Theory: Bourgeois Feminism and Marxist Feminism

Bourgeois Feminism
1) The origin of the oppression of women is biological. The masculine gender oppressed the feminine gender from the very origin of Humanity. The oppression of the masculine gender towards the feminine gender is inherent to their sexual condition, as a product of their biological characteristics, which allow them to act with greater physical and psychological force to subjugate women. Men and women have always had this relationship of oppression.
2) Machismo and Patriarchy are institutions that arise as a result of the biological and ideological oppression of the male gender. Machismo and Patriarchy have always existed in the history of Humanity. It is combated by fighting against the customs, ideology, and methods of the masculine gender. This allows women to achieve equality with men within capitalism
3) No matter what social class men and women belong to, women are always liberators, and men are always oppressors. The woman question is primarily a gender question, class questions are of secondary importance. Women who defend capitalism can be liberators from oppression even though there are ruling classes and exploitation of some human beings by others within capitalism.
4) The struggle for women's liberation can only succeed if it is carried out solely by women in alliance with other oppressed peoples such as indigenous peoples, races, sexualities, and nationalities. But male human beings cannot be part of this fight. Consistent with the biologist's vision of oppression, a sector of bourgeois feminism called "radical feminism" also leaves out of the struggle an oppressed sector such as trans women because they have a "penis."
5) It promulgates that Machismo and Patriarchy can be abolished through a reformist path through the theory of "empowerment" . It argues that by occupying positions within the state, companies, and jobs, women become "power" and are achieving equality between the female and male genders within capitalism. Through this gradual and reformist path, Machismo and Patriarchy can be left behind.
6) Coherent with the theory of "empowerment" and the "reformist path " , bourgeois feminism fights for the location of women as officials of governments and capitalist states. Whether as presidents, ministers, or with the creation of secretariats and ministries for women, the politics of bourgeois feminism is limited to demanding "a larger budget" for its secretariats and ministries.
7) Consistent with its reformist vision, it formulates the theory of the " gender perspective" . He argues that the state, the ministries, the secretariats, all existing positions or institutions, or recently created, must have a "gender perspective" . In this way, the state becomes progressively feminist, and through the creation of secretariats and ministries with a "gender perspective" it ceases to be a male chauvinist and patriarchal state.
8) Considers it necessary to legalize prostitution, and regulate it, since it states that prostitution should be considered "a job." She bases her position on the argument that women have the "right to dispose of her body", and that the act of prostitution is part of "empowerment". In this way, it promotes and supports laws to legalize prostitution and the unionization of prostitutes. A small sector of bourgeois feminism, "radical feminism" is for the abolition of prostitution.
9) Starting in 2015, the world women's revolution or "Fourth Wave" broke out with struggles such as the Kurdish guerrillas in Rojava, Ni una Menos in Argentina, the "Me Too" Movement in the United States, the struggle for legal abortion in Ireland, Mexico, Chile, etc. Their strategy is to bring this revolution to the bourgeois institutions fighting for laws, secretariats, ministries, and civil servant positions with the aim of reforming the capitalist state. Promotes a "demonstrative marketing" that includes the establishment of a calendar of dates with the aim of " institutionalizing"the struggle in the different countries and at the international level together with the UN, and the international organizations that support capitalism, and declare themselves feminists.
10) Claims the "Plurinational State" as a strategy for the native peoples. The multinational state is a capitalist state that gives autonomy to the original peoples within capitalism as long as they accept exploitation, the control of the economy by the ruling classes, and the capitalist multinationals.

Marxist Feminism
1) The origin of the oppression of women is political-social. The relations between women and men were harmonious and fraternal until the sixth century BC (1) when private ownership of the means of production and the ruling classes were consolidated. From there, the majority of women and men become part of the exploited classes and oppressions of race, gender, origin, sexuality, class, etc. arise to sustain the exploitation of the dominant classes.
2) Machismo and Patriarchy are institutions that arise after the abolition of Matriarchy, and the collective ownership of the means of production, around the 6th century (b.e) As long as there is capitalism there will never be equality between human beings, nor between men and the women. The only way to abolish the institutions of Machismo and Patriarchy is the abolition of capitalism.
3) Women who belong to the ruling classes and defend capitalism are supporters of oppression, as are men who defend capitalism. The woman question is primarily a class question, which is combined with gender questions. No woman defender of capitalism can be a liberator from oppression, because as long as there are dominant classes, and exploitation of some human beings by others, women will continue to be oppressed.
4) The struggle for women's liberation can only succeed if women carry it out in alliance with all those oppressed by capitalism such as workers, indigenous peoples, races, sexualities, nationalities, regardless of their gender condition. To succeed, women must win a sector of male human beings for this fight, without the alliance with a sector of male human beings it is impossible to abolish Machismo and Patriarchy.
5) It promulgates that Machismo and Patriarchy can only be abolished through a revolutionary path. She denounces that the theory of female "empowerment" is false. Women must fight for equal conditions with men, but to violently defeat the capitalist state and the ruling classes. It is these classes that have the " power ". As long as there is capitalism, and ruling classes, Machismo and Patriarchy will continue.
6) Denounces the officials of the governments and capitalist states, whether presidents, ministers, as well as the creation of secretaries, and ministries of women, as a farce to hide the growing femicides and disappearances. The more ministries are created, the more the oppression of women grows, aggravated day by day by the crisis of the capitalist states.
7) Denounces and rejects the policy of " gender perspective" for state institutions and capitalist officials. Proposing that the capitalist state has a "gender perspective" is something unreal, and fanciful, it is like asking a cow to fly, it is something that is not going to happen. The "gender" ministries and secretaries are denounced by Marxists as a farce to hide the macho and patriarchal character of the capitalist state
8) It proposes the abolition of prostitution and trafficking networks. It is abolitionist because it sees prostitution as "21st century slavery," a capitalist business run by global imperialist corporations. She confronts the pimping of the state, government, and capitalist political parties, denouncing as false the argument that women have the "right to dispose of their bodies", since millions are pushed into prostitution by the horrible living conditions imposed by the capitalism.
9) Starting in 2015, the world women's revolution or "Fourth Wave" broke out with struggles such as the Kurdish guerrillas in Rojava, Ni una Menos in Argentina, the "Me Too" Movement in the United States, the struggle for legal abortion in Ireland, Mexico, Chile, etc. Its strategy is internationalist, fighting for unity in the global struggle of women, rejecting the interference of the UN, and disputing bourgeois feminism for the direction of that struggle. It seeks to organize the most oppressed sectors, victims and relatives of sexist violence, in a daily and permanent action. Rejects the " marketing" of bourgeois feminism, and against any attempt at institutionalization, mobilizes against the male and patriarchal capitalist state
10) Claims the "Right to Self-determination" for indigenous peoples. He considers the multinational state a "prison of peoples", because the capitalist state is always oppressive and exploitative. The native peoples have to unite with the other oppressed, the workers and popular sectors to banish exploitation, and the ruling classes.
(1) b.e "before our era"
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