
The People Rise Up Against Maduro's Fraud and Capitalist Dictatorship in Venezuela


By Gilberto Pérez Director of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers (FVM) - Coordinator and member of La Marx Venezuela

Uprisings and protests of our people against the fraud of Maduro's capitalist dictatorship in Venezuela in the elections of July 28, 2024 are generalized in all the streets and cities of Venezuela. Like a slap in the face, Maduro's capitalist dictatorship announced a false result of the elections in Venezuela, according to its data, with 80% of the votes counted, giving the winner of the presidential elections to Nicolás Maduro with 51.2% of the votes, compared to 44.2% for the opposition candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia.

The announcement was a real antics of the regime that was unanimously rejected, even by like-minded capitalist governments such as those of Boric in Chile, Lula in Brazil or Petro in Colombia. Only a handful of dictatorships that remain in the world such as those of China, Russia, Iran, Qatar, Cuba or Nicaragua recognized the results. The National Electoral Council (CNE) announced a turnout of 59%, which means that more than41% of the population abstained from voting in the elections, which includes a very important sector of the working class that refused to vote and validate the fraudulent elections organized by the dictatorship.

The Chavista dictatorship of Venezuela is not "socialist" as its leaders Nicolás Maduro or Diosdado Cabello say. It is a capitalist dictatorship headed by an oligarchy of millionaire military officers that has starved the people, has hundreds of political prisoners, disappeared, tortured, and carries out the political persecution of activists. More than 8 million Venezuelan exiles abroad show that the people are suffering even greater than those suffered by the people of Ukraine, who have 6 million exiles, while suffering every day the attacks of Putin's murderous regime. The elections were totally fraudulent from start to finish where the regime prevented the nomination of opponents, or directly stole legalities from other political parties.

Maria Corina Machado's politics are functional to the dictatorship

Maria Corina Machado
Maria Corina Machado

The uprising of the people makes it clear that in order to end the dictatorship a policy opposed to María Corina Machado is needed, who limited herself to denouncing the irregularities in the transmission of the minutes and the arbitrary expulsion of witnesses from the polling stations, claiming that they had won the elections. Throughout the electoral campaign, María Corina Machado called for "reconciliation" with Chavismo, more concerned with the fear of an uprising of the population against the dictatorship than with defeating the Maduro regime. However, the uprising of the people is giving a slap in the face to the politics of María Corina Machado.

María Corina Machado announced that "Venezuela has a new president and it is Edmundo González Urrutia", because according to her data and exit polls she would have reached 70% of the votes, calling the "Armed Forces. AA of Venezuela to recognize the results." Somepresidents and officials of Latin American countries issued statements calling for respect for the result and reporting the data, which completely leaves the dictatorship that has no support inside Venezuela, and neither outside. The irruption of the people in the streets, led mainly by the working youth with thousands of motorcycles, overcame, and overrode the policy of calling for a "civic vigil" by María Corina Machado. Moreover, the outpouring of the people into the streets was totally spontaneous given thatwhen asked by one of the journalists if they were going to call the streets, Edmundo González declared that "no one is making calls to the streets."

From La Marx Venezuela we call for the development of the uprising with more force, with mobilization, and the general strike until the Maduro dictatorship is defeated. The battle against Maduro's dictatorship is part of the struggle and revolutions around the world against capitalism that together with the peoples of Palestine and Ukraine, the general strikes around the world, the insurrection in Bangladesh, we need to deepen until the defeat of the regime, within the framework of the struggle for Global Socialism.

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