
Donald Trump to the rescue of dictatorships


La Marx International

When Trump negotiates with Putin, Maduro, or Netanyahu, bourgeois opinionologists are left speechless. "Trump shakes the world order", "Trump revolutionises global politics", "Trump breaks with Europe and breaks NATO" are some of the comments of capitalist analysts astonished by Donald Trump's policy. The reformist left is speechless. When Trump publicly quarrels with Ukrainian President Zelensky in the Oval Office of the White House, and opens the "weekend crisis" with Ukraine, bourgeois analysts are shocked: "This is new, Trump kicks the board!" say the charlatans of the media and the 99% of the global left. organized around the "Progressive International" policy.

However, for Marxists, Trump's policy is nothing new. It is the old policy of U.S. imperialism. The U.S. has always supported the dictatorships, the tyrannies, the most sinister, murderous, anti-worker, anti-popular, oppressive, and counterrevolutionary regimes in the world. What's new about this policy? It's nothing new that the U.S. government is a major player in the U.S. government. The U.S. supports dictatorships. What is new, the novelty of the 21st century is that tyrannies are being cornered by enormous revolutionary processes that threaten to put an end to their states, regimes and governments. And of this, the bourgeois opinionologists do not say a word.

For bourgeois opinionologists, the struggles carried out by the peoples do not exist, only what their governments do. The same method of analysis has been adopted by the 99% of the bourgeois, reformist, revisionist left that has abandoned the analysis of the class struggle, replacing it with the "geopolitical" analysis of bourgeois opinionologists. In this article we explain why Donald Trump has come out in defense of dictatorships as a response to the revolutions that are sweeping the world, promoting a policy of agreements and negotiations, filling his mouth with the word "Peace", which allows us to understand Donald Trump's counterrevolutionary policy.

The fall of Al Assad set off the alarm lights of imperialism

It was precisely the fall of the dictatorship in Syria of Bashar Al Assad, which occurred just 2 months ago, which set off the alarm lights of imperialism as you can read in an article that we publish here. The triumph of the revolution of the Syrian people reverberated from one end of the world to the other, and provoked global fear in all the dictatorships and tyrannies of the planet. The world situation began to be furrowed by one question: Who will be the next Al Assad? This is what motivated Trump to take office without wasting a minute to begin to act at full speed to rescue the worst capitalist governments and dictatorships in the world.

Imperialism needs these sinister regimes like Putin's, Netanyahu's, or Maduro's because they are the basis and sustainment of global capitalism. They are the regimes that repress peoples, imprison activists, attack revolutions, are the watchdogs of U.S. imperialism. Each one in its area of influence. But the world crisis of capitalism, the most important in its history, characterized by the bankruptcy of the Global Corporations, does not allow the stability of regimes, neither of political parties, nor of governments because it permanently unleashes insurrections, uprisings, revolutions of the peoples throughout the world, such as the popular outbreak that is occurring in Greece.

That is why the government of Daonald Trump has come out into the world arena with a very precise proposal: That of "Peace", of agreements, of ceasefires, of an end to uprisings, and revolutions to put an end to the instability that revolutions cause in the global capitalist system. In this regard, one of the priorities of the Trump administration is to end the Palestinian Intifada and reach "Peace" in the Middle East, which led him to finalizethe ceasefire agreement in Gaza between Palestinian militias and Netanyahu's government in January 2025, while assuming his new term as president. These agreements meant a complete withdrawal of the Zionist army from Gaza, the recovery of territories from Palestinian militias, and a hostage exchange that allowed hundreds of Palestinian political prisoners to be released. Why did Donald Trump promote and implement this ceasefire agreement in Palestine? Because imperialism needs to rescue and save the murderous, genocidal government of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, cornered by the revolution of the 3rd Intifada, repudiated and globally isolated.

Despite the massacres, the genocidal massacres perpetrated by Netanyahu with NATO support, the agreements signed on paper illustrate the reality that the Palestinian people imposed on the battlefield. Based on the steadfast determination of the Palestinian militias in the struggle for the liberation of their land occupied by Zionism, the Palestinian militias won the battle of Gaza and defeated the invasion of the Israeli army. Netanyahu wanted to recover the hostages, occupy Gaza, end the Palestinian militias and the tunnels that the Palestinian guerrillas used to attack the Israeli army, but he only got the release of the hostages, in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian political prisoners. None of the other political goals could be achieved by the government of the Nazi state of Israel.

For this reason, after the announcement of the ceasefire, celebrations began in Gaza, and pro- Palestinian activists from all over the world celebrated the triumph by leaving images reminiscent of the Syrian people's celebration for the triumph of the revolution that overthrew Al Assad. In contrast, in Israel, the ceasefire agreement provoked a political crisis. Despite the remarkable technical superiority, the infinitely superior resources due to the support of US imperialism, the United States has not yet been able to provide a significant increase in the number of people with the support of US imperialism. The Israeli army had to withdraw from Gaza with serious losses, including 45,000 casualties between dead and seriously wounded, a historic blow to Israel's once "indestructible" army.

Netanyahu had to withdraw without having achieved any of his political goals, which has led the Times of Israel political analyst David K Rees to headline "For the first time Israel has lost a war" and states that Netanyahu: "... will go down in history as the first Prime Minister of Israel to lose a war", as you can read in the article that you can read by clicking here. The defeat of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is a historic event. Israel has suffered defeats in Lebanon or Gaza before, but never before on the scale it has now suffered at the hands of urban guerrilla warfare, in a process of revolutions that are intimately intertwined.

The 3rd Intifada is a formidable revolutionary process that is part of the Second Arab Spring; the Syrian revolution linked to the Ukrainian revolution, and at the same time, the Palestinian revolution to the Syrian revolution, linked to the national liberation revolution of the Kurdish people in Rojava, to the national liberation revolution of the Houthis in Yemen, linked to Lebanon, and the worldwide mobilization in favor of Palestine that is being led by the people of the United States and of all countries, especially in the Middle East, who backed the Intifada. This is what Trump with the ceasefire agreement seeks to stop: the Intifada, the mobilizations around the world, stop the political and social deterioration of Israel, and stop the crisis of the Zionist army. This is what motivated the momentum for a ceasefire agreement, to the rescue of defeated Zionism.

Donald Trump to the rescue of Maduro's dictatorship

Upon assuming his second term, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, expressed his commitment to the fight against the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. When asked by journalists, the Republican president said that "we are probably going to stop buying oil from Venezuela. We don't need it." However, 11 days later, on Friday, January 31, Trump and Maduro reached an agreement signed between the Venezuelan dictator and Richard Grenell, Trump's envoy, by which the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, automatically renewed license number 41, which allows the U.S. oil company Chevron to continue operating in Venezuela.

Maduro and Grenell
Maduro and Grenell

What was the reason for the Trump-Maduro agreement? A that allows the U.S. multinational to The U.S. government will continue with the five oil projects it has in the country jointly with Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). For Maduro it is very important that Chevron continues to operate in Venezuela because it provides the Chavista oligarchy with hundreds of millions of dollars that comes from its association with the millionaire oligarchs of Texas who manage Chevron. Thanks to Maduro's dictatorship, the Texan oligarchy continues to fatten its wallet with the plundering of Venezuela's wealth, while the Venezuelan people suffer miserable wages, and brutal repression at the service of super-exploitation and a better rate of profit for the oil multinationals that take Venezuela's wealth such as Chevron.

For the state-owned Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), it is a "historic moment" for "Bolivarian diplomacy." According to VTV, it is proposed to "resume dialogue again" and establish a "roadmap" with a view to an "open" relationship. This agreement demolishes the lie that the dictatorship of Maduro and the PSUV is an "anti-imperialist" government. Maduro's dictatorship is a capitalist dictatorship, although the ruling party is called the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), because it defends capitalism and in the name of this strategy Maduro persecutes, massacres and tortures opponents in concentration camps such as the SEBIN headquarters in Plaza Venezuela or El Helicoide, both located in Caracas. Trump's deal with Maduro's dictatorship includes the criminalization of Venezuelan exiles in the U.S. who have been opponents of Maduro. Trump sends him the deported opponents, and Maduro unconditionally commits to receive all flights with Venezuelan deportees, and not only to receive them but also to send planes to pick them up.

In addition, Maduro pledges to release Americans detained in Venezuela. If Maduro does his part, Trump, for his "good behavior," renews Chevron's license on the first day of each month. Another element of the Trump- Maduro agreement is that officially the United States is not a member of the United States. The U.S. no longer demands the review of the last elections held in Venezuela that gave Maduro the winner, on the contrary, on February 23 Grennell said: "Trump is not someone who wants to make regime changes," giving a clear signal that Trump supports the dictatorship.

Why did Donald Trump promote and concretize this Agreement with the capitalist dictatorship of Maduro? To sustain the dictatorship against the revolution that the people have been carrying out for years against the regime and has cost hundreds of political prisoners, tortured, persecuted, and millions of exiles. After the announcement of the shameful fraud carried out by Maduro on July 28, 2024, a mass insurrection broke out in the country, led by the people, and the most oppressed sectors that came down from the poorest neighborhoods of Caracas, from Catia, to Petare, the most populous humble neighborhood of Caracas, and from other neighborhoods such as La Vega or El Cementerio. they mobilized in all the cities of the country, toppled statues of Chávez, occupied police stations, and confronted the paramilitary forces of the regime.

But the insurrection was betrayed by María Corina Machado, González Urrutia and the bourgeois leaders who put themselves at the forefront of the struggle with a legalistic, pro-imperialist policy demanding that Maduro should recognize the minutes of the election. Corina Machado and Urrutia called for trust in U.S. imperialism. They used the U.S. to overthrow Maduro and lied to the Venezuelan people. Asking a dictatorship to recognize the minutes of an election is like asking a cow to fly, it is a deliberate policy of demobilization that the Venezuelan bourgeoisie promoted out of fear of the people's revolution, a policy that only serves to give oxygen to the regime instead of promoting mobilization and self-defense. the only way to defeat the dictatorship and its armed gangs. Corina Machado called for "peace," as the dictatorship arrested activists across the country.

Trump's policy of agreeing with Maduro makes it clear that Corina Machado and González Urrutia lied to the people. Even so, the dictatorship has no basis in the people who 90% hate Maduro and his regime, and this is the underlying reason why imperialism needs to support the dictatorship that guarantees profits to the Texan oil bourgeoisie. In fact, when Maduro announced the fraudulent results in the elections, one of the first warm congratulations to the dictatorship came from Alejandro Terán Martínez, president of the Texas oil business organizations, as you can read in the article we have published here. It is the need to sustain the dictatorship of Venezuela against the revolution of the people, and the defense of the interests of the Texan and imperialist oil bourgeoisie that motivated the agreements between Trump and Maduro.

Donald Trump to the rescue of Putin's dictatorship

If anything has surprised, misplaced, and ridiculed the bourgeois opinionologists, the charlatans of the media, and the charlatans of the 99% of the world left organized around the politics of the "Progressive International," it is Trump's search for agreements with Putin. The "weekend crisis" in which Zelensky and Trump fought in the Oval Office has stunned analysts and opinionologists." Marxists are amused by this: Wasn't it that Putin was anti-imperialist and at odds with NATO? Wasn't it that Ukraine was a bunch of Nazis armed by NATO and the US? USA? The whole bizarre political style of Donald Trump makes things perfectly clear. But it was precisely Trump's policy of attacking Zelensky and openly defending Putin's dictatorship that provoked the reaction of the mobilizations in the United States. against Trump, its president Vance, and Elon Musk. Thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of Tesla's headquarters in New York shouting "Enough of Nazis", "Zelensky is a hero", and mobilizations are also taking place in other cities in the US. that are combined with the mobilizations in favor of Palestine.

President Zelensky and president Trump
President Zelensky and president Trump

Trump claims that Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine "is a dictator", because there are no elections in Ukraine. Trump demands elections from a country that suffers bombings every day, that like the Palestinians suffers millions of civilian deaths, that suffers occupation, and has millions of citizens on the front lines fighting the invasion. And while demanding elections from Ukraine, he supports Maduro, Xi Jinping, and Putin who assassinate opponents and commit fraud publicly. 

We must thank Donald Trump for his gesture of sincerity, stripped of the hypocrisies of the imperialist governments of the US Democrats. and European governments. Those governments claim to be with Ukraine, but they have done everything to save Putin.

The Ukrainian revolution that began in 2014 with the "revolution of dignity" that ended the dictatorship of Viktor Yanukovych received the support of all the peoples of Europe and inspired all the peoples who are fighting for their national liberation, especially the peoples of the Russian Federation oppressed under the boot of Putin's dictatorship. The Ukrainian revolution has been instrumental in ending the dictatorship of Bashar Al Assad in Syria that deepens the 3rd Intifada, including the fact that Ukraine advised Syrian militias opposed to the dictatorship.

Since the beginning of the Ukrainian revolution in 2014, Putin has invaded the country, causing the displacement of millions of Ukrainians. The imperialist governments of the United States are in the hands of the United States. The US and Europe responded with the "Minsk Agreements", a real mockery of the Ukrainian people that allowed Putin to illegally occupy the Ukrainian Donbas, murder and torture the people of those regions, and kidnap thousands of Ukrainian children, all in full view of the UN, NATO who did not lift a finger in defense of Ukraine. The Ukrainian revolution inspired the uprising of the peoples of Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan against Putin's puppet governments, which led Putin to make the decision to invade and take the capital of Ukraine, Kiev in 2022, to put out the fire that threatened to ignite the people's prison that is the Russian Federation.

But in the battle of Kiev Putin was defeated, which meant the end of Putin's aspirations to subdue Ukraine. In that battle, Putin was defeated by a country that had practically no army, no weapon, not a single bullet provided by NATO. Putin was defeated by a popular army, based on millions of workers and popular sectors who mobilized and self-organized in an armed way in defense of their country. Then the process developed the presence of Ukrainian partisan corps and popular fighters who inflicted defeat after defeat on Putin, developing an extraordinary revolutionary process in the heart of Europe.

NATO, and the imperialist governments of the United States, are the most important of these countries. The U.S. and the European Union (EU), pressured by the peoples of their countries who refused to accept a genocide committed a few kilometers from European capitals, announced military "support" and the supply of weapons to Ukraine with the aim of interfering in the Ukrainian government, and stopping the revolution. Zelensky's pro-imperialist policy demanding to join NATO, and the EU; calling the NATO group of criminals as "allies", and calling on the people of Ukraine to rely on imperialism as Corina Machado did in Venezuela, facilitated imperialist policy, and the curbing of the revolution. NATO and Zelensky's policy led to a prolongation of the war, an aggravation of the sufferings of the Ukrainian people by giving Putin a survival and the opportunity to continue aggressing, launching new military adventures in the Donbas and the occupied territories.

USA. The U.S. and NATO never provided Ukraine with the strategic weapons needed to defend its people from daily bombardment, and it took nearly a year to deliver weapons for a Ukrainian counteroffensive in 2023, a dribbling delivery that gave Putin time to resupply, and launch a counteroffensive to reverse his defeat. But like the war criminal Netanyahu, despite the clear economic, technical and military superiority, Putin only managed to advance 13 square kilometers during 2024, did not conquer any major cities and has suffered horrific human and material losses. The casualty rate of Putin's army is 113 daily casualties, which exceeds the rates of World War 2, and all subsequent wars such as Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan. This has led to Putin's army being exhausted, with an offensive that is waning in pace and intensity, and the best Mercenary corps such as the Wagner Group destroyed by Ukrainian resistance.

Ukraine surprised the world by taking Kursk, part of the territory of the Russian Federation in August 2024, repeating the tactics of the Palestinian militias that on October 7, 2023 took territory of the occupying country. Putin promised to retake Kursk in October 2024. Four months later, the plan to retake Kursk failed, among other things because his recovery plans depended on the delivery of 10,000 North Korean troops provided by Kim Joung-Un, given that Putin no longer has the capacity to replenish soldiers on the various fronts as a result of the speed of Russian soldiers' losses. But 4 months later more than half of North Korean soldiers are already dead and Kursk is still in Ukrainian hands

But even Putin has not been able to avoid the crisis, and the plunge of the Russian Federation into a serious economic, political and social crisis. The ruble has collapsed, inflation has exploded, the military budget has skyrocketed, and the financial system is in crisis, credit has collapsed due to the rise in interest rates that the Central Bank of Russia has had to carry out to curb inflation. Putin lost control of the Black Sea, Putin's fleet had to retreat due to Ukrainian guerrilla attacks in the Black Sea. It also lost the ports and businesses they had in Syria due to the triumph of the revolution against Al Assad. The whole panorama is black for Putin's dictatorship, which is why Donald Trump comes to its aid, promising alliances and business deals that try to get the regime out of the deep isolation and crisis in which it finds itself. It is the need to sustain the dictatorship of the Russian Federation against the Ukrainian revolution, and the defense of the interests of the oligarchy of the Russian Federation that motivates the attempts at agreements between Trump and Putin.

The theory of Decoupling leads to "campism"

Manifestations in Vermont in the house of Vicepresident Vance
Manifestations in Vermont in the house of Vicepresident Vance

Just as the people reject the agreements with Trump, the leaderships of the mass movement rush to betray the people and seek agreements with Donald Trump. Macron, Starmer, Putin, Netanyahu, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria's new president Al Golani, the leader of the Kurdish movement Öcalan, all call for "peace" and thus join Donald Trump's bandwagon. 

All these leaderships and presidents have a point in common with Donald Trump, they all defend capitalism. And they know that the revolutions they lead are against capitalism, so at some point they must put a stop to it, otherwise the revolution threatens themselves. Even Ocalan, a political prisoner for years in Turkey's prisons, calls for the dissolution of the Kurdish guerrillas, the laying down of arms, and the arrival of "Peace." All these leaderships betray revolutions by collaborating with imperialism and Donald Trump.

Why are the analysts, charlatans, opinionologists of the world bourgeoisie astonished and misplaced by the policies of Donald Trump? Why have the charlatans leaders of 99% of the groups of the global left been displaced? Because they all adopted the "Decoupling Theory" which states that there is a "global loss of US hegemony". that countries such as China or Russia "decouple" from that hegemony and go on to dispute world hegemony with the United States. The corollary of this theory is that the world is going to World War III between China and Russia against the United States. We have always denounced this scheme as false, because it is not supported by any data of reality. The supporters of "Decoupling" have always raised the "trade war" because of Trump's tariff increases, permanent frictions that exist in the field of trade between capitalist countries, or this or that occasional crossing through Taiwan between the United States or China, or because of the amount of loans that both China and Russia offer to poorer nations. or some other minor data.

To prove their point, the supporters of "Decoupling" exaggerate any of these aspects to speak of World War III. However, Donald Trump's current policy is causing them to receive a resounding slap in the face. If China and Russia seek to "dethrone" the US, they will be able to dethrone the United States. Why does Trump agree with Putin? Why does Trump agree with Xi Jinping on Taiwan? But also, wasn't Xi Jinping and Putin going to dominate world politics and economics? Wasn't Xi Jinping or Putin supporting Maduro in Venezuela against the U.S.? USA? Wasn't it that the BRIC's are going to dominate the world and the end of the dollar is coming?

Donald Trump's policy shows how ridiculous the scheme of the supporters of "decoupling" is. There is no world in "decoupling", all the governments of the world dance to the rhythm of what the US dictates. Xi Jinping is subordinate to the US. U.S., Maduro submits to the U.S. There is no loss of "hegemony": The one who dictates global policy is the United States. The imperialism that dominates the world and imposes its hegemony is the United States. The rest are sub-metropolises that dance to the rhythm of the G7, that when they are summoned by imperialism they bow and carry out its orders. This is because of the overwhelming military dominance of the Pentagon, the U.S. military, and the U.S. military. The U.S. has no rival in the capitalist world, and because of the overwhelming dominance of the U.S. Global Corporations. The U.S. and Wall Street on the world capitalist economy in the capitalist regime of globalization.

Those who adopt the "theory of decoupling" fall into "campism". They fall into the false "Theory of Progressive Bourgeois Camps," in which there is one "progressive bourgeois" camp against another "reactionary bourgeois camp." Many honest activists defend Putin thinking that he will defeat US imperialism. Or Maduro thinking that he is going to fight for socialism. But "campism" destroys the organizations and activists who adopt it because it leads to abandoning the struggle for class independence and becoming the caboose of a bourgeois, a military man, or a dictator who "confronts" the U.S. Donald Trump is putting white on black, showing reality, and putting a new nail in the coffin of the "decoupling" that the campers proclaim.

The world crisis of the left... and from the right

The reformist global left paints a caricature of Donald Trump. He says that he is a fascist who advances unstoppably on the world. But, it contributes to this that Trump is a loudmouth who talks stupid things all the time. He talks about appropriating Greenland, Panama, or making a real estate project of the French Riviera type in Gaza. Every statement that comes out of Trump's mouth provokes rivers of ink from global charlatans. Marxists must be serious and analyze not what the "mouths" of charlatans say, but what really happens in reality. And the reality is that Trump, far from appropriating Greenland, Gaza or Panama, is promoting agreements, dialogue tables, "Peace" meetings. There have never been so many "negotiation and peace" tables as there are now with Trump. The reality is far from what political charlatans paint.

Pro Ukraine mobilizations in TESLA New York
Pro Ukraine mobilizations in TESLA New York

We have already explained that only two theories explain what is happening in the world: The Theory of Decoupling and that of the American Revolution of the 21st Century. When Trump negotiates with Putin, with Maduro, with Netanyahu, the bourgeois opinionologists and all the adherents of the "Decoupling Theory" are left speechless. The reformist left is speechless. 

However, for Marxists Trump's policy is the confirmation of our fundamental theses: The struggle is between revolution and counterrevolution, which is organized in a world counterrevolutionary front made up of Trump, Macron, Merz, Starmer, the Pope, Netanyahu, Xi Jinping, Putin, Modi, Maduro, the "neoliberal" capitalist governments as well as the "progressive" ones, both from the imperialist countries and from the poorest, together with the union bureaucracies. That front is united in defense of capitalism, beyond the frictions and contradictions that the members that compose it permanently have.

Facing it is a world revolution against capitalism and the exploiters, led by the workers and people of the U.S. and the imperialist countries mobilizing for Palestine, who every day carry out general strikes against capitalist governments and their plans, armed revolutions like those of the Houthis in Yemen. the Kurds in Rojava, the Syrian people, the Palestinian people in the Middle East, the Ukrainian people in Europe, the peoples of Africa or Southeast Asia who are leading revolutions as in Sri Lanka. That is the only true 3rd world war that has already begun between the exploited and the exploiters. For this reason, all the agreements that Donald Trump is promoting with the dictatorships and leaderships are doomed to failure and will fall under the weight of the uprisings of the revolutions of the peoples. If you want to read more about the world situation click here.

It is precisely the Theory of the American Revolution of the 21st Century that explains the terms in which the world revolutionary process that confronts capitalism in the 21st century is developing. And by putting the mass insurrection sweeping the world at center stage, Marxists not only understand the world situation, but we also understand the crisis in which 99% of the reformist, social-democratic, camp-and-camp world left finds itself, and its treacherous politics, which allows us to give ourselves a policy to overcome that crisis. The regroupment of revolutionaries is the task we have ahead of us to overcome the crisis of the world left, and to recover Marxism.

But in addition, the Theory of the American Revolution of the 21st Century allows us to understand the crisis of the world right. 99% of the reformist, social-democratic, camp-out world left organized around the "Progressive International" repeats all the time the campaign of the "advent of fascism", the "advance of the far right" all over the world. They make it the center of the debate by putting it in the first place, which also leads to "campism" because it leads to the abandonment of the battle for class independence by arguing that a "united front" with the "progressives" is necessary to "confront fascism", in a "progressive front". A "story" of the reformists and social democrats, because what Donald Trump's policy is highlighting is that there is no such strengthening of the right, but rather what exists is a world crisis of the right.

Trump. Elon Musk, Meloni, Le Pen, Orban, Corina Machado, Ayuso, Milei, etc. joined forces in the events of the so-called "reactionary International". And what do they propose? The Ideas of Freedom! The ideas of the struggle against dictatorships! They said they were with Ukraine! Zelensky, believing in the slogans, traveled to Argentina to greet Milei's inauguration. The same thing attended Trump's inauguration. And what did Corina Machado, or Ayuso, say? We are against Maduro! We are for the freedom of Venezuela! González Urrutia was photographed with Milei with the support of thousands of Venezuelans protesting against the dictatorship.

Donald Trump is setting the record straight, and above all, showing the crisis of the "Reactionary International". Milei is not a "liberator" but a cryptocurrency criminal who runs to vote at the UN against Ukraine. The thousands of Venezuelans who waited for U.S. help The U.S. and Corina Machado are now facing the cruel truth: Trump is with Maduro. The "Reactionary International" does not serve to fight for freedom, it only serves to support dictatorships, and dictators. We must thank Trump and his policy of supporting dictatorships. All activists in the world open their eyes more quickly and will stop believing in the siren songs of the "Progressive International" as well as the "Reactionary International". And you will see that you are a single front that we must defeat by uniting the revolutionaries of the world. From La Marx International we call to reject all the agreements, pacts, truces promoted by the imperialist government of Donald Trump and we propose to defeat them with mobilization while we advance in the regroupment of revolutionaries to end once and for all these imperialist governments, on the road to the struggle for Global Socialism.

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