
The campaign of the "advance of the far right" collapses


La Marx International

The Progressive International (PI) led by Bernie Sanders of the Democratic Party of the United States and Alexis Tsipras of Syriza of Greece has launched a global campaign that "the right and fascism are coming". This campaign, promoted by opinionologists, journalists, analysts, capitalist mass media, all kinds of charlatans and 99% of the world left, raises the specter of the "advent of the ultra-right" to justify support for "progressive" capitalist and imperialist governments. The campaign seeks to deceive activists and leaders in every country in the world about what is really happening in the world political situation. To read more about PI click here.

Bourgeois democracy does not express the consciousness of the peoples of the world

Taking the results of some elections of bourgeois democracy, the "progressives" try to make us believe that there is a "turn to the right" in the political situation, and in the consciousness of the peoples of the world, a whole proposition that is absolutely false because bourgeois democracy is an anti-democratic fraud that does not directly express the situation of the consciousness of the peoples. The consciousness of the peoples is measured on the basis of the actions of the masses, and the relationship between the peoples with the counterrevolutionary apparatuses.

The uprisings, insurrections, mobilizations that today cross the world such as the armed uprising of the Palestinian militias, the workers' strikes that hit the United States, and the United States. The U.S. and Europe are a turn to the left of the peoples, the engine that makes consciousness evolve based on the development of demands, and the balance of the struggles for them. These revolutions of the 21st century, on the other hand, lead the people to stop believing in the counterrevolutionary apparatuses, whether reformist, bourgeois nationalist, Stalinist, guerrilla, etc. The more people believe in these old directions, the more backward consciousness becomes, the further away it is from Marxism. On the contrary, the more rupture and disbelief there is in the old apparatuses, the more consciousness advances and approaches Marxism.

The peoples of the world have been breaking with the old leaderships all over the world, which has unleashed an unprecedented crisis in the world reformist left, a process that together with Trotsky we call "Political Revolution". The class struggle and the situation of the leaderships of the mass movement are the real parameters for measuring the consciousness of the peoples of the world. To make an analysis of the situation of the consciousness of the workers and peoples of the world on the basis of the electoral results of the elections of bourgeois democracy is a misleading and false methodology.

Progressives, and many groups that perceive themselves as left-wing or Marxist, try to make us believe their analyses that there is a "turn to the right" based on the electoral results of bourgeois democracy, whose political regime is a complete fraud that does not faithfully express the aspirations of the peoples in any way. But even on the terrain of the bourgeois electoral circus, the most unfavorable and hostile terrain for the working class and the peoples of the world, the entire campaign of the "advent of the far right" is receiving a resounding slap in the face from reality.

The coalitions that succeed are not "left-wing"

So far in 2024, elections are taking place in 64 countries around the world, which is equivalent to half of the world's population, but the results do not show any "turn to the right". With the election results in France and England showing that there is no such thing as a far-right, it is clear that the whole campaign of the "advent of the far right" is false. On the contrary, "progressive" governments and coalitions have been imposing themselves in the United States. USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, etc.

The campaign of the "advent of the far right" has a clear objective: To convince world activists that support for "progressive" capitalist governments is necessary, and to make them believe that this type of coalition governments such as the Labour Party of Great Britain, or the New Popular Front of France (NFP) are "left" coalitions, which is also false. No "progressive" government is leftist, they are capitalist governments that capitalize on the turn to the left of the masses to divert it, contain it, or slow it down, in the service of capitalism. When they take office in imperialist countries, such as France or England, they are capitalist-imperialist governments, which we have to fight with all our strength because they defend the interests of the ruling classes, the bankers and the Corporations.

The campaigns of the "progressives" spring from publications such as the DSA-driven Jacobin Magazine to confuse activism, established by a constellation of opinionologists and hired charlatans who work to develop the reformist strategy and support for "progressive" capitalist governments around the world. The aim of IP, DSA and Jacobin Magazine is to abort and sterilise any radicalised current that emerges in order to prevent the development of a revolutionary Marxist current independent of the state. To read more of our reviews of Jacobin Magazine click here.

The progressives' campaign will argue that Biden must be voted for "to stop the advance of fascism with Trump". This campaign is false. It tries to make you believe that Trump's candidacy is a "fascist attempt" to get you to support Biden, don't fall into the trap. First because Trump is not a fascist candidacy, he is a pro-imperialist, neoliberal candidacy and defender of capitalism, but it cannot be confused with fascism. Fascism is a regime that adopts methods of civil war against the people, which can be applied when there is a defeat of the workers.

The reality is that the electoral performance of some neoliberal groups has to do with the brutal crisis that is hitting the traditional left. In South Africa, in May, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) lost its majority for the first time since the end of apartheid, the advances of Marine Le Pen's National Rally in France, are directly linked to the crisis of social democracy and French Stalinism. Both Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom in the Netherlands and Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy were able to advance a few steps as a result of the collapse of social democracy, just as the fall of reformism allowed Nayib Bukele to win in El Salvador, while the collapse of Peronism made possible the election of Javier Milei in Argentina.

There is no "advance of the far right"

Under capitalism, elections are conducted fundamentally in the interests of the ruling class. In The State and Revolution, Lenin said, "To decide once every few years which members of the ruling class are going to suppress and crush the people through parliament – this is the very essence of bourgeois parliamentarism." Those who, based on the analysis of the bourgeois electoral circus, pretend to demonstrate that there is a danger of "the advance of the ultra-right" are liars.

From La Marx International we call on you to build a revolutionary tool to face the times that are coming. The reformists and "progressives" deliberately lie in order to impose a reformist project, as well as to bring struggles and revolutions into the dead end of the social democratic strategy, but this whole strategy is suffering a great failure. Building a revolutionary party is fundamental to participate in the daily struggles of the working class and to help develop a strategy to win real victories, on the path of the struggle for Global Socialism.

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