
We repudiate the capitalist G20 Summit


La Marx International

The images shows the G20 in Brazil launching the "Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty"
The images shows the G20 in Brazil launching the "Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty"

The imperialist governments of the United States, England, France, Italy, Canada, Japan, & Germany led the 19th edition of the G20 meeting on November 18 and 19, 2024 in Brazil.

The G20 Summit took place in the midst of a global collapse of capitalism leading the world towards stagflation showing a horrific spectacle of billions of people under the poverty line on 5 continents, destruction of the nature and climate change such as the disaster caused by the DANA in Valencia, in Spain or the storm "Sara" that is destroying populations in Honduras.

In a hypocritical and perverse way, the governments that defend the interests of a small elite of the increasingly wealthy 1% that dominates this horrific political-social system came together to form a "Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty". The formation of this "Alliance" is a mockery against millions of workers and peoples of the world. It has the same meaning as forming an "anti-drugs" group made up of drug traffickers, or an "Alliance against Scams" made up of scammers. These same governments that defend Global Corporations, defend their profits and promote the bailouts and bailouts of the world's millionaires by the capitalist Central Banks, have the gall to call for an "Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty", while their policies plunge millions into poverty every day. Marxists repudiate the G20 Summit, and its governments defend capitalism.

A new slap in the face of the "Decoupling Theory"

The representatives and defenders of the Global Corporations and the elite of the 1% were received with great hospitality by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, as well as by the representatives of the capitalist sub-metropolises such as China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Russia also known as the "BRIC'S", and other capitalist governments such as Spain, Turkey, Mexico, Indonesia, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, South Korea, Australia and Mauritania. All the governments of "emerging" economies slavishly knelt at the feet of imperialism, Wall Street, the bankers, demonstrated that they are junior partners and overseers defenders of the world capitalist-imperialist system.

Argentina's supposedly "fascist" president Milei and supposedly "anti-imperialist" Xi Jinping shake hands at the G20
Argentina's supposedly "fascist" president Milei and supposedly "anti-imperialist" Xi Jinping shake hands at the G20

This Summit showed the "unity of the exploiters" against the workers and peoples of the whole world, while at the same time giving another hard slap in the face to the charlatans who defend the "Theory of Decoupling". Before the G20 Summit, Xi Jinping, the premier of China's capitalist dictatorship, and Joe Biden met in Bali, in the midst of a long series of meetings and summits that China and the US have held. have been working together.

99% of the global left lies to the people of the world by talking about the "end of U.S. hegemony." A lie that was exposed by the reality of the G20 that showed once again that the existence of "two blocs" that confront each other is nothing more than a fantasy invented by Wall Street, a scarecrow to deceive fools.

The Stalinist liars, fakers, and liars, campers, and reformists who support the "Decoupling Theory" were exposed as "beautifiers" of dictatorships and supporters of the most sinister regimes in the world such as those of Xi Jinping, Putin, Maduro, Ortega, Díaz Canel or North Korea.

The so-called "anti-imperialist" Claudia Scheinbaum posing with the murderer of Palestinians and head of global imperialism Joe Biden
The so-called "anti-imperialist" Claudia Scheinbaum posing with the murderer of Palestinians and head of global imperialism Joe Biden

They embellish these dictatorships by saying that they are confronting imperialism. The G20 showed that, as we affirm from Marx International, what exists is "a single bloc", of the exploiters and defenders of capitalism, a world counterrevolutionary front that beyond its contradictions and internal frictions we must confront and defeat. The G20 Summit showed capitalist governments with "neoliberal" discourses such as those of Modi, or Melloni together with governments with "progressive" discourses such as those of Claudia Scheinbaum and the government of MORENA of Mexico, Petro of Colombia or Pedro Sánchez of Spain united to defend capitalism. To read about the world counterrevolutionary front and the "Theory of Decoupling" click here.

Hunger creators call to fight hunger

The G20 created in 1999 is made up of other global organizations that have committed crimes against humanity and scams in defense of capitalism such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), among others. At first it was a second-tier group, but after the collapse of capitalism and its Global Corporations in 2008/09 it was formed as a Summit of Heads of State, displacing the G-8 and the G8+5, to support the immoral bailouts and financial bailouts of the Global Corporations that began in those years and continue to this day.

The G20 was born as a group designed to rescue capitalism, and it continues to have that supreme goal. Today that the capitalist world is heading towards stagflation, a horrific combination of inflation and global recession, capitalist governments with "progressive" and "neoliberal" discourses are uniting to lie to the peoples of the world by telling them that they will form an "Alliance" to end hunger, and hide what is really happening.

Why do IMF and UN officials, along with heads of state such as Emanuel Macron, Joe Biden of the United States, and the United States? Or Xi Jinping of China talk about "fighting hunger"? Because they are terrified of the revolutions, uprisings, insurrections and mobilizations that cross the world in protest of the poverty, oppression, hunger of the imperialist governments. The struggle of the Palestinian people, the strikes of the American and European workers, the revolutions of national liberation such as that of the people of Ukraine, the uprisings such as those in Sri Lanka or the general strike in India have cornered the capitalist governments that have now hypocritically agreed that there is "hunger" in the world. They want to show "empathy" with the demands of the peoples of the world, but most of them cannot take to the streets because they are hated and repudiated. To read about the revolutions sweeping the world click here.

We repudiate the G20 and its false "hunger alliance"

The Alliance Against Hunger policy was presented by Lula, president of Brazil. But Lula is not the creator of this policy, it is a policy that emerged from the Davos Forum, the maximum meeting of the capitalist oligarchy of the 1% that dominates the world. At the 2023 Davos Forum, the document "Global Risks Report 2023" warns about the revolutions that are unfolding and how they question the governments and capitalist regimes of the world. Asthe document puts it: "Growing citizen frustration with the loss of human development and declining social mobility, coupled with a widening gap in values and equality, are posing existential challenges to political systems around the world" (Global Risks Report 2023"). The WEF speaks of capitalist governments, and capitalist regimes, that is, "political systems around the world", can cease to exist, that is, they face "existential challenges".

Hand in hand with "neoliberals" like Melloni and Modi, with "progressives like Biden, Ramaphosa and Lula alongside dictator Xi Jinping, Macron and Sholtz all together supporting capitalism. And the 3rd World War?
Hand in hand with "neoliberals" like Melloni and Modi, with "progressives like Biden, Ramaphosa and Lula alongside dictator Xi Jinping, Macron and Sholtz all together supporting capitalism. And the 3rd World War?

The Davos 2023 document of the "global elite" considers that there are 10 global risks, and among them, the 3 most important are what they call "social erosion due to polarization", a euphemism to avoid the word "revolution". And it proposes to act in coordination between corporations, capitalist governments, and capitalist officials

to face crises and revolutions as the Davos 

document puts it: "In a landscape of complex risks, there must be a better balance between national preparedness and global cooperation. We need to act together to find a way out of cascading crises and collectively prepare for the next global crisis, whatever its form" (Global Risks Report 2023). To read about Davos 2023 click here.

And this is precisely what the G20 is doing when it proposes the "Alliance Against Hunger". It proposes that corporations, capitalist governments, and capitalist officials "act together" in preparation for the "next world crisis." They will surely establish subsidies and social aid to alleviate global poverty, disguise it to contain hunger and poverty and prevent the uprisings of the peoples of the world. They will seek to finance aid with some wealth tax or financial transactions, a whole series of measures that, far from solving hunger and poverty, will only consolidate inequality, aggravate poverty, and deepen the sufferings of millions. Capitalism, in its death throes, no longer has anything to offer millions of people in the world other than crumbs and handouts.

Inequality is not solved with welfare, nor "aid" or subsidies, they are solved by abolishing capitalism. We must fight to establish workers' and people's governments in the imperialist countries, and put an end to the G20 governments. We repudiate that event because it is a clear sign that the time has come to put an end once and for all to this monstrous system that defends the parasites of the richest 1% in the world. The time has come to expropriate the Corporations and put those immense riches at the service of ending hunger, poverty, unemployment, the environmental crisis, and pandemics. From La Marx International we call for an end to capitalism to impose Global Socialism.

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