Mass mobilization questions the State of Israel

La Marx International
As part of the third revolutionary wave that is sweeping the world, massive mobilizations have broken out in Israel against the Judicial Reform of the government of Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, and leader of the Likud party. More than 100,000 people in Habima Square gathered in Jerusalem in front of the Prime Minister's residence as well as in Haifa, Rosh Piná, and Tel Aviv with massive mobilizations, against the anti-democratic intent implied by the measures that Netanyahu is trying to carry out.
Israel is a state created by imperialism in 1948 by the capitalist-imperialist powers England, France, and the United States . It was built on the land inhabited by the Palestinian people who for centuries had lived in peace in the region with the Jewish people, and the Arab peoples in the region. Thus,
the founding of the State of Israel meant the exile of the Palestinian
people who lost their land, and was sentenced to live in exile, and
permanent deportation suffering a horrible diaspora in various
countries. The objective of the creation of the State of Israel was not, as the imperialist officials put it, "to create a home" for
the Jewish people, but to create a bunker against the Arab masses, an
aircraft carrier of permanent aggression against the Arab peoples of the
region to defend the interests of the oil multinationals, and the
imperialist interests in the region.
Since its birth, Israel has lived at war against all the other states in the region supported by the Pentagon and NATO, a brutally racist state that attacks everything that is Arab, Palestinian, massacres, persecutes, and permanently murders all native peoples. from the Middle East. The imperialist states configured the State of Israel as a Nazi, fascist state promoted by the UN, which was combined with the existence within it of a rather precarious bourgeois democratic political regime : Israel does not have a Constitution, it has a Unicameral Parliament, a president Isaac Herzog, whose position is merely ceremonial, a prime minister, and a Supreme Court. But
the judicial reform proposed by Prime Minister Netanyahu implies a
modification of Israel's political regime that not only attacks the
democratic rights of Palestinians and Arabs, but also of the Israeli
people themselves.
A reform to impose a Bonapartist regime
The State of Israel eliminates, or grants rights based on race. Within
the State of Israel, while the rights of Palestinian or Arab citizens
are eliminated or systematically reduced, for citizens of the Jewish
race, special rights and privileges have always been granted. But now, Israeli
Prime Minister Netanyahu returned to his post in December 2022 at the
head of a coalition made up of reactionary, racist, fascist groups, and
fanatics of Zionism, which is trying to advance a reform in the mouth of
Justice Minister Yariv Levin .
which gives the government the power to dictate laws, appoint
magistrates, appoint judges, and prosecutors, all an anti-democratic
reform that also attacks the rights of Israeli citizens.
Taking advantage of the fact that the reactionary coalition headed by Netanyahu occasionally has a parliamentary majority, the judicial reform allows the Executive Branch to flagrantly intervene in the Judicial Branch in order to control it. Netanyahu's reform allows Parliament to overturn court rulings, eliminates the post of attorney general, and allows the reactionary ruling Coalition to appoint its own state attorney. In this way, the reform would allow Netanyahu to avoid prosecution of him on corruption charges that he has open for bribery, breach of trust, and fraud.
The coalition made up of parties such as Otzma Yehudit, led by the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, who defends the complete annexation of the West Bank, and the expulsion of the Arabs from Israel ; or the Religious Zionism party led by the current Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, promotes this judicial reform that practically annuls the Judiciary. This would facilitate Netanhayu's plans to speed up settlement construction in preparation for advancing the invasion of much of the West Bank, allow him to establish legislation to advance the repression and persecution of Arab citizens, and Palestinians residing in Israel.
Also the reform would allow Netanhayu to establish legislation, and measures to repress all Israeli citizens who support, sympathize, or support the democratic demands of the Palestinians. And along with this, the measures allow the Executive Branch and Parliament to take control of the Judiciary under the control of the ruling Coalition, seeking to prevent the Supreme Court from annulling or blocking any measure they try to launch. Clearly, the measures announced by the Coalition headed by Netanhayu are an attempt by a Bonapartist regime, and more anti-democratic, with the aim of advancing in an offensive of repression against Arab, Palestinian and Israeli citizens.
The Palestinian revolution divides the Israeli bourgeoisie
The massive mobilizations have opened a political crisis in Israel, a division in the bourgeoisie between those who defend the judicial reform project, and those who oppose it. Why has this "crisis on high" opened up for the Israeli ruling classes? The crisis is the product of the Third Palestinian Intifada, the revolution that the Palestinians carry out within the borders of the State of Israel led by the young people who have launched to recover the " sacred places" of Jerusalem, and has as its epicenter the neighborhoods Arabs from East Jerusalem, as well as from other Israeli cities.
The Israeli bourgeoisie is divided on how to face the 3rd Intifada that is taking place no longer in the territories occupied by Israel, but within the State of Israel, in the neighborhoods and crowded towns of residences of Arab citizens, and Palestinians among the youngest. . It is an urban, worker, and popular insurrection that is very difficult for the Zionist state to stop and repress. The First Intifada was born in 1987 after the Camp David agreements (1979) in which the Egyptian and Jordanian bourgeoisie recognized the State of Israel, and signed a Peace agreement, a true betrayal of the struggle of the Palestinian people. .
This first Infifada went down in history as the "Intifada of the stones", when thousands of young people began to stone the tanks, and soldiers
of the Israeli army who were passing through the occupied territories. The struggle lasted for many years and achieved recognition of the need for the Palestinians to obtain their territory. In
the Oslo Accords (1993) imperialism headed by US President Bill
Clinton, together with the Israeli President, and the head of the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Yasser Arafat signed the
agreement that provided the solution of " Two States":A
territory was established for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank,
under Israeli administration, in exchange for the PLO's recognition of
the State of Israel. The PLO signed the agreement which was a huge betrayal by Arafat of his own Palestinian people.
The Arab states, as well as the Palestinian leaders, had refused for decades to recognize the State of Israel, precisely because of its racist and fascist character. But since the Camp David agreements, the ruling classes of the Arab countries began to agree with Imperialism, and with the Israeli bourgeoisie, including the Palestinian bourgeoisie itself. By signing the Oslo Accords, they abandoned the historic slogan of destruction of the State of Israel, and fight for a Palestinian State, and with this betrayal the Palestinian people were abandoned to their fate, betrayed by the Arab bourgeois leaders, and by the PLO, organization that entered into crisis and began to be questioned as a treasonous leadership by the Palestinian masses.

The 3rd Intifada is a mobilization of Palestinians within the State of Israel
The "Two State" solution is
a deception to the Palestinian people, because the nature of the State
of Israel is a permanent danger since it never stops repressing, and
permanently murdering the Arabs, and Palestinians. Thousands of Palestinians began to sympathize with
Islamic fundamentalist movements, promoted by the theocratic state of
Iran such as Hamas, or Hezbollah, which refused to recognize the State
of Israel. The "Two State" policy failed when the 2nd Al-Aqsa Intifada broke out, in
the year 2000, an insurrection that had thousands of deaths, and became
the third conflict with the highest number of casualties in the history
of Israel, surpassing the Six-Day War, the Suez War, or the First and
Second Wars from Lebanon. But
under the leadership of Islamic fundamentalism influenced from Iran,
the bourgeois, pro-capitalist, and inconsistent policies of Hamas, or
Hezbollah led to the defeat of the 2nd Intifada.
The Arab Spring opened a new stage in the Middle East
After the defeat of US imperialism in the Iraq war, and the withdrawal of NATO troops from the region starting in 2010, the "Arab Spring"
broke out in 2011, the revolution of the peoples of the Middle East
that It covered more than 30 countries, and shook all the dictatorships
and reactionary political regimes in the region. This gave a new impetus to the Palestinian people who starred in great struggles. In turn, the "Arab Spring"
had a 2nd wave as of 2019 focused on the struggle of the peoples of
Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, but in this case, a fundamental feature of this
second wave of the Arab Spring is which began with confronting the
Islamic fundamentalist governments in Lebanon, Iran, and Iraq.
this 2nd wave, a process of rupture with Islamic fundamentalism began
among vast sectors of the Arab masses led by the youngest, and women fed
up with the oppression of religious fundamentalists, such as the
Ayatollah of Iran who, like all religious leaders of the world , they preach poverty but they are very rich bourgeois in the midst of peoples who suffer brutal conditions of poverty. This development
of confrontation against Islamic fundamentalism worsened after the
defeat of ISIS at the hands of the brave Kurdish guerrillas of Rojava,
when an anti-fundamentalist sentiment invaded the entire region.
religious heads and Ayatollahs live in luxury, just like the Vatican,
or other religious heads, while oppressing millions under the strict
racist, anti-scientific, sexist, oppressive rules of religious
fundamentalism. A movement for secularism began, and the liberation of religious rituals, and this is how, in the framework of this "2nd Arab Spring",
the 3rd Intifada began, the urban uprising inside Israel of the
youngest who, following the most generals in the region, also began to
break with Hamas and Hezbollah, the Islamic fundamentalist leaderships
that had influenced Palestinian movements in recent decades.
Young people also reject the treasonous leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which collaborates day after day with the occupation, and has completely discredited itself. A large majority of Palestinians reject Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and 59 percent of Palestinians consider the Palestinian Authority a nuisance. This was clearly expressed in the "Unity Intifada" , the unified Palestinian general strike launched in May 2021, a process in which young people are acting on their own, arming themselves in groups in Jenin, in Nablus with the group "Lion's Den" and, in East Jerusalem, a whole movement that has been growing with the general strikes, whoseirruption into the interior of the State of Israel has caused the division of the Israeli bourgeoisie.
The division results between sectors that want to continue with the "Two State" policy,
and another sector of the Israeli ruling class fanatical of far-right
Zionists and ultra-Orthodox fundamentalists, deeply rooted mainly in the
settler movement in the West Bank. This
sector advocates abandoning any policy of agreements, agreements with
the Palestinians, and directly crushing all intifada, movement, and
protests, ending with the Palestinian activists who militate in the
neighborhoods of Israel.
this reason, as soon as the Coalition headed by Netanyahu came to
power, they launched a battery of measures that aim to criminalize,
attack, repress the rights of activists who claim to defend the rights
of Palestinians. To do this, Netanyahu's Coalition seeks to "reform"
the judiciary, so that the Supreme Court could not strike down the
legislation, while a simple majority in the Knesset would suffice to
appoint judges. The
legislative package includes measures to prevent the Court from
disqualifying government ministers, as was the case with the
ultra-religious leader Aryeh Deri whose inclusion in the coalition was
blocked by a court ruling, having a conviction for financial crimes, or
reviewing government plans that they may be unreasonable.
Other proposals seek to break the independence of the Police and subordinate it to the Ministry of Security, today in the hands of the racist politician Itamar Ben-Gvir. All this would allow the ultra-religious government to affect the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community, or pass legislation exempting their community from compulsory military service, or build more illegal settlements on Palestinian land. This has provoked a rejection in the Israel Armed Forces, which is the backbone of the Zionist State, among37 and 40 reservist pilots from an elite squadron of the air forces have carried out a sit-in protest, while well-known ex-servicemen and volunteer soldiers are actively participating in the protests and have asked the government to stop their plans. To these sectors of the Armed Forces that have spoken out against the reforms, the Minister of Communications, Shlomo Karhi, has responded: "Go to hell, we will manage without you."
The mobilizations question the State of Israel
The policy of Netanyahu's Coalition, and the outbreak of the mobilizations against his measures highlight the crisis that the State of Israel is going through. The existence of a Nazi, fascist state is incompatible with the exercise of social rights, democratic liberties, and not to mention, which is incompatible with the existence of an insurrection or mass struggle such as the 3rd Intifada of the Palestinian people. For this reason, the mass mobilizations in Israel, the social movement that has spread against Netanyahu's reforms, which brings together from educators and students to lawyers and soldiers, including economists and intellectuals, questions the very existence of the State of Israel.
Netanyahu's reform must be defeated. The
mobilizations and struggles of the Israeli people must continue until
the end of the government of the fundamentalist Coalition of Zionism,
regardless of the degree of consciousness of the masses, and the
activists who promote the mobilization that demand "democracy" . The
Palestinian uprising, the 3rd Intifada, the split in the Israeli
bourgeoisie, and the mass mobilizations in Israel put the very existence
of the State of Israel on the table.
It is necessary to end the Bonapartist reform, but continue the mobilization until the Netanyahu government ends, the State of Israel is abolished, and a secular, democratic, and non-racist Palestine is established where Israelis, Palestinians, and Arabs live side by side, as has happened for centuries. , before the intervention of the imperialist powers, and NATO for the foundation of the State of Israel. The struggle of the Palestinian people goes in the same direction against the State of Israel, as part of the struggle against the plans of imperialism, and the capitalists who are carrying out the workers and peoples in France, England, Germany, and the people of Ukraine in its fight against Putin's invasion, a global revolution led by youth, women, indigenous peoples, and the most oppressed races, against dictatorships, and reactionary regimes, on the way to imposing Global Socialism.