism.
· From the first year and despite the economic situation that existed, the government made an effort to create daycare centers, laundries and public restaurants and other establishments, to free women from the burden of domestic tasks.
Taking as background the measures taken in the Soviet Union, we also took numerous works for the elaboration of this Program, among them, the works of Marx and Engels called "Selection of Texts on Women". Our proposal is part of a dynamic and revolutionary process of women and young people in the world, which combines gender and class issues, so that in a self-organized way we bring proposals that cover all women who want to intervene as part of this process. revolutionary. Prepared by all the classmates of our class, to direct this process in which we are protagonists.
Program Proposal for Women's Issues
* Report violence, harassment, domestic harassment, in workplaces, and studies
* The legal right to self-defense against all forms of sexual violence.
* Immediate investigations of all crimes against women that are reported and prosecution of the abuser.
* Free and considerate medical care for all victims of sexual assault.
* State-funded shelters for women fleeing domestic violence and immediate compensation and employment for battered and raped women who have to leave home and have no means of subsistence.
* Easy access and distribution of free and safe contraceptives to all those who request them, regardless of their age.
* Legalization of safe and free abortion in public hospitals.
* Comprehensive sexual education, in schools, to sexually educate students of all ages.
* Abolition of prostitution. Report minors and their pimps, as well as the places where they operate. We consider that prostitution is not work. We consider that regulating prostitution is endorsing human trafficking and protecting traffickers and exploiters.
* Reporting and protection of abused minors, which we define as any abuse, penetration, rubbing or caressing of your genital organs against your will. Touching the abuser's genital organs. Sometimes there is no physical contact but someone may tell you to watch them naked, watch them while they touch their genitals or have sexual relations with another person or people. Being forced to watch movies or attend conversations with sexual content. Being asked to pose naked in order to arouse or obtain sexual pleasure
* Protection of children against physical and psychological abuse and against sexual coercion, harassment and exploitation by any institution or individual.
* The immediate stop to police harassment, brutality and killings of sexual minorities, LGBT.
* The right of sexual minorities to care for and raise their children and to be adoptive parents or guardians.
* Expansion of the ILE for women who know they will have children with severe disability pathologies
Older women Adults:
* Retirement Guarantee financed by the State with provision of 25 years of service for women and 30 years of service for men
* We demand free medical and domestic care, with competent, multicultural staff
* That all techniques, personal aid devices, exercise and therapy be offered free of charge to improve quality of life.
* Free and accessible transportation.
* Free, quality social and recreational resources controlled by older people
* We demand full integration of the disabled into society, including full legal rights and protection from discrimination.
* State funding to provide more advanced technological aids to all people with disabilities.
* That transport, buildings and public facilities have access for the disabled. Free transport.
* Free, quality and universal medical care.
* Non-discriminatory training and employment.
* Equality in the educational field for the disabled including modified facilities when necessary.
* Full funding for programs at all educational levels for the instruction of children with learning disabilities.
* Free public transportation, with extended hours and expanded routes with access to work, educational, cultural and recreational establishments.
* Equal payment for equal task with man
* Free 24-hour daycare centers that are funded by the state, are located in or near the workplace and have educational, recreational and medical facilities for children.
* Paid leave for pregnancy, care of newborns and serious illnesses without loss of benefits, seniority or employment level.
* Safe working conditions for everyone. The eradication of dangerous work environments that affect an unequal number of women,
* Comprehensive employer-funded health insurance for part-time and full-time workers where health insurance is not universal.
* Regular and automatic salary increases that match the increase in the cost of living.
* The labor movement must fight for equality for all workers, address social issues and prioritize the demands of women, immigrants and lesbians and gays.
* Leave for gender violence for all workers regardless of their magazine status or employment situation.
* Extension of maternity leave to six months to breastfeed our daughters/sons.
* Extension of paternity leave to a minimum of 15 days
* Leave for workers due to parental ties, respecting the law on equal marriage.
* Funding and education to preserve and protect the environment and to recycle or restore natural resources.
* The nationalization of the energy and petrochemical industries under workers' control.
* The immediate closure of all nuclear plants. Let the construction of nuclear weapons end. That nuclear contaminants are not dumped and that a safe program for the destruction of existing radioactive waste is implemented, supervised by the community.
* End open mining exploitation, especially that of carcinogenic uranium.
* Stopping the theft of indigenous lands to exploit mining deposits or any other resources. The strict application of safety and health standards for all workers, especially those who clean up environmental disasters.
That corporations stop littering and transferring dangerous industries
to poor communities, Native reservations and Third World countries.
Women are experiencing a revolutionary process worldwide, publicly denouncing abuse, domestic violence, harassment, abuse, rape, and all kinds of humiliation for the mere fact of being a woman. Massive mobilizations worldwide were deployed in this century, starting as vanguard mobilizations until they became massive and increasingly radicalized mobilizations.
As revolutionary women, we raise our fists marking the path we must follow, without taking a single step back, to the oppressive patriarchal policies of capitalism, intervening in this revolutionary process as protagonists. We promote, because we are part of the "we are not silent anymore" and we are not going to sustain oppressive machismo in impunity, we raise our voices and denounce everything that we have and are suffering, for the sole condition of being a woman, denouncing situations of abuse, harassment and violations, of officials and directors of the employers' associations, of bourgeois organizations, the Church and leaders of political parties and social and union organizations.
Thus, when we say that the crisis of capitalism is deepening worldwide, the decomposition echoes, deep down even in parties that call themselves "revolutionary" and "Trotskyist" for that reason and in an imperious way, reality pushes us to take position regarding the number of abuses reported, against leaders of employers' and revolutionary organizations, beginning to develop a protocol for the treatment of these cases, with the seriousness that the task implies and with all protection for the reporting victims.
We will begin by reviewing several examples of how numerous groups have responded to accusations of abuse by their leaders.
British Socialist Workers Party
Towards the end of 2012, two members of the British Socialist Workers Party (SWP) accused a national leader of rape and sexual assault. A seven-member Dispute Commission, consisting of a majority of current or former members of the Central Committee, exonerated the comrade against whom the charges were brought.
This issue came to a head at a national convention. After hearing from comrades who disagreed with the Dispute Commission, party members voted to uphold the Commission's results by a narrow margin of 231 to 209. Supporters of the abuse allegations walked out. It turned out that at least four comrades who supported them had been expelled before the convention for trying to broach the issue at the national meeting. Others were accused of "secret factionalization" and party members were ordered never to speak of the issue again or to resign.
Within the party, those who supported the Disputes Commission expressed the view that feminism, autonomism and identity politics were corrupting the organization and destroying democratic centralism. In response, the opposition accused the party leadership of a cover-up. Others reported that there was a culture of impunity within the party when it came to evaluating the misdeeds of male leaders and that the word "feminist" was used as a profanity in political debate. After the convention, the debate spread throughout the party to such an extent that a special meeting was called to discuss the issue. The membership again supported the Disputes Commission's decision. Branches withdrew, more comrades resigned and the SWP lost its support.
Socialist Workers Movement, Mexico
In Mexico, Sergio Moissen, leader of the MTS (affiliate of the Trotskyist Fraction – Fourth International) was accused of rape by a young Chilean student who was not affiliated with the organization, a fact that was made public in an anonymous pamphlet. The MTS took a hard line and refused to discuss the issue while they carried out an internal investigation. Meanwhile, Moissen, who was a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City, was fired by the administration. Pan y Rosas, the MTS women's organization, called for a protest over his dismissal from the university, while refusing to discuss the charges against Moissen, arguing that they were being investigated internally by the MTS.
This angered feminists and students who were not members of any of those organizations. Ultimately, MTS exonerated Moissen of rape and claimed that she was simply guilty of impertinent sexist acts. Because no independent commission was established, and because MTS insisted on a strictly internal investigation, the organization went on the defensive and was accused of defending a rapist in the eyes of feminists and other left-wing organizations. and movement.
Workers Party, Argentina
In 2017, a statement issued by a blog identified as Por Una Izquierda Anti-Patriarcal listed seven men who had been expelled from the Partido Obrero (PO) for mistreatment and violence against women. The group claimed that an eighth PO member remained in the organization and accused the party of "containing the damage" rather than resolving and making public the expulsions and the problem of sexual abuse within the organization. They pointed out at least a dozen more cases and asked all left-wing groups to publish the names of the abusers. In his pamphlet, For an Anti-Patriarchal Left he claimed to be a Marxist and to be against capitalist and hetero-patriarchal relations.
The PO characterized his statement as a blatant political attack by a little-known group whose reasons for getting involved were suspect. The party stated that it not only expelled members accused of mistreatment but also organized internal workshops to educate comrades about gender-based violence. However, party spokespersons claimed that fighting capitalism was far more effective in countering violence against women than exposing the perpetrators of such attacks, casting the two approaches as opposites rather than equally important aspects of the same fight.
Workers Party - Argentina
Complaints have been known for a long time in Jujuy Salta and Tucumán against members of the Partido Obrero, in the province of Jujuy when, in approximately 2013/14, a colleague reported in writing the beating received by her companion and partner of the PO leader. Dietrich, during a birthday party that was being held at a house, which is why they had to attend to her classmate Paula.
Immediately the companion and witness to the beating submitted a document to the Northern regional informing and carried out by Pablo Dietrich. The response was blunt, we are not going to get involved in something that constitutes a personal problem. Then, of course, the attacker's partner responded to the document and due to the lack of response from the northern regional committee, she withdrew from the Partido Obrero militancy.
Youth Union for Socialism –PO- Argentina
Another event that happened in the city of Salta was the one carried out by the then councilor Rodrigo Tomaba for the capital of the PCIA. When in one of the rallies that were held to raise funds for the UJS, a fellow underage UJS activist was attacked, he was drunk and struggling to force her to do "something" in front of the entire party.
Which is why those present had to intervene, expressing their anger violently. He was never sanctioned, even he was re-elected as a councilman. It is known that new episodes occurred with other women in the party.
New MAS, Argentina
In 2014, a pamphlet published under the name Comuna Socialista y Círculo de Amigas Feministas caused a furor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires when it attacked Nuevo MAS and its feminist affiliate Las Rojas. He accused Nuevo MAS of having covered up several incidences of sexual abuse by David Gabe, a psychology student and a prominent leader and former electoral candidate for the organization.
These charges sparked a furious exchange in which the Socialist Commune accused Nuevo MAS and Las Rojas of intimidation and threats of physical violence. Nuevo MAS defended its history of fighting capitalism and opposing the oppression of women while the group that issued the complaint had no history of feminist activism. They concluded that the attack was pure political hostility. The controversy was addressed by Indy Media in Argentina, which published a photo of David Gabe along with warnings about his alleged behavior. Subsequently, three female comrades published a statement resigning from Nuevo MAS stating that they could not belong to a group that harbored sexual abusers.
Party of Socialist Workers- Argentina
In February 2017, Nacho Borelli, a student leader of the Socialist Workers Party (PTS) on the campus of the University of Buenos Aires, was accused of sexual abuse by an ex-girlfriend. The PTS (an affiliate of the Trotskyist Faction – Fourth International) did not respond publicly until it announced that it had conducted an internal investigation and concluded that there was no abuse, only harassment. The university subsequently fired Borelli from his position as a student leader.
Party of Socialist Workers- Argentina
When the rain of abuse complaints began, a young woman wrote on the networks that she had managed to see her abuser marching in front of a column of the PTS party. It was Mariano, a leader of the youth of this party, who some time ago had abused his friend's girlfriend when she was asleep after having been drinking during a previous meeting.
Given this complaint, the PTS was in charge of finding the victim outside the party and "hurrying her up" in the victim's own words. The one who tries to find out and ask them to meet to see if Mariano is expelled is the activist at the time at the university, Marcelo Butiérrez. Butiérrez was later isolated. Finally, and without warning anything, it is said that they had asked Mariano to temporarily withdraw from the PTS militancy, although he was expelled from us because supposedly it had been decided in a very closed circle and they prohibited speaking out about this to others. In this way Butiérrez definitively distances himself from the PTS
Revolutionary Workers Movement-Brazil
A few years ago, a union leader and member of the Trotskyist Fraction section in Brazil, the Revolutionary Workers' Movement, was accused of sexual harassment by a cleaning woman at the headquarters of a local union. The union formed an independent commission to investigate the allegation, which concluded that an act of sexual assault had occurred.
The MRT claimed that the accusation was politically motivated. Specifically, that it was an attempt to smear MRT candidates in the upcoming union elections. It is worth noting that from day one MRT put pressure on the union commission with letters and petitions supporting the innocence of its member. In the end, the cleaning woman was fired by the union. This sparked a public campaign to protest the way she had been treated by the union and the MRT.
Socialist Workers Movement – Argentina
In January 2019, the complaint was made public by fellow MST militants, in which they clarified their withdrawal from the party for having reported harassment and abuse of the national leader Sergio Ballestero, when he was in charge of the Teresa Vive group, using methods of humiliation with colleagues in exchange for social plans.
Complaint to the Colombian Communist Youth - JUCO -
During the last five years, militants and former militants of the Colombian Communist Youth (JUCO, university body of the Colombian Communist Party) have been denouncing cases of sexist violence within that organization. The hashtag #JUCOPatriarcal has accompanied some of the complaints made by the colleagues, who have also been ignored or ridiculed by this party, which is also allied with the Progressive International and the capitalists of the Liberal Party. Among the complaints, harassment stands out. systematic violation, systematic sexual harassment and sexual violence, and the censorship that women have suffered within the JUCO when they want to participate in political debates, and even when they denounce the links of this organization with Uribism and/or revisionism so strong that he calls the match. . There is then evidence of a lack of self-criticism on the part of its members, and a great incoherence between the practices of those militants who proclaim themselves as Marxists. At the same time that the complaints broke out, the members of the JUCO were calling those who accused them of being "liberal", "postmodern" and "anti-communist", without presenting a single argument to support such a statement, and again dividing the struggle of the women of the class struggle.
Some of these complaints against systematic sexist violence within the JUCO were made within the framework of an "Extraordinary Regional Conference on Women, Gender and Sexual Diversities with a Class Perspective" that was held in the Bogotá regional office and which included (as several complainants mentioned) with the participation of many of the abusers! The political statement that came out of the event is characterized by regrets, little self-criticism as an organization and no criticism or denunciation against the abusers who were exposed with names, surnames and position within the JUCO or PCC. Neither the JUCO, nor the PCC nor the Progressive International care to mention that oppression against women is a problem that originates with the appearance of private property, social divisionof work and the emergence of the monogamous family; much less propose that only through the proletarian revolution can women truly achieve their emancipation, because they are not organisms for the revolution. An organization that calls itself communist and that is against oppression and exploitation, must organize the masses to destroy (and not reform) this system, the source of oppression against women, and fight for the socialization of the means of production and change.
La Campora Group – Kirchnerism – Argentina
A former La Cámpora activist denounced the cases of radical senator Juan Carlos Marino and provincial legislator Jorge "Loco" Romero.
Militants women tell what she experienced within the youth group, she was a victim, like many colleagues, of abuse and violent situations by "referents", and against the Kirchnerist provincial senator Jorge "Loco" Romero, a member of the Camporista leadership in the province of Buenos Aires, who announced his resignation from his "political responsibilities" (party office and banking).
We share in considering the gloomy enumeration of revolutionary organizations to understand the importance of the fight for women's autonomy.
A revolutionary organization of the 21st century must place women's freedom at the center of everything it does if it is to be relevant and principled. And its leaders must be an example of this approach inside and outside the party, in mass organizations, in personal relationships, at work and in unions.
We must promote that the colleagues of the organizations have all the objective possibilities to raise and report all the situations that they consider necessary in order to deepen trust within the Organization, generating healthy ties, to develop both internally and in intervention in the organization. class struggle.
Procedure to follow:
1) members who incriminate and/or denounce other members within the Organization.
2) and others where the complaints are made by people who are not members of the organization or anonymously.
First: When accusations of abuse arise within a revolutionary organization, it is necessary to form an internal commission to investigate the charges and decide what method to follow.
A Commission composed of 5 (five) with 2 (comrades) and 3 (comrades) must be formed. The members of the Commission must be the most respected and trusted comrades among all the members, excluding the Party Leadership, if they are part of such Commission. Immediately, statements must be taken from the victim/as, as well as from the witness members, if any. The accused person must be informed within a maximum period of 24 hours, of having formalized the complaint, by the chosen representative, with a period of 48 hours, to substantiate his position as a defense, presenting himself to the Commission with a verbal statement. and/or written.
The partner reported in protection of the complaining victim or his/her witnesses must, from the formalization of the complaint, move away from the area in which he/she may have physical and/or verbal contact with the complainant. In the case of having any approach, be it through any means, she may be subject to a sanction for violation of this protocol. Next, with the Commission, they must issue a resolution immediately within a period of 10 calendar days, which may be extended by 5 calendar days, if the situation warrants it and is justified. During the investigation process, the case must be treated with reserve and treated as a serious political problem.
In Second Term: When the charges are made by people who are not members
In the case of a complaint by a non-member against members of left-wing groups, the investigation can be carried out by an Independent Commission with respected members in the social, labor and left-wing movements. This is the best way to show that an organization has nothing to hide. If the complaint is anonymous, its authors must be urged to make a statement based on specific facts so that it is taken seriously, and the means for due process must be enabled, within 24 hours. or it is rejected, since anonymity in complaints is not a revolutionary method.
- "Caliban and the Witch Women, Body and Original Accumulation" Silvia Federici - 2010 - Dream Traffickers
- Update of the Transition Program. Thesis VI Fourth International – Nahuel Moreno
- As Paleontology, the science of organisms that existed more than 10,000 years ago, develops, scientific discoveries place the emergence of the first humans, and therefore the first primitive societies, further and further into history. Currently, Paleontology places Sahelanthropus Tchadensis among the first hominids discovered dating back to around 6 and 7 million years. These fossils were found by anthropologists Alain Beauvilain, Fanone Gongdibe, Mahamat Adoum, and Ahounta Djimdoumalbaye in Chad, Central Africa, in 2001.
- Wealth accumulation statistics. Credit Suiss Bank. 2012
- "The North American Revolution of the 21st Century." by Daniel Campos. 2018.
- North American Revolution of the 21st Century—Daniel Campos 2016
- Mobilization over the murder of Marielle- from the PSOL- Brazil (activists Brazil)

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