Great advance of the International Conference in support of Palestine

On November 26, the International Conference in support of Palestine was held, a great advance in the international coordination of Marxists in support of the 3rd Intifada and the National Liberation struggle of the Palestinian people.
Comrades attended from Colombo Sri Lanka, to Boston in the United States, and from Paris in France, to Bogotá and Pereira in Colombia, Calcutta in India, Mexico City and Oaxaca in Mexico, from Montreal Canada, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Santiago de Chile , from several cities in Argentina, through Venezuelan comrades from more than 20 nations, joined together called by the organizations Asia Commune and La Marx International.
The International Conference represents a great advance in two senses: On the one hand, the support for the revolution and National Liberation War of the Palestinian people represented in the Global Intifada, the 3 Intifada carried out by the Palestinian militias against the Nazi army of occupation of Israel. And on the other hand, the International Conference represents a great advance in the battle for the regrouping of revolutionaries at the international level.
A Conference to Globalize the Intifada
The International Conference was attended by prominent leaders and fighters from several continents who participated by speaking and sharing materials, initiatives and political positions that strengthened the common position of Marxist revolutionaries in support of the War of National Liberation of the Palestinian people. . The Conference began with a greeting and an initial report by Daniel Campos for Marx International who raised the need to surround the 3 Intifada with political support throughout the world as the global vanguard of the global revolution of the oppressed against capitalism and imperialism. .
Then from Paris, France, comrade Don Samantha from Asia Commune explained the need to support the struggle of the Palestinian people, and to overcome the positions of the reformist left that end up being conciliatory and do not serve to carry forward the victory of the struggle. Comrade Sevvilam Parithi, vice-president of the Bar Council of India and socialist and Asia Commune leader of Tamilnadu in India, then spoke . Comrade Parithi made a vibrant call to support the Palestinian cause, and to repudiate the fascist attacks against the civilian population perpetrated by the State of Israel.

Comrade Sergio Andrés Pastor Gonzales spoke, leader of the First Line
of Colombia known as 19, who suffers an unjust detention by the
government authorities of his country through a false trial for which
many of the leaders received an unjust sentence. of the first Line of
Colombia. Sergio made a vibrant speech in which he stated that there is only one world revolution against capitalism, and that "it is we who are leading it,"
referring not only to the activists of the heroic Colombian line, but
also to all union and social activists. democrats of the world who are
mobilizing around the world alongside the Palestinian militiamen who
fight and confront Israel in the Intifada.
Comrade Anbarsan Kuththaperumal, youth
leader, teacher and activist of Asia Commune took the floor to explain
that the Palestinian people have been carrying out a long struggle for
several decades and that the youth of Sri Lanka and around the world are
mobilized in support of Palestine. Comrade A. Sasikaladevi also spoke, explaining brilliantly that the "two states"
policy carried out by the UN, the world's organizations, has resulted
in serious injustice for the Palestinian people, a failure that those
who We defend the rights of the Palestinian people we must reject. Comrade Sasikaladevi is a defense lawyer who works pro-bono in defense of workers' rights, and she is the leader of Asia Commune in southern India.

Boston, Massachusetts in the United States, Comrade Julio Torres of
Marx United States sent a strong greeting to all those present, and
illustrated the importance of the struggle of the Palestinian people,
and its impact on the American people. A
relevant part of the Conference consisted of the presence of the
comrades of the Committee for the Liberation of Palestine in Mexico.
The Committee has been developing an important mobilization and grouping of activists who organize independently of the platforms promoted by the Morena party that responds to the government of Mexico, in response to which the Committee has been raising the demand that the government of Mexico break relations with Israel, denounces the Mexican capitalist companies that make great profits by collaborating with the apartheid walls that the Nazi state of Israel is building in Palestine, and denounces the complicity and relations between the armed forces of Mexico and the armed forces of Israel.
Jesús Valdez made a vibrant intervention with a call for unity among activists from around the world, while sharing the tough battle of struggle and mobilization that they have been carrying out in Mexico, and has had significant coverage in the national media. , and international. Several members of the Committee were present at the Conference, strengthening the experience of common and fraternal work between comrades from different continents and experiences. Then, from Pakistan, Comrade Yoss Anbu, a member of Asia Commune, spoke, raising the need for the unity of activists around the world to support Palestine.

Yakub Mohamod, leader of Asia Commune in Rajasthan, India also took the
floor to reaffirm the commitment to the common struggle in support of
the Palestinian people. Gilberto
Pérez from La Marx Venezuela sent greetings to the entire meeting,
while Himanshu Mithtra, leader of Asia Commune in Bangladesh, presented
his vision on the situation of the Palestinian people and how this
global struggle has impacted his country, achieving the sympathy of the
people of Bangladesh.
to technical problems, Comrade Nawaz Aryan, who is a leader in Karachi
of the Asia Commune of Pakistan, as well as Comrade José Serrano, a
member of La Marx Panama, who is having an important participation in
the mobilizations against the Canadian mining companies that is being
massively rejected by the Panamanian people.
Comrade Progyan Das, member of La Marx India, greeted the Conference, and stressed the need to join forces in the construction of a revolutionary tool, as well as comrade Vilma Ruiz, and José Espíndola, along with other comrades of the PST of Argentina, sent their contributions, and valuable interventions. The International Conference closed with the approval of a resolution promoting and supporting the Intifada and struggle of the Palestinian people, which was unanimously approved and supported by all those present.
The International
Conference is a great advance in support for the revolution and
National Liberation War of the Palestinian people, and for the
international revolutionary regrouping, which is being carried out today
around support for the Global Intifada carried out by the peoples of
the world in support to the 3 Intifada carried out by the Palestinian
militias against the Nazi army of occupation of Israel.