Only Two Theories Explain What's Going On In The World

Excerpt from the world document of La Marx International - To read the full document click here
There are two theories, and only two, that explain what is happening in the world. On the one hand, the "Decoupling Theory", a Wall Street theory that upholds world imperialism, analysts, financiers, political scientists, the media, the Vatican, journalists, sociologists, political parties, and 99% of the World Left. The "Decoupling Theory" posits that what is happening in the world is the end of the U.S. hegemony. The U.S., and the old imperialisms such as the European Union (EU), or new imperialisms that emerge such as China, India, Russia, or Brazil (BRIC'S) "decoupled" from U.S. imperialist domination. They are fighting for that hegemony. According to this theory, the world is heading towards World War III between the United States and the United States. The U.S. vs. the "China-Russia bloc"
To this theory there is only one alternative: the theory of "The American Revolution of the 21st Century" of La Marx International. This theory posits that what is happening in the world is the existence of a world revolution against capitalism that began in the United States when imperialism was defeated in Iraq, a 'revolutionary process that extends to the whole world as capitalism is under the domination of Wall Street. and U.S. Corporations. For this theory, the world is not going "towards World War III" as the "Decoupling Theory" claims, but we are in a world war between revolution and counterrevolution.
The "Decoupling Theory" has no basis in reality. There is no data to indicate that China, Russia and the BRICs are "decoupling" from U.S. dominance. On the contrary, the dominance of U.S. corporations is not the same. The U.S. is increasingly categorical and brutal. In turn, the adoption of this theory leads 99% of the world left to break with Marxism because it is the negation of its deepest laws such as the tendency to centralization and concentration of capital that gave rise to the oligarchy of the 1%. It also leads to a break with the Theory of Imperialism since "Decoupling" defines "Imperialism" as any minor oligarchy that has a strong army, multinationals, and oppresses other countries because it acts as a "thug", or "overseer" of capitalism in its area of influence. By adopting this definition of "imperialism" the groups of the left break with Marxism.
We ratify Lenin's definition of imperialism that becomes topical with the domination of the Global Corporations, and the oligarchy of the 1%. The companies that dominate the world economy are no longer the multinationals, but the Global Corporations such as JP Morgan Chase or Goldman Sachs that control the global flows of capital from Wall Street whose headquarters are only in the imperialist countries. Neither China nor Russia have Global Corporations. Even countries with small capitalist economies such as Colombia or Argentina have multinationals and no one would think that they are imperialist countries. The adoption of "Decoupling", in addition to clashing with reality, reveals the political illiteracy of the leaders of 99% of the global left.
"Decoupling" abusively extends the definition of "imperialism" to nations such as Turkey, Iran, China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, India or Serbia, etc., which are "sub-metropolises" of imperialist capital. By speaking of a world with "multiple poles", "bipolar", or "tripolar", the leaders of the left groups break with Marxism byconfusing the "sub-metropolis" of imperialism with imperialist countries, and sow expectations in these minor oligarchies that claim their participation at the table of imperialism.
But in addition, the proposal of a "multipolar" world is out of touch with reality. Thesub-metropolises are in a crisis with no way out, accompanying the crisis of imperialism, and the tendency towards concentration and centralization makes them increasingly unviable, and dependent on imperialist capital. Expressions of this are the collapse of the Chinese economy for 5 years with no way out in sight, the collapse of Russia's oligarchy bogged down in the war in Ukraine, the collapse of the Adani oligarchy in India increasingly dependent on Wall Street, and even Israel which has entered a historic crisis in its role as regional gendarme of the Middle East.
The tendency towards concentration and centralization has placed in a vulnerable position all the oligarchies of the sub-metropolises that can no longer sustain even their status as junior partners of imperialism. The "Decoupling" plunges theworld left into the swamp of charlatans, professors, intellectuals and bourgeois analysts who flaunt their ignorance by prattling on about "geopolitics" in public opinion and the media. But the "opinionologists" and professional swindlers are liquidated by reality at every minute since their main forecast, which is the advent of "World War III", never comes true. By not fulfilling the prophecy of the 3rd world war that they have been announcing for 70 years, since the times of the "Cold War", they are ridiculed.
For the "Decoupling" the revolutionary wars of Rojava, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Palestine, etc. are "reactionary wars". For those who adhere to "Decoupling" one should not support either side in revolutionary wars, with which they adopt a position that ends up favoring the oppressive regimes against which the peoples go out to fight. In this way,the supporters of "Decoupling" end up turning their backs on the peoples in the "Arab Spring", in the Ukrainian revolution, in the 3rd Intifada, and in all the revolutions of the 21st century.
In the face of this, the "Decoupling" scam stands the theory of the American Revolution of the 21st Century. This theory is the update of the Theory of Permanent Revolution for the 21st Century, which analyzes the mortal struggle between the revolution and the world counterrevolution in the framework of the terminal crisis of the capitalist mode of production. The Theory of the American Revolution of the 21st Century analyzes how the complex revolutionary processes of the 21st century are concatenated and how democratic, socialist, transitional and political tasks are linked to militant intervention in them. From this emerges the Program that leads to the struggle for power for the imposition of Global Socialism.
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