The World Political Situation
The world Situation
Document approved by the leadership of Marx International on 12/5/2024
The capitalist-imperialist system is in a collapse that consists of the combination of several critical factors, such as the global recession, the cutting of the chain of supplies (global gridlock), collapse of trade, destruction of the productive forces, generalized precariousness, poverty, devastation of nature, change bubbles, speculative manoeuvres, crashes or bankruptcies.

Let's Support the world revolutionary wave against capitalism!
Statement of La Marx International- August 8 2022
A huge and profound revolutionary wave sweeps the world. A global wave of strikes and social protests is underway, rising in the 5 continents against capitalism, imperialism, and their governments. From Sri Lanka, in South-East Asia, through the general, railway, metallurgical and dockers' strikes in Europe, the revolutionary struggle of the people of Ukraine with arms in hand facing Putin's invasion, and from the uprisings in Sudan,
Main trends in the world situation
Approved at the meeting of the International Coordination of La Marx
April 10, 2021
This document will identify the main trends and elements of the world situation
1) The collapse of capitalism worsens
The collapse that world capitalism is going through is evidenced in the bailouts to the corporations, the COVID pandemic, the bankruptcy of Corporations and Investment Funds,
The politics of Imperialism and the Progressive International
Document approved at the meeting of the International Coordination of La Marx - November 2021
We are experiencing a mass insurrection that is shaking the world. Millions rise up in all countries and regions against capitalism. The masses of the world go out to fight and develop revolutions, mobilizations and uprisings on the 5 continents, in the midst of a second revolutionary wave that began with the uprising of the yellow vests in France in 2019.