The politics of Imperialism and the Progressive International

Document approved at the meeting of the International Coordination of La Marx - November 2021
We are experiencing a mass insurrection that is shaking the world. Millions rise up in all countries and regions against capitalism. The masses of the world go out to fight and develop revolutions, mobilizations and uprisings on the 5 continents, in the midst of a second revolutionary wave that began with the uprising of the yellow vests in France in 2019.
This global uprising, which goes from the United States to France, from Catalonia to Lebanon, from Palestine to Hong Kong, passing through Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, Algeria, is what prevents the capitalist governments of the world from removing capitalism of the serious crisis in which it finds itself. Faced with the powerful global mobilization, governments such as Piñera's in Chile, Carrie Lam's in Hong Kong, Díaz Canel's in Cuba, Min Aung Hlaing in Myanmar, Duque in Colombia, or Ortega in Nicaragua bring out troops to the street and repress the population to try to stop the revolutionary process. But this policy of the "stick" has been shown to be useless in stopping the mobilization.
The repression not only does not stop the mobilization, but also throws gasoline on the fire of the struggle. While the most basic demands of the people are not resolved, the activists prepare and return with more force, leading successive waves that are supported by the most oppressed layers, women, youth, peasants, the impoverished masses of the city, etc. who suffer hunger, misery, pandemics, poverty, machismo, oppression, destruction of nature, environmental change, and go out to fight against the capitalist disaster.
A fundamental chapter of this global mobilization against capitalism is occupied by the world revolution of women against femicides, disappearances, machismo, legal abortion, and all rights. The development of this struggle constitutes the permanent mobilization of more than half of humanity, and a fundamental component of the world revolutionary process.
To stop this mass insurrection, imperialism combines the "stick" policy with another policy: that of the "carrot".
This consists of a policy of deceit and maneuvers, based on "Agreements", "Pacts", "Concertations", and a call to trust in bourgeois democracy. Imperialism, the Corporations, the capitalists, need the masses to abandon the streets, the highways, the pickets, to put aside the barricades, self-organization, and self-defense, and go vote in the elections of bourgeois democracy, trusting in that deputies, officials, mayors, etc. bring them a better life.
A perfidious policy of deceit and maneuvers against the peoples
In the last century, capitalism was able to overcome and face the revolutions that were shaking the world, as a result of the existence of the post-war agreements of Yalta and Potsdam signed in 1945. The agreements were celebrated by the imperialism of the United States and England by one side, with world Stalinism on the other, which was the political current that controlled the USSR and the leaderships of the mass movement on a global scale.
Those agreements made it possible to contain, divert, and channel the revolutionary processes that swept through the 20th century (Korea, China, Cuba, Algeria, Vietnam, etc.), which, in addition to saving capitalism, allowed a "boom" in the world capitalist economy. which lasted approximately 30 years.
But in the 21st century, those agreements no longer exist. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the post-war agreements collapsed, and the world Stalinist apparatus collapsed. That device is found among rubble, in an advanced process of decomposition. Nor is there today a "boom" of the world capitalist economy, on the contrary, capitalism is in a serious crisis, which has been going on for 20 years.
This scenario makes it impossible for imperialism to establish a global agreement such as those after the war, in the face of the mass uprising, and the revolutions that are sweeping the world in the 21st century.
For this reason, world imperialism, since the Biden Administration came to power, has launched the world policy of partial regional agreements, by country, by zones, between imperialism, the regional capitalist governments, and the leaderships of the movement. of masses This policy is not without problems. The calls of imperialism and capitalist governments to trust in bourgeois democracy are suffering a slap in the face because the people reject and begin to disbelieve in bourgeois democracy.
In the elections in France and Venezuela, 80% of the workers did not go to vote, in Brazil, 50% did not vote for anyone, in Peru 30%, in the US 50%, the same in elections as in Russia and Argentina. The masses no longer believe in the institutions of the bourgeoisie, nor in its parties, and an "abstentionist wave" travels the world, accompanying the revolutionary uprisings.
The rupture and crisis with the parties and institutions of bourgeois democracy is an advance in the consciousness of the masses that provokes political crises in all the institutions that defend capitalism: among the governments, in the regimes, and in the bourgeois parties. And that also puts all the reformist organizations in crisis, which make participation in the institutions of bourgeois democracy the center of their activity.
The policy of the "Front for Peace and Democracy" is a perfidious policy of deceit and maneuvers against the world revolutionary upswing that requires for its application the collaboration of all capitalist governments and parties, together with the parties and reformist organizations that are the leadership of the mass movement, or have some relative control of the social, trade union, and political organizations of the masses in the different countries and regions of the world.
The policy of "Front for Peace and Democracy" does not bring any "peace" or any "democracy". Although the masses with their mobilization question bourgeois democracy, and the "agreements" promoted by imperialism, this policy has not been defeated. And it is a very dangerous policy because it is designed to divert and demobilize the peoples, while executing a violent attack, aggression, and systematic repression against the masses. As Nahuel Moreno puts it:"However, this policy of the "Front for Social Peace and Democracy" has not yet been defeated. It remains a mortal danger for the workers and peoples because it confuses, demoralizes and demobilizes, allowing imperialism to prepare harsher counter-blows"
Imperialism speaks of "Peace" at Summits with the Chinese government, while Xi-Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party murder, torture and imprison millions in concentration camps in Xinkiang province. The Chinese government supports the coup in Myanmar, and attacks the people of Hong Kong in Southeast Asia. Imperialism negotiates in the Middle East with the murderous fascists of the Taliban. And European imperialism supports the fraudulent elections in Venezuela, while the Maduro dictatorship imprisons and tortures thousands of activists. European imperialism invests in Cuba, while the PC dictatorship imprisons, persecutes, tortures and murders hundreds of Cuban activists who fight against hunger and the lack of freedoms.
The task of the Marxists is to denounce, and confront this policy of imperialism, and the counterrevolutionary agreements that seek to defend capitalism, and the ruling classes of different countries. Let's see what those agreements are:
The " Peace and Democracy" Agreements in the Middle East
Millions were shocked to see the images of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, thousands of desperate Afghans boarding Pentagon planes to flee the country at Kabul airport, images that shocked the world. Millions automatically show solidarity with Afghan women, unaware that the withdrawal of US troops is due to the agreements signed on February 29, 2020, between the US government and the Taliban signed in Doha, Qatar.
The so-called "Agreement to Bring Peace to Afghanistan" between US imperialism and the Taliban group set a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops. In exchange for a return to power and the release of Taliban prisoners, the Taliban agrees to defend Afghan capitalism. All capitalist governments, from the European imperialists, to China and Russia, joined the Doha agreements.
The high representative of the European Union, Josep Borrell, reported that the European Union is part of the US-Taliban dialogue. During June and July 2021, the Taliban delegation led by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar signed agreements with the government of Ali Khamenei in Iran, with Putin in Russia, and with the government of Turkmenistan. In China, the agreements were signed by Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Baradar in Tianjin. In this way, the Doha agreements came to be backed by the imperialism of the US, England, France, Germany, to which China, Russia, and Iran were added, in their capacity as regional powers.
The Doha agreements seek to stop the revolutionary rise of the peoples of the Middle East against imperialism and Israel, whose highest points are the revolutionary processes taking place in Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Algeria, etc. Along with the Doha agreements, on August 13, 2020, the Abraham Accords were signed between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel, after which Israel agreed to suspend plans for the annexation of the Jordan Valley in exchange for recognition of UAE to the State of Israel.
The agreement was ratified at the White House in Washington and opens the door to a future agreement with Saudi Arabia, since the UAE is a satellite of the kingdom. The Abraham Accords also include the agreement between Bahrain and Israel, billed as "peace and cooperation agreements" signed on September 15, 2020, also ratified in Washington. In this way, Bahrain became the fourth Arab state to recognize Israel and the second in a month, to which was added the agreement between Israel and Sudan, in which both countries agreed to "peace" in exchange for which the United States The US removed Sudan from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism.
On December 10, 2020, the "Agreement for the normalization of relations between Israel and Morocco" was established, also ratified by the United States, by which Morocco became the sixth country of the Arab League to recognize Israel. In four months, more Arab countries recognized Israel's Bench than in 40 years. This speaks of the collaboration and betrayal of the different Arab bourgeoisies with imperialism and Israel. These regional bourgeois sectors, desperate for the advancement of the revolutionary processes, throw themselves into the arms of imperialism and Israel to put a stop to them.
The betrayal of the Arab bourgeois sectors has caused for the first time a sector of the Arab and Palestinian bourgeoisie to join the government coalition in Israel. In June 2021, the United Arab List (LAU, in Hebrew Ra'am), has become the first Arab political group to be part of the government coalition in the history of Israel, which displaced Benjamin Netanyahu to power after 12 years.
The Biden-Xi Jingping summit vs the World War III theorists
The control of the political processes and the class struggle in Asia is based on a political, economic and military counterrevolutionary agreement between US imperialism and China. These political agreements are faced with a contradiction: They are carried out by the imperialism of the United States that presents itself as a defender of "democracy" and "human rights", together with China, which is a horrible capitalist dictatorship.
On November 14, 2021, the US-China Summit was held in which the two leaders Joe Biden and Xi Jinping met to agree. "I am very happy to see my old friend," Xi Jinping said at the start of the summit. Along the same lines, Beijing stressed that the conversation was "profound", "fruitful" and "fundamental". There they reached agreements on arms control, and Biden expressed concern about "Human Rights" in the context of giving his explicit support to the "One China" policy.
Talking about "Human Rights" and supporting the "One China" policy is a completely hypocritical policy of imperialism. The "One China" policy means the crushing of minorities. nationalities, and original peoples under the boot of the Chinese people's army. This prevents imperialism from presenting these agreements publicly as "Peace and Democracy". But it does not prevent the United States and China from acting together to prevent the development of revolutionary processes like the one in Hong Kong, of minorities like the Uyghurs, in Myanmar, South Korea, etc.
To stop the revolutionary process in Hong Kong that began in 2014 with the uprising of the "Umbrella Revolution", the Communist Party of China (CCP) dictatorship launched the "National Security Law" in May 2020 This law eliminates the rights to protest, assembly, unionization, freedom of expression, with the aim of criminalizing organizations and activists from Hong Kong, China, and from around the world who take refuge in Hong Kong to organize the fight against the capitalist dictatorship of Xi-Jinping and the CCP.
The Law sentences the population of Hong Kong to life imprisonment for all those activists who confront the Xi-Jinping dictatorship under the crimes of "secession", "subversion", "terrorism" and "collusion with foreign forces". But the Xi-Jinping dictatorship and the CCP can carry out this counterrevolutionary policy thanks to the support of the United States, the imperialist governments, and the capitalist governments of the region. All these governments are silent about the National Security Law, a silence that extends to all the multilateral organizations controlled by imperialism (UN, NATO, World Trade Organization (WTO), etc.), which gives the green light to the dictatorship of Xi Jinping in his plans to crush the democratic rights of the people of China,
In the province of Xinkiang, the Uyghur ethnic group is being subjected to a brutal process of repression, after the violent uprising of this original people against the PCCH dictatorship. With approximately 1,014,883 people in concentration camps, and allegations that multinationals profit from slave labor such as the textiles Target, and Dangerfield from the United States, Cotton On, and Jeanswest from Australia, or Ikea and H&M from Sweden, among others, the Uyghur ethnic group is suffering a savage repression of the dictatorship. The complicity of world imperialism with the Chinese dictatorship is part of the economic and political agreement that sustains capitalism in Asia, and globally.
China's dictatorship represses its people to guarantee the investments of North American, European, and Japanese Multinational Corporations that make fortunes based on the super-exploitation of the Chinese working class. The collaboration between the US and China allows China to export its production on a global scale, mainly to the US market, in exchange for which China buys and hoards US Treasury bonds. In other words, the US and world imperialism "finance" China, in exchange for which China "finances" the US state.
The agreements between the US and China are not exempt from friction, contradictions, and rispidice, but it is the fundamental agreement on which the situation in Asia, the Middle East, and the world rests. China, as a regional power, deals with the processes in the Middle East, as we saw in relation to its support for the Doha agreements, and also deals with some processes in Asia such as Myanmar, Hong Kong, and Africa where it outsources investments in very poor and small economies, with the tacit support of North American imperialism.
In turn, China advances in economic integration with Japanese imperialism in the Comprehensive Regional Economic Association (RCEP) treaty. South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand join the RCEP together with the countries that make up ASEAN Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, Brunei, Laos and Cambodia. For the rest of the Asian countries that are outside of China's influence, US imperialism has revived the Quadrilateral Security Agreement (QUAD) that integrates with Japan, Australia and India, while revived the espionage alliance "Five Eyes" (in English "five eyes"), and ratified the military alliance AUKUS, with Australia, and the United Kingdom, reactionary agreements presented as "collaboration" and "cooperation".
The "Peace and Democracy" Agreements in the G-20, Europe, and Latin America
As part of this policy of promoting the "Peace and Democracy" agreements, the United States returned on October 14, 2021 to rejoin the UN Human Rights Council. On the 31st of that same month, the agreements were reached at the Summit of the Group of 20 (G20) in which the 7 imperialist countries, the US, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, England, and the rest of the United States meet. the more developed nations like India, China, Brazil, South Africa, etc. At this summit the policies of "cooperation, peace, and democracy" were strongly ratified again.
On November 2, 2021, the same countries met at the Climate Summit, COP26 Conference of the Parties, in Glasgow, Scotland. Both at the G-20 summit and at COP26, the greatest problems that capitalism is going through at a global level were addressed, such as multinationals, the external debts of backward countries, pandemics, and climate change. Its agreements and resolutions are All the agreements signed both in the G-20 and in COP26 only seek to defend capitalism and global corporations, for which they do not mean any solution to the problems of the workers and peoples of the world. In relation to the recovery of the global capitalist economy, the G20 undertook to "avoid prematurely withdrawing support measures",
Regarding the debts of developing countries and the IMF, the G20, Imperialism in the G20, ratified the policy of preventing countries from declaring bankruptcy and default, which implied a change in the policy of imperialism in relation to debts external. If before the IMF squeezed the poor countries to the last drop, now world imperialism encourages the suspension of payments of the external debts of the countries that cannot pay, and even grants money to the poorest countries, so that they can pay.
In this way, the G20 in Rome agreed to continue the initiative of "Suspension of the Debt Service of the G20" ... " at least 12,700 million dollars (...) were postponed thanks to this initiative between May 2020 and December 2021, benefiting 50 countries". In turn, the G20 ratified to continue giving money to the poorest countries: "pay vulnerable countries 100,000 million dollars... in Special Drawing Rights (SDR) issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)... in contributions volunteers for the most needy countries". (El País Spain, 11/31/21)
The presidents of the capitalist countries meeting in the G20 approved the policy agreed on August 2, 2021, by the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington. There, a general allocation of special drawing rights (SDR) equivalent to USD 650,000 million was agreed upon. The IMF is studying the possibility of establishing a "Trust Fund for Resilience and Sustainability" in order to shore up "global liquidity" and assist the poorest and most vulnerable countries. Is imperialism concerned about the hunger of the peoples and the poverty of millions?
Why is Imperialism promoting the moratoriums and suspensions of payment of the external debt now? Imperialism is concerned about the outbreak of uprisings and revolutions, it seeks to alleviate crises to calm these outbreaks. But also, or that the Multinationals, the capitalist Corporations, Wall Street and the bankers seek with the "suspension initiative" of foreign debt payments is to avoid new sharp peaks of world crisis like those of Lehman Brothers in 2008, or Greece, Italy or Cyprus in the years 2010.
The crisis of capitalism is of such magnitude that it does not resist "defaults or non-payments" of debt, whether from Corporations or countries, that is why imperialism promotes agreed payments, establishing moratoriums or suspension of payments. These moratoriums, and the contributions in Special Drawing Rights (SDR), are "Salvage" towards the countries, which act as an extension of their policy of "Salvage" to the Corporations.
Before the start of the G20 Summit, US President Joe Biden met with the Pope at the Vatican, who gave his "blessing" to these agreements. In relation to the Covid pandemic, the G20 agreed " vaccinate at least 40% of the population in all countries by the end of 2021 and 70% by mid-2022." Quite a hypocrisy since millions died because of a pandemic that is the product of the policies of all capitalist governments, which developed before it a policy of "capitalist quarantines" that caused millions of deaths around the world.
The same cynical and hypocritical policy was developed by the imperialist governments at the Climate Summit, COP26 meets in Glasgow, Scotland. Conference of the Parties. While speeches abounded with promises of new technologies, or anti-pollution goals for... 2030! But nothing in particular that threatens the oil industry, or the production of coal. Furthermore, the world's governments plan to more than double in fossil fuel production by 2030. The agreements are a mockery as the world suffers from multiplying hurricanes, droughts and floods.
In Europe, and to stop the struggle of the Catalan people, the Spanish government announced a pardon for the Catalan prisoners who participated in the independence process, the freedom of the political prisoners, and the return of the exiles in agreement with the imperialist governments of France and Germany. This agreement has also been supported by the UN and its dependent bodies, such as the Council of Europe, and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (ECHR).
The pardons of the government of Pedro Sánchez are just a concession for some political prisoners and exiles when there are more than 3,000 Catalan activists prosecuted by Spain. Imperialism seeks to exonerate some of the most important Catalan leaders such as Carles Puigdemont. Antoni Comín, Lluís Puig, or Meritxell Serret, to stop the struggle of the Catalan people.
The High-Level Economic Dialogue / T-MEC: López Obrador as an agent of imperialism in Latin America
In Latin America on September 9, 2021 in Washington DC, representatives of the imperialist government of the United States led by Joe Biden, and the capitalist government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, met in the so-called High Level Economic Dialogue (DEAN), to carry out agreements for the benefit of the great imperialist corporations, and the capitalist classes of Mexico. The DEAN agreements advanced to consolidate the Mexico-United States-Canada Agreement (T-MEC), which is the continuation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA, in English). These agreements were also signed in Washington. Presented as "constructive and cooperative agreements", they are just the opposite, as La Marx México puts it in its statement:
"The T-MEC seeks to consolidate the semi-colonial status of Mexico, handing over our wealth, natural resources, territories, our workforce and our heritage to the global conglomerates defended by the government of Joe Biden and the aristocracy of the 1% of the population".
That is why in September the CELAC Summit was held in Mexico in which López Obrador appeared together with the president of Cuba calling for the "end of the blockade", in fact, supporting the Cuban government, after the mobilizations of 11, 12 and July 13 against the dictatorship. Meetings for an agreement on Venezuela between representatives of the Maduro dictatorship and US imperialism are also taking place in Mexico.
Imperialism intends to incorporate the countries of Central America and the Caribbean, as in the case of Cuba, using Mexico as a sub-metropolis, trying to establish policies from the National Palace in Mexico City to stop the revolutionary processes in Central America and Latin America. In Chile, the "Agreement for social peace and the New Constitution" of 11/15/19 seek to divert the revolutionary process that began in October of that year towards bourgeois democracy, elections, and designed a Constituent Convention that practically cannot resolve any of the fundamental demands of the Chilean people.
As La Marx Chile explains:
"These "social peace" agreements saved Piñera's neck, and allowed him to stay in power by murdering and mutilating the people. They also conditioned the current constituent not to go beyond the limits of capitalism. The UDI-RN groups were able to impose these conditions due to the betrayal of deputies and leftist leaders like Gabriel Boric, who imposed the agreements to save the institutions of the capitalist state at any cost"
On September 20, 2020, the Progressive International was formally inaugurated. This international, which brings together most of the world's reformist organizations, is headed by Bernie Sanders, a senator from the Democratic Party, and Yanis Varoufakis, the main leader of Syriza in Greece, and is guided by sectors of the US Democratic Party such as the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America). Progressive Think-Thanks such as CLACSO (Latin American Council of Social Sciences), and the DSA publication, Revista Jacobin (5), together with renowned intellectuals such as Chomsky, Zizek, or Tony Negri, and Naomi Klein, as well as several professors, scholars, and professors try to give theoretical support to IP.
The role of this organization is to collaborate with the world policy of "Front for Peace and Democracy" carried out by the Administration of the Democratic Party and Joe Biden. The Progressive International endorses the "carrot" policy, of "Agreements", "Pacts", "Concertations", and the call to trust in bourgeois democracy. Together with the intellectuals and personalities who lead the IP, such as Judge Baltasar Garzón of Spain, it is made up of movements and political leaders such as Jeremy Corbyn of the Labor Party of England, France Insumisa of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Tiny Kox of the Dutch Socialist Party, and Gerardo Pisarello from Barcelona en Comú, a Catalan independence group.
Ertuğrul Kürkçü of the Peoples' Democratic Party of Turkey, Rafael Correa of Ecuador, Álvaro García Linera of the MAS of Bolivia, Fernando Haddad of the PT of Brazil, Giorgio Jackson of the Broad Front of Chile, Gustavo Petro of Colombia Humana, Áurea Carolina of the PSOL of Brazil, Alicia Castro from Kirchenrismo from Argentina, and also linked to Chavismo from Venezuela, as well as officials from MORENA in Mexico are also part of the group.
The PI's field of action is ever-widening and is not limited only to its members. His policy has the factual collaboration of the leadership of the EZLN in Mexico in episodes such as the "popular consultation," where the latter endorsed the Mexican government's policy "in an extemporaneous manner."
The IP, in general terms, supports governments such as Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, or China, keeping silent about their policy of defending capitalism. This policy weighs on all the leftist organizations in the world, the social democratic, Stalinist, ex-guerrilla groups, ex-Trotskyists, who generally carry forward the PI policy.
The policy of the IP is reduced to a single point: The fight against the "right". For this struggle, the leaders of the PI position themselves as the "left", so for the PI the entire struggle is resolved in a battle between the "right" and the "left". For the IP, the main problem in the world is the advance of a reactionary right-wing headed by Trump, Bolsonaro, the Duke of Colombia, the Egyptian dictator Al Sisi, the government of Yamina in Israel and Modi in India. The IP leadership equation is solved very easily: If you don't join the "left" they advocate, then you play the game of the "right."
The "Progressive International": Colorless version of the Second International
The leaders of the PI want to occupy the role that the Second International of 1889 fulfilled, which carried out reformism. But the current PI is very weak, and compared to the Second International, it doesn't measure up. At least the Second International referred to itself as Marxist, and had at its head some leaders who had worked with Marx and Engels. The leaders of the IP are a mediocre group, incapable of elaborating more than quackery with the pretensions of intellectuals. Their low political level, and their bourgeois and petty-bourgeois class character barely allow them to propose "A Humanized Capitalism" as a solution to the serious crisis that global capitalism is experiencing.
For the PI the problem is not capitalism, nor Imperialism, nor the multinationals, nor Wall Street. For the IP the problem is the "right", that is, a sector of the bourgeoisie who would be the "bad", but for the IP there is another sector of the bourgeoisie and capitalists who are "good", the self-styled "progressives", who seek a better capitalism. We must ally ourselves with them, in a single front that groups the entire "left." With this approach, the PI does not invent anything, it only repeats the same formula of Stalin and the Stalinism of the "Popular Front" with the progressive bourgeoisie.
This new "Popular Front of the 21st Century" is with Biden, with Lula, with López Obrador, with Petros, with Evo Morales, against the "right". This is the political axis of the leaders, intellectuals, artists, who address the thousands of activists who are leading the insurrections and uprisings that are shaking the world, with the call to fight against the "right", and to carry out this fight respecting the norms of bourgeois democracy. However, we should not underestimate the dangerous, counter-revolutionary potential of IP.
This group intends to take advantage of the serious crisis that the world left is suffering, it plays to occupy that space, deceiving, diverting, and betraying the revolutions in progress. Millions of activists around the world who go out to fight against capitalism, may fall under the deception of IP leaders. There we have the cases of Chile, Colombia, or Mexico where formations such as the Broad Front, Human Colombia, or MORENA in Mexico, confuse many honest comrades in their call to fight against the "right."
Promote the revolutionary regrouping
The IP constitution policy is preventive. Seek to absorb any revolutionary tendency that arises, and contain it, to lead it to the dead end of reformism. The IP is a tool to sterilize any trend that aims to abolish capitalism, it is its conscious goal. The IP strategy is not only the heritage of those who make up the organization. A large number of reformists, Stalinists, former guerrillas, and ex-Trotskyists carry out the IP strategy without organically belonging to it, by way of capitulating to the pressure of the apparatuses that make it up.
What is the policy of the Marxists against the policy of "Front for Peace and Democracy"? And on the other hand, what should be our policy towards the Progressive International? What unites all the members of the Progressive International from Sanders, Chomsky, through Varoufakis, Corbyn, Lula, CLACSO, Jacobin, and 99% of the world "left" is one thing: The terror that currents and mass revolutionary tendencies.
But IP's strategy faces two phenomena: On the one hand, the existence of the world crisis of capitalism, and on the other, the development of the world revolutionary process. These two phenomena cause a permanent and constant crisis in all reformist and social democratic currents. There is no reformism without a certain capitalist "bonanza". The global collapse that the capitalist, epochal, and civilizational mode of production is suffering, puts the parliamentarians, the electoralists, in crisis, all those who need a certain economic stability to be able to grant concessions to the masses, present their bills, lie all social democratic currents, or those in the process of social democratization to group together and join the bourgeois democratic regime.
The global regrouping of the reformists around the PI is a defensive measure, which attempts to be a kind of lifeboat for the reformist currents insofar as it allows them to sustain and support each other. The use of the weight of the prestige of intellectuals, publications, universities and professors, seeks to hide mediocrity, the lack of arguments, and prevent them from discovering that they are just a group of charlatans who watch in horror as their reformist project sinks hopelessly.
Criticism of Marxism is not so dangerous. Counterfeiting is something else. I am referring to theories that claim to be Marxist but actually abandoned the essence of Marx's teachings. For example, the revisionist Bernstein made the movement the fundamental axis of his theory and left aside the final objective. What resulted from this 'Marxism'? In England, a Mac-Donald, or a Lord Snowden. You can find some examples yourself. That falsification uses the name of Marxism to deceive the workers." Leon Trotsky (8)
Our policy against the global regrouping of the reformists is very clear: First of all, we publicly declare them our enemies. We relentlessly denounce them. We denounce their policies, their methods, their infamies, and we do not let even one of their betrayals of the masses pass by. If any Marxist militant has doubts, or does not understand why we denounce reformists all the time, we will try to convince him because he is life or death for our organization.
Towards the masses, the activists of the world, and the Marxists of the 5 continents, there should be no doubt that we have nothing to do with that reformist and treacherous excrescence that is IP. And that we have nothing to do with the reformists, Stalinists, ex-guerrillas, and ex-Trotskyists who carry out the PI policy, although they do not organically integrate it. We need to sharply delimit ourselves from them clearly, and precisely at all times. It has to be clear to everyone that there are 2 projects: IP and Marxism.
Second, it is not enough to denounce IP, we must abolish it. To defeat it we must oppose its strategy of regrouping the reformists, the strategy of the Regrouping of the Revolutionaries. And just as for IP the reformist regroupment is a perfidious conscious strategy, the Revolutionary Regroupment is also a conscious task of strengthening revolutionary tendencies, and the defense of classical, or orthodox, Marxism.
While IP seeks to "numb" or deny the mobilizations and revolutions, we salute, encourage and support them. As IP seeks to get activists to the polls, we to the streets. If we go to the polls it is to denounce them. And when there is a mobilization or revolution, you have to support it, spread it, and coordinate it. Those who remain silent or make propaganda against the revolutions are traitors
The regrouping of the Revolutionaries is the fundamental task. No revolutionary in the world is out of our convocation. We combine the firm defense of the principles with the fight against all capitulators and claudicators. And without stopping for a minute to confront the reactionaries Bolsonaro, Macri, Piñeira, Modi or Trump, we call on the workers and the people to fight against the Biden, Sanders, Corbyn, Lula, Xi Jinping, Díaz Canel, or Chávez who lie the masses of the world calling themselves "communists" or "socialists".
Any group that does not denounce the policy of imperialism, that does not denounce its pacts and agreements, that does not denounce bourgeois democracy, or that does not denounce IP, we classify as "traitors."
This is so because whoever does not denounce publicly is collaborating in the betrayal of the revolution that the PI is carrying out to save capitalism. The International Marx is the Platform that we use to advance in the Regrouping of the revolutionaries.
We call to defeat the "Peace and Democracy" policy promoted by the Democrats and the Biden Administration. And we denounce the Progressive International and its governments, parties and leaders as allies of imperialism, and defenders of capitalism. We do not believe in the revolution in stages, we do not believe that we should "postpone" today's revolution, for another stage. We are in favor of the permanent revolution, the struggle for power as a current task, and the strategy of uniting the mobilizations, and revolutions that cross the world, to abolish capitalism, as a present task, and one that cannot be postponed.
Down with the Doha agreements, T-MEC, G20, Climate Summit, and all the agreements that defend the interests of capitalism!
Down with the Progressive International!
For a workers, socialist and revolutionary international!