
Ayotzinapa: Ten years of impunity for Morena, AMLO and Claudia Scheinbaum


By La Marx Mexico

Our students disappeared almost a decade ago and it is still unknown what happened to them. They were 43 boys, sons of peasants, students of the Ayotzinapa normal school, whom the security forces, in collusion with criminal groups, arrested and murdered among others the night of September 26 and the early morning of September 27, 2014. 

The case of the 43 Ayotzinapa students is the most important democratic and civil liberties case in Mexico's recent history. Because of its importance and resonance, the case of the 43 has become a claim in defense of democratic rights and guarantees of a global nature. The students were disappeared by the Armed Forces in partnership with local police, local officials, and the drug trafficking gang called Guerreros Unidos. But the question that runs through all activists and democratic, social leaders in Mexico and the whole world is: How is it that after 10 years there is still no public and legally established Truth about Ayotzinapa?

And the answer is: Because of the responsibility of Morena, and its leaders such as the former president of the capitalist government of Mexico AMLO, and the current president Claudia Scheinbaum, who built during the six-year term in which they governed the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice (COVAJ) chaired by Alejandro Encinas. The COVAJ, far from getting to the truth, established a new montage that left many questions unanswered: Where are the bodies of the 43? Who murdered them? For what reason did they kill them? What responsibility did the president of Mexico and the Mexican Armed Forces have?

These questions have not been answered publicly and legally for 10 years. "According to some testimonies collected by journalist Miguel Ángel Alvarado, there are about 20 bodies that were taken to the community of El Carrizalillo, where they were buried in a clandestine grave, to be dug up and taken to the facilities of the Gold Corp mining company, based in that community, to be crushed and disappeared." (The infiltrators, the secret of Ayotzinapa. VC Editions)

The objective of the COVAJ of AMLO, Scheinbaum, and Morena was to judge a few second-rate characters, and little money to leave the real and important perpetrators in impunity. A whole set-up and a maneuver just as the PRI government and Enrique Peña Nieto had done before with the "Historical Truth". The objective of AMLO, Sheimbaun's COVAJ and their party is to leave those responsible for this crime against humanity in impunity.

Impunity in cherry color

Prior to the failure of COVAJ, we learned about the impunity of the PRI and Peña Nieto, called the "historical truth," an absolute falsehood constructed by officials of the PRI, the state and federal police, the army, the navy, the Attorney General's Office, the Criminal Investigation Agency, and the Specialized Assistant Attorney General's Office for the Investigation of Organized Crime (Seido), in order to close the case and prevent the students from being really searched. found, and the people could know the truth about what happened to the Ayotzinapa students.

As we have been proposing from La Marx Mexico in the article that you can read here, the people rejected the "Historical Truth", a montage that was built by the government of Peña Nieto, and the army to sustain General Salvador Cienfuegos and former President Enrique Peña Nieto until the last consequences. To do this, they had to sacrifice Jesús Murillo Karam, who was in charge of carrying out the investigation of the "Historical Truth", and his henchman Omar García Harchfur, who was pointed out by the Attorney General's Office of the Republic as an adjuvant in the "historical truth" of Murillo Karam. The fall of the "Historical Truth" was a triumph of the social movement, the product of 8 years of mobilizations in Mexico and in various parts of the world in protest against the attempts of the Peña Nieto government to give impunity to the guilty.

But if Ayotzinapa was the end of Peña Nieto, it was not the end of impunity. The arrival of AMLO and Morena to the government was largely because they promised that they were going to get to the "truth" about Ayotzinapa. And that is precisely what the cherry color coalition tried to show from the beginning when it called for the formation of the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice (COVAJ) in a decree issued on December 4, 2018. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, under the pressure of popular clamor, 

finally installed the commission on January 15, 2019, placing Alejandro Encinas at the head of the Commission. The constitution of the COVAJ was viewed at first with sympathy by sectors of the people, and the relatives of the victims, although the expectations that AMLO would "get to the truth" were dispelled by AMLO himself when he stated at the beginning of his administration that he would not carry out "acts of persecution against former presidents" and that he proposed to "turn the page". 

In August 2022, Encinas presented the preliminary conclusions in which he raised the issues that we all already knew: That it was a state crime, that there was collusion and participation of the authorities of different levels of government with the police and the criminal organization Guerreros Unidos. A lot of generalities, which explain nothing, and consolidate impunity. In the face of such a crime and the popular demand, Morena and its officials insult the intelligence of the people of Mexico by responding with the same words as the philosopher Socrates: "I only know that I know nothing."

The fight against impunity requires independent mobilization and organization

But, as we have been proposing from La Marx Mexico in the article that you can read here, the preliminary conclusions presented by the COVAJ promoted by the Morena government and AMLO deliberately omit to mention key figures such as Enrique Peña Nieto, former president of Mexico, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, former secretary of the interior, Ángel Aguirre Rivero, former governor of the state of Guerrero, or Salvador Cienfuegos, top commander of the Mexican Armed Forces. The preliminary conclusions of the COVAJ also failed to shed light on another sensitive issue of the hypothesis that the bodies of the young people had been incinerated and deposited in the garbage dump of Cocula, Guerrero and their remains thrown into the San Juan River. Finally, there is no official version of what fate the bodies of the 43 had, thanks to the disastrous management of Morena, and AMLO.

Various organizations such as the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI), or the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF) have already questioned the hypothesis of incineration in Colula, and denounced the infiltration of the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) in the Isidro Burgos rural normal school as a way of monitoring the students prior to their disappearance, the manipulation of the Cocula landfill site, the falsification and simulation of the delivery of documents, as well as that the authorities knew of the illegal activities of Guerreros Unidos.

There were several interdisciplinary groups that intervened to investigate the Ayotzinapa case in the face of the disastrous performance of both Murillo Karam and the Commission headed by Alejandro Encinas. The intervention of independent interdisciplinary groups became necessary in the face of the clear and firm will of the different capitalist coalitions to cover up the Mexican army, a pillar of the capitalist state, and its highest authorities such as Cienfuegos.

Neither the Morena coalition, nor the PRI, which in the last elections presented itself together with the PRD and the PAN, are going to go against the army, on the contrary, they will try by all means to cover it up because the army is the base of the state. Without a capitalist army of Mexico, there is no capitalist state of Mexico. Of the 10 years of impunity that Ayotzinapa has been going on, 6 correspond to the six-year term of AMLO and Morena, which is why the administration of Claudia Scheinbaum will not represent any change in the policy of the cherry coalition, just like the government of AMLO the role of Claudia Scheinbaum is to defend the capitalist state, the army and the interests of the ruling classes of our country.

There is only one way to achieve truth and justice for the 43 students of Ayotzinapa: with the independent mobilization of the people, rejecting that they are led by the coalitions and capitalist parties of our country. We must not leave the investigations in the hands of Morena, nor the government of Claudia Scheinbaum, which will not go anywhere, as they have been doing for 10 years. The truth will only be reached with the mobilization of the people led by the relatives, the organizations that defend human rights, democratic, political, and social independent of the capitalists, and the ruling classes of Mexico.

From La Marx Mexico we make this call to the relatives, and all the social, peasant, popular, human rights and political organizations that are willing to take this struggle to the end. Only by denouncing the complicity of the capitalist governments and leaders, as well as of the officials of the state and the army and mobilizing independently of them, will we be able to arrive at the truth and justice that our 43, and our people, deserve so much, on the path of the struggle for a socialist Mexico. and global socialism.

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Our students disappeared almost a decade ago and it is still unknown what happened to them. They were 43 boys, sons of peasants, students of the Ayotzinapa normal school, whom the security forces, in collusion with criminal groups, arrested and murdered among others the night of September 26 and the early morning of September 27, 2014.

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