
Long live the triumph of the revolution in Bangladesh !


La Marx International

A great revolutionary triumph has been achieved by the workers and people of Bangladesh by ending the dictatorial regime of Sheikh Hasina Wazed and the Awami League in the eighth most populous country in the world. The departure of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina means a very important revolutionary triumph at a time when the world situation has its epicenter in the fight against dictatorships. 

The world revolution has been putting some of the most important dictatorships in the world in check, and the triumph of the Bangladeshi revolution highlights the victories and shows that are possible to achieve as is happening with the National Liberation War of Ukraine against the dictatorship of Putin in the Russian Federation, the National Liberation War of the people of Palestine against the Nazi state of Israel, and the revolution of the people of Venezuela against the Maduro dictatorship.

The insurrection of the people of Bangladesh had been more than 11,000 arrested for more than a month, but the dictator ended up fleeing the country after the people surrounded her home in Dhaka, and invaded it after Hasina failed to negotiate with the demonstrators who refused to sit down to negotiate with her, and called on the population to "not cooperate" with the dictatorship calling on people not to pay taxes or utility bills and not to show up for work on Sunday, a weekday in Bangladesh. Offices, banks and factories opened, but commuters in Dhaka and other cities struggled to get to work since much public transport came to a halt. Hours after the embattled leader was seen on television boarding a military helicopter with her sister, S. fleeing the country.

The country's military chief, Gen. Waker-uz-Zaman, said he would seek guidance to form an interim government, and vowed that the military would launch an investigation into the deadly crackdown on student protests that fueled outrage against the government. "Keep faith in the military, we will investigate all killings and punish those responsible," he said. "I have ordered that no army or police stop all kinds of shooting." General Zaman's statements reflect the crisis in which the armed forces have been plunged, which would not be able to administer the country for another day if the repression and the interruption of telecommunications, news channels, and internet connections that Hasina had carried out to try to prevent the development of the organization among the activists leading the revolution continued.

Long live the Bangladesh revolution! Long live the struggle against capitalism!

In capitalist Bangladesh, 41% of Bangladesh's youth are unemployed, which includes 66% of university graduates, making employment in the state one of the few employment opportunities for young people. The demonstrations that blocked the streets of Dhaka, the country's capital, were sparked by student anger at the Supreme Court's decision to reinstate a quota system that reserves 30 percent of public jobs for the families of fighters in Pakistan's war of independence.

At least 11,000 people have been arrested in recent weeks. The unrest has also led to the closure of schools and universities across the country, with authorities imposing a curfew at one point. But the people denounce that the quota system has gradually become a political tool for Hasina and the Awami League to maintain control of the state by filling key positions with loyal supporters, rewarding their henchmen at the expense of those who deserve it.

The protests were peaceful until July 15, when members of the Chatra League, affiliated with the Awami League, began attacking them with bricks and iron bars, hitting especially women on the breasts, stomachs and heads, from which the insurrection spread throughout the country. Hasina's dictatorship suspended mobile phones to try to quell the unrest, but it was unable to stop the development of the insurrection. After Hasina's flight, Bangladesh has been left in the middle of a virtual power vacuum with General Zaman scheduling meetings with opposition politicians, including the head of the now-banned Jamaat-e-Islami party, and with members of civil society, to lead the country into an unprecedented transition of government after 15 uninterrupted years of Hasina. who now fled in an army helicopter to India without being clear about where he would go next.

Hasina Wazed Prime Minister of Bangladesh
Hasina Wazed Prime Minister of Bangladesh

The triumph of the Bangladeshi youth revolution that culminated in the fall of Hasina takes place in the framework of a revolutionary process that runs through the Southeast Asian region such as the Hong Kong revolution, the revolution against the coup d'état in the neighboring country of Myanmar where armed militias are liberating huge swaths of territory by defeating the dictatorship's troops; the revolution in Sri Lanka that defeated the dictatorship's troops; the revolution in Sri Lanka that defeated the country's the oligarchy of the Rajapaksa family, or the general strike in India in 2020, the largest in history, which opened the crisis of the oligarchy of the Madani group, the Indian corporation that is the basis of support for the Modi government, and has led to the current electoral setback of the Modi government. All these processes of struggle that are taking place in Southeast Asia against capitalist governments are part of the revolutionary process that is shaking the world. If you are interested in reading about the world revolutionary process click here.

The struggle of the people and youth of Bangladesh against the capitalist government of Hasina is the demonstration that the peoples of the world are carrying out important revolutions against capitalism and its governments, defying repression, overcoming the treacherous leaderships. The fight against unemployment is deeply linked to the struggle against capitalism, its regimes and its governments. A large number of women have joined the demonstrations. Young women are particularly precarious when it comes to access to education and work, with government surveys showing that 27 per cent of women aged 15-24 do not have access to education or work, compared with 10 per cent of young men. 

From La Marx International we salute the revolution of the people of Bangladesh. We need to support this struggle from all over the world, as well as all the struggles of the oppressed peoples of the world against imperialism, capitalism, Wall Street and the corporations that dominate the world capitalist economy. The struggle of the people of Bangladesh, as well as of all the peoples of the Southeast Asian region, is a fundamental milestone in the path of the struggle to impose Global Socialism.

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